Thieves guild Organization in Aurasong | World Anvil
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Thieves guild

The thieves guild, has it's roots deep within every large town and city. A secret organisation that focuses on gaining wealth for its members through nefarious means from people that are more well off than them.   Once one managed to get through the trust test and became a member, it is very difficult and even dangerous to leave the guild.   Every town has it's own branch of thieves guild with its own identification marks and secret phrase.


At the head of the guild is the master thief, he makes all the important decisions. Underneath him are the "trusted", they lead the thieves guild of their local towns. Then there are the "accomplished" they are the thieves that have been fully introduced to the guild. And last there are the "trainees", they are the recruits that are new and still have to prove their trustworthiness.
Founding Date
Before written history.
Illicit, Syndicate
Notable Members

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