Mount Celestia

A mountain in contrast to the nine hells. Seven infinite layers of splendor create this mountain of holy and righteous denizens.


The bottom most layer of this plane is Lunia, the Silver Heaven, home to Tyr as it borders the Silver Sea, an endless river with the properties of holy water.    Next up is Mercuria, known as the Golden Heaven, and acts as an armory to the holy warriors and is the home to Bahamut's palace.    Third is Venya, also known as the Pearly Heaven, is a lush land of crops and rolling hills, giving the luster of pearls in its perpetual day.    Higher up is Solania, and with its sky of burnished silver came to be known as the Crystal Heaven. Its valleys are enveloped in a dense fog with strange scents and an abundance of ores are found within its caverns. Moradin calls his home here as he looks over his fort and many mines.    Next is Mertion, with a sky much like Solania, it became known as the Platinum Heaven. The City of Empyrea lays here and acts as the mustering ground for holy and righteous paladins of the mortal plane. It is an endless landscape of citadels.   Sixth is Jovar, or the Glittering Heaven as its hills were studded with gemstones that glitter in its sun. It acts as the treasury for Mount Celestia and a large bridge formed of pure light, the bridge of al-Sihal, awaits atop the top most terrace, guarded by a powerful solar known as Xerona.   Past the bridge of al-Sihal is the top most layer of Mount Celestia, Chonias, the Illuminated Heaven. Its holy lights shown so bright that all evil is said to be burned from those that enter. All mortals who arrive to Mount Celestia wish to reach this peak to become one with their deities and prove their strength and devotion.
Alternative Name(s)
The Seven Heavens, The Radiant Throne
Dimensional plane


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