
The kingdom of the proud Nords. After a war that decimated their lands, the descendants of what was once known as The Wildlands no longer recall their culture fully, as only a few still cling to the strands that they remember.




A kingdom birthed from the nomadic tribes of barbarians, their culture prides strength and freedom above all and actively fight for their right to live peacefully.

Public Agenda

The king has set forth that he plans to rid the Sermaleran grip on Nordgard and succeed where is predecessor failed to even try.


After being formed by the nomadic tribes of barbarians as each clan came under a single banner, they began to build Bael, a city that was meant to be a place where all clans can agree or disagree on the rulings of their chieftains. As time passed, Lyric was formed from the ruins of an ancient Dragonborn city and the tribesman armed themselves with weapons to take the lands of the elves they had been raiding for years. Sermaleran developed, fighting back Nordgard as the northern people only fought to survive in their frozen prison. As time passed, Sermaleran began to take land from Nordgard and kill their people. The clans of Lyric took note of this and struck back at Sermaleran, however, a high chieftain sought out dark forces to help with the defense and Lyric became a desolate place of darkness. With that, the defending Nordgard surrendered to the might of Sermaleran. After years of the Sermal's building cities and incorporating their culture into Nordgard, the Nord's no longer fully remember their own culture.

We Stand as Mountains

Founding Date
2708 BR or 41 AS
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Wildlands
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Economic System
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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