Deceased Gods

The Aur Plane is a dangerous place, and not just for mortals. Even the Gods can fall there.

Grimglob - The great collector. The abominable fey creature known as the Collector was slain when he stole the Phoenix Dragon as part of his plot to claim all of the world for his own.

Sarenrae - The Dawnflower's fall due to a malicious wish made to a powerful entity of the Dark Tapestry is what began the war in the heavens, as the forces loyal to Ragathiel fled, leaving the heavens weakened and open to an assault from Hell. Her return at the hands of adventurers marked the end of the war, as Hell established a small foothold in Heaven and Ragathiel fell - but she returned as the Evening Sun, a Goddess of Vengeance enraged by her abandonment during her death.

Ragathiel - The Lord of Vengeance was the instrument with which the Dawnflower was killed, and fled the forces of Heaven's own retribution against him to Aurea. Although his forces, reinforced with the aid of the gods Nethys, Calistria and his mother Feronia, his own rage was to his downfall. An attempt to aid him, suggested by Nethys, to treat his rage with devil's blood failed badly, and led to his fall and eventual death at the hands of a high ranking adventuring party.

Folca - the Gaunt Stranger attempted to infiltrate Aurea during the war between the heavens. He was killed no less than three times during the battles, once in a cave near the village of Silence, once beneath Rosilia after his obscene vehicle was sent flying by the spell Pants, and once on his manse as he summoned it to the plane. He was destroyed utterly, his 'divine' power abated across the cosmos, and his essence shredded. Only a slightly greasy memory remains.
His worshippers, all three of them, died at the same time as there master, equally horrible.
Seriously. Everyone hated Folca. Screw that guy.

Rahu - The Suneater took an unusual interest in Aurea when some adventurers showed up on her own plane. During the War Between Heaven and Hell she made an appearance, nominally on the side of Hell but entirely following her own agenda, kidnapping a number of people and even managing to kill Astra Badd. Eventually, she was banished back home, but her intrusion was not forgotten.
It's unclear exactly what happened, but it seems the adventurer Solis was able to infiltrate her home and destroy her. Her deific abilities are still in flux, and it's unclear who will inherit her position.

Aroden - It's not commonly known, but the powers of the God of Humanity still function on Aurea, granting his worshippers power. And yet Aroden is dead. This is well known. Exactly how this can be is unclear, but it is so.
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Grimglob the Collector

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