
Augment Grafting
Taking this feat allows you to create and apply grafts of the selected type.
Fleshcraft Grafts.
Demonic Grafts (the demonic implants)
Fungal Grafts (not an option until it has been expanded)
Elemental Grafts (Elemental agementations)
This feat can be taken multiple times, each time you must select a different graft type.

Grafting Slots
  There are new Slots to go with the grafts that are separate from the normal item slots, there are now mouth, vein, vitals and organs. If there is no limit on a slot they can’t have more than three. These are separate slots from magic item slots. Shared with all grafts and implants. You can't have more than one Heart in your vital slot.

Creating a Fleshgraft

Creating a Fleshcraft Graft is a two-step process the first one is the alchemy so it requires alchemical reagents equal to half of the value of the graft being made. Creating a Fleshcraft Graft requires access and use of an appropriate Alchemy Lab. Since this process is alchemical in nature, the grafts will still work in an anti-magic zone, unlike other more magical grafts.
The other half is applying a Fleshcraft Graft to the recipient. To reflect that, it requires you to make a craft (alchemy) check to make the graft and a heal check to graft it on requires an hour-long surgery in which the recipient must be unconscious or helpless.
A Heal Check is required by the surgeon applying the graft.
Regardless of the success the recipient takes 1d4 Constitution damage at the end of the surgery. (This is applied to all of the grafts)   Removing a Fleshcraft Graft (this is applied to all of the grafts)
Requires an hour-long surgery in which the subject must be unconscious or helpless. A Heal Check is required by the surgeon removing the graft.
Regardless of the success the subject takes 1d4 Constitution damage at the end of the surgery.


Fleshcrafting grafts under the new rules.

  Adhesive Slime
Source Potions and Poisons pg. 21
Price 2500gp; Elixir Price 250 gp
Saving Throw DC 10; Slot ; Temporary Duration 1 hour
The subject’s skin secretes a transparent, sticky substance, granting the creature a 15-foot climb speed.
Penalty: The subject takes a –4 penalty to CMD against grapple checks and must use a move action (instead of a free action) to drop a held object.
Creation Requirements
Cost 1,250
Augment Grafting (Fleshcraft), Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks; Craft (alchemy) DC 15, Heal DC 15; Elixir Cost 125 gp

Source Horror Adventures pg. 167, Pathfinder #16: Endless Night pg. 63
Price 22,500 gp; Elixir Price 2,250 gp
Saving Throw DC 20; Slot eyes; Temporary Duration 10 minutes
The subject's eyes are replaced by antennae that sprout from its eye sockets. The creature gains blindsight to a range of 30 feet.
Penalty: The subject is blinded.
Creation Requirements Cost 11,250 gp
Augment Grafting (Fleshcraft), Craft (alchemy) 15 ranks; Craft (alchemy) DC 25, Heal DC 25; Elixir Cost 1,125gp

  Blinding Spittle Glands
Source Horror Adventures pg. 167, Pathfinder #16: Endless Night pg. 63
Price 6,400 gp; Elixir Price 640 gp
Saving Throw DC 13; Slot mouth; Temporary Duration 1 hour
The subject produces viscous black spittle that can temporarily blind creatures within 30 feet. If the subject succeeds at a ranged touch attack with this spittle, it blinds the target for 1d4 rounds. The subject can use this ability three times per day.
Penalty: The subject cannot speak or cast spells, use a command word or spell-completion magic items, or cast spells with verbal components. Creation Requirements
Cost 3,200 gp
Augment Grafting (Fleshcraft), Craft (alchemy) 8 ranks; Craft (alchemy) DC 18, Heal DC 18; Elixir Cost 320 gp

  Burrowing Claws
Source Horror Adventures pg. 167, Pathfinder #16: Endless Night pg. 63
Price 10,000 gp; Elixir Price 1,000gp
Saving Throw DC 15; Slot hands; Temporary Duration 1 hour
The subject’s hands are replaced with hooked, clawed appendages. A Medium creature can use the claws as natural weapons that deal 1d6 points of slashing damage (1d4 points if Small). The claws grant the subject a burrow speed of 5 feet.
Penalty: The subject has a hard time wielding manufactured weapons and performing precision-based tasks involving hands (such as opening locks). Attacks with such weapons and skill checks and ability checks for such tasks take a –2 penalty.
Creation Requirements
Cost 5,000 gp
Augment Grafting (Fleshcraft) , Craft (alchemy) 10 ranks; Craft (alchemy)DC 20, Heal DC 20; Elixir Cost 500gp

  Camouflage Flesh
Source Horror Adventures pg. 167
Price 16,900 gp; Elixir Price 1,690 gp
Saving Throw DC 18; Slot body; Temporary Duration 1 hour
A glaze of strange, malleable skin wraps around the subject, granting it the ability to use Stealth in any natural terrain, whether or not it has cover or concealment.
Penalty: The subject takes a –4 penalty on Perception checks.
Creation Requirements
Cost 8,450 gp
Augment Grafting (Fleshcraft), Craft (alchemy) 13 ranks; Craft (alchemy) DC 23, Heal DC 23; Elixir Cost 845gp

  Cerebral Husk
Source Horror Adventures pg. 167
Price 14,400 gp; Elixir Price 1,440gp
Saving Throw DC 17; Slot headband; Temporary Duration 24 hours
A cerebral husk forms on the back of the subject’s head, burrowing synaptic fibers into the base of the skull. Once per day, when the subject fails a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, it can shunt the effect into the cerebral husk. While the subject is not affected by that mind-affecting effect, it causes the husk to spasm, dealing 1d6 points of Constitution damage that the subject can recover from only by resting.
Penalty: The subject takes a –2 penalty on Intelligence-based checks.
Creation Requirements
Cost 7,200 gp
Augment Grafting (Fleshcraft), Craft (alchemy) 12 ranks; Craft (alchemy) DC 22, Heal DC 22; Elixir Cost 720 gp

  Claw Gauntlet Source Horror Adventures pg. 168
Price 32,000 gp; Elixir Price 1,600 gp
Saving Throw DC 20; Slot hand; Temporary Duration 1 hour
The subject’s hands are replaced with clawed appendages that can be used as natural weapons that a Medium creature can use to deal 1d8 points of slashing damage (1d6 points if Small). The subject gains a +4 competence bonus on grapple combat manoeuvre checks with the gauntlet.
Penalty: The subject can’t use the clawed hand to wield a weapon or manipulate objects. It takes a –4 penalty when performing precision-based tasks involving hands (such as opening locks) if attempting to do so with one hand.
Creation Requirements
Cost 16,000 gp
Augment Grafting (Fleshcraft), Craft (alchemy) 13 ranks; Craft (alchemy) DC 23, Heal DC 23; Elixir Cost 800 gp

  Darksight Eyes
Source Horror Adventures pg. 168
Price 2500 gp; Elixir Price 250 gp
Saving Throw DC 10; Slot eyes; Temporary Duration 24 hours
Bulging eyes cover the subject’s own, augmenting the existing organs. Fibrous nerve tissue grafts to the eyes, fusing them in place and linking the subject’s vision to these new, bulbous appendages. The subject gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Penalty: The subject gains light blindness (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 301).
Creation Requirements
Cost 1250 gp
Augment Grafting (Fleshcraft), Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks; Craft (alchemy) 15, Heal DC 15; Elixir Cost 125 gp

  Grasping Tendril
Source Horror Adventures pg. 168
Price 12,100 gp; Elixir Price 1,210 gp
Saving Throw DC 16; Slot see below; Temporary Duration 1 hour
The subject gains a grasping tendril. If grafted as a replacement for a lost arm, this tendril functions as an arm, and if it isn’t holding anything, a Medium creature can use the tendril as a secondary natural attack dealing 1d4 points of damage. If grafted elsewhere on the body (using the chest slot), the tendril can retrieve stowed objects on the subject’s person and deliver them to an empty hand as a swift action, but cannot hold, use, or otherwise wield items. If the subject has no empty hand when the tendril retrieves a stowed item, the item harmlessly drops into the subject’s space. A fleshcraft elixir granting a grasping tendril always transforms an arm, granting the first benefit.
Penalty: If the tendril replaces an arm, the subject has a hard time wielding manufactured weapons and performing precision-based tasks involving hands (such as opening locks). Attacks with such weapons and skill or ability checks for such tasks take a –2 penalty. There is no penalty if the tendril is grafted elsewhere.
Creation Requirements
Cost 6,050 gp
Augment Grafting (Fleshcraft), Craft (alchemy) 11 ranks; Craft (alchemy) DC 21, Heal DC 21; Elixir Cost 605 gp

  Poison Fangs
Source Horror Adventures pg. 168, Pathfinder #16: Endless Night pg. 63
Price 12,100 gp; Elixir Price 1,210 gp
Saving Throw DC 16; Slot head; Temporary Duration 10 minutes
The subject’s teeth are replaced by strange, crooked fangs. A Medium creature gains a bite natural attack that deals 1d4 points of damage (1d3 points if Small). Three times per day, the subject can envenom the fangs as a free action before making the bite attack; the bite deals its normal damage plus poison (Fortitude DC = 15 + the subject’s Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 3 rounds; effect 1d3 Str; cure 1 save). If the attack misses, the poison is wasted. The subject is immune to its own poison, but not other poisons (including the poisons of other creatures with poison fangs).
Penalty: The subject takes a –2 penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks except Intimidate checks.
Creation Requirements
Cost 6,050 gp
Augment Grafting (Fleshcraft), Craft (alchemy) 11 ranks; Craft (alchemy) DC 21, Heal DC 21; Elixir Cost 605 gp

  Retractable Spines
Source Horror Adventures pg. 168, Pathfinder #16: Endless Night pg. 63
Price 10,000 gp; Elixir Price 1000 gp
Saving Throw DC 15; Slot wrists; Temporary Duration 1 hour
Serrated, reptilian spines run along portions of the subject’s arms. As a standard action, the subject can extend or retract a spine in one or both of its forearms. A Medium creature can use these spines as natural weapons that deal 1d6 points of piercing damage (1d4 points if Small), though as with claws, an attack with the spines uses the corresponding hand. The subject also gains a +2 competence bonus on grapple combat manoeuvre checks when both spines are extended.
Penalty: The subject has a hard time wielding manufactured weapons and performing precision-based tasks involving hands (such as opening locks) while the spines are extended. Attacks with such weapons and skill or ability checks for such tasks take a –2 penalty. If the subject gains this penalty because of a failed saving throw after drinking a fleshcraft elixir, the skin of its arms calcifies and it takes this penalty for the entire duration, even though it does not gain the use of the spines.
Creation Requirements
Cost 5,000 gp
Augment Grafting (Fleshcraft), Craft (alchemy) 10 ranks; Craft (alchemy) DC20 Heal DC 20; Elixir Cost 500 gp

  Ring of Eyes
Source Potions and Poisons pg. 21
Price 6,400 gp; Elixir Price 640 gp
Saving Throw DC 13; Slot head ; Temporary Duration 10 minutes
Numerous malformed eyes grow on the subject’s head. The creature gains all-around vision and can’t be flanked.
Penalty: The subject is overwhelmed by sensory information, leaving it dazzled for the duration.
Creation Requirements
Cost 3,200 gp
Augment Grafting (Fleshcraft), Craft (alchemy) 8 ranks; Craft (alchemy) DC 18, Heal DC 18; Elixir Cost 320 gp

  Shark Gills
Source Horror Adventures pg. 168
Price 2,500 gp; Elixir Price 250gp
Saving Throw DC 10; Slot neck; Temporary Duration 1 hour
The gills and some of the glands of a shark are grafted to the subject’s neck and into its lungs, changing the way its respiratory system works. While it benefits from this fleshcraft, the subject can breathe water.
Penalty: The subject can no longer breathe air.
Creation Requirements
Cost 1,250 gp
Augment Grafting (Fleshcraft), Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks; Craft (alchemy) DC 15, Heal DC 15; Elixir Cost 125 gp

  Stinging Tail
Source Horror Adventures pg. 169, Pathfinder #16: Endless Night pg. 63
Price 12,100 gp; Elixir Price 1,210 gp
Saving Throw DC 16; Slot belt; Temporary Duration 10 minutes
The subject gains a large scorpion-like tail that sprouts from its lower back. A Medium creature can use its fleshwarped stinger as a natural weapon that deals 1d6 points of piercing damage (1d4 points if Small). Three times per day, the subject can envenom the stinger as a free action before making the attack; the stinger deals its normal damage plus poison (Fortitude DC = 15 + the subject’s Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d4 Dex; cure 1 save). If the attack misses, the poison is wasted. The subject is immune to its own poison, but not other poisons (including the poisons of other creatures with stinging tails).
Penalty: The subject takes a penalty of –5 feet to its land speed and a –2 penalty on Acrobatics checks.
Creation Requirements
Cost 6,050 gp
Augment Grafting (Fleshcraft), Craft (alchemy) 11 ranks; Craft (alchemy) DC 21, Heal DC 21; Elixir Cost 650 gp

  Webbed Appendages
Source Potions and Poisons pg. 21
Price 900 gp; Elixir Price 90 gp
Saving Throw DC 8; Slot hand ; Temporary Duration 1 hour
Membranes of skin grow between the subject’s fingers and toes and stretch between its appendages and body, granting the creature a 20-foot swim speed.
Penalty: The subject has difficulty holding items and takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls with held weapons.
Creation Requirements
Cost 450 gp
Augment Grafting (Fleshcraft), Craft (alchemy) 3 ranks; Craft (alchemy) DC 13, Heal DC 13; Elixir Cost 45 gp

  Wings of Darkness
Source Horror Adventures pg. 169
Price 6,400 gp; Elixir Price 640 gp
Saving Throw DC 20; Slot shoulders; Temporary Duration 10 minutes
The subject gains leathery, batlike wings on its back, granting it a fly speed of 60 feet (with an average manoeuvrability) as well as a +5 competence bonus on Fly checks.
Penalty: The subject takes a –2 penalty on all Dexterity-based skill checks and ability checks except Fly checks.
Creation Requirements
Cost 3,200 gp
Augment Grafting (Fleshcraft), Craft (alchemy) 8 ranks; Craft (alchemy) DC 18, Heal DC 18; Elixir Cost 320 gp

  For Demon implants and elemental infusions and nercografts they all get the surgery con damage and rules as well as the rules for removal like the fleshcrafting graft. Demon implants and elemental infusions are magical in nature so if put into an anti-magic zone they stop working while Nercografts stop working and are rejected by the body, falling off or out of the attached flesh.

Demonic Implants

  Baleful Eye
Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 72
Aura faint transmutation [evil]; CL 5th
Slot eyes;
Price 7,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This engorged, discolored orb can only be implanted after plucking out the recipient’s own eye, causing blindness and making the recipient permanently dazzled until the baleful eye is implanted. While engrafted, the recipient can use the baleful eye to cast charm person (DC 11), doom (DC 11), and see invisibility once per day each as spell-like abilities. In addition, the grafted creature gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against effects that cause blindness or dazzling, or against illusions that depend on sight.
Construction Requirements Augment Grafting (Demonic Grafts), blindness/deafness, charm person, doom, see invisibility; Cost 3,500 gp

  Brazen Hooves
Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 72
Aura strong transmutation [evil]; CL 15th
Slot feet; Price 15,000 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
These hooves cast from Abyssal bronze can be affixed to the stump of a creature’s severed leg or foot, causing the leg to regrow (or transform) into a shaggy, black-furred goat leg ending in a cloven hoof of burning brass. If the leg or foot is not already severed, it can be hacked off, dealing 1d6 points of Constitution damage and 1d6 points of bleed damage. Applying the still-glowing bronze hoof, hot from the forgefire, cauterizes the stump and ends the bleed damage, and the transformation of the leg takes 1 minute. Once complete, the recipient can make one hoof attack per round as a secondary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of damage if it’s a Medium creature or 1d3 points of damage if it’s a Small creature, plus 1d6 points of fire damage. The brazen hoof leaves a scorch mark whenever the recipient walks on any surface with hardness 5 or less, but it does not set surfaces on fire.
If a creature has a pair of brazen hooves grafted, it gains the trample special attack, dealing 1d6 points of fire damage in addition to normal trample damage.
Requirements Augment Grafting (Demonic Grafts), bull’s strength, wall of fire; Cost 7,500 gp

  Crown of Horns
Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 72
Aura strong transmutation [chaotic, evil]; CL 15th
Slot headband; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
These curled, spiral, or hooked horns must be affixed to holes drilled into the bare skull of the recipient, who must be not only shaved but also scalped to allow the crown of horns to take root—this deals 1d4 points each of Charisma and Intelligence damage to the recipient. Once the crown has been implanted, the recipient gains a gore attack as a secondary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of damage if it’s a Medium creature, or 1d3 if it’s a Small creature. This gore attack deals double damage on a charge attack. The crown of horns is considered a chaotic and evil weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. In addition, when the recipient confirms a critical hit against a good-aligned target with the crown of horns, that creature is infused with the disruptive power of chaos; until the end of its next turn, whenever the target would roll a d20, it must roll twice and take the less favorable result.
Requirements Augment Grafting (Demonic Grafts), beast shape II, protection from law; Cost 10,000 gp

  Demon Heart
Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 73
Aura strong abjuration [chaotic, evil]; CL 13th
Slot vitals; Price 6,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This pulsating lump of reddish-black muscle can be implanted only if the recipient’s own heart is first removed—removing the recipient’s heart deals 2d4 points of Constitution damage and 1 point of Constitution bleed to the recipient, and at the beginning of its next turn, the recipient is reduced to –1 hit points and begins dying. Implanting the demon heart requires a successful DC 20 Heal check made as a full-round action, and causes it to graft itself into the recipient’s chest and halt the Constitution bleed. Once in place, the demon heart pumps with unrighteous might—the recipient gains a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against fear effects. In addition, if the recipient is suffering a bleed effect, as a full-round action it can cause the demon heart to flood its bloodstream with tainted ichor, ending the bleed effect but causing it to become nauseated for 1 round.
Requirements Augment Grafting (Demonic Grafts), remove fear, stabilize; Cost 3,000 gp

  Demon Senses
Source Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos pg. 44
Aura strong conjuration [evil]; CL 15th
Slot mouth or eyes; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This implant appears as a demonic eye, tongue, finger, ear, or nose floating in a small jar of transparent fluid. In order to gain the benefit of this implant, the contents of the jar—thick fluid, body part, and all—must be consumed as a full-round action. This immediately grants a permanent +8 racial bonus on all Perception checks (note that as a racial bonus, this die not stack with any other racial bonuses a creature might already possess). After gaining this bonus, the part of the creature’s body corresponding to the body part eaten changes to match the eaten part—eyes might become red, ears might grow long and pointed, a tongue might become forked, and so on.
Requirements Augment Grafting (Demonic Grafts), limited wish, regenerate; Cost 10,000 gp

  Demon Talon
Source Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos pg. 44
Aura strong conjuration [evil]; CL 15th
Slot hands; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
A demon talon must be held against the raw flesh of a fresh stump—preparing a creature by severing an existing hand causes 1d6 points of Constitution damage, but preparing a preexisting stump by cutting the flesh free at the end causes no significant damage. Once attached, the demon talon fuses with the stump, granting the creature a claw attack as appropriate for a creature one size category larger than the target’s actual size. The claw is shaped like a human hand (fingers and a thumb), but looks obviously demonic (scales, strange coloration, long nails, and so on), and is fully capable of wielding weapons or performing any other feat a human hand can perform.
Requirements Augment Grafting (Demonic Grafts), limited wish, regenerate; Cost 10,000 gp

  Demon Tongue
Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 73
Aura moderate transmutation [chaotic, evil]; CL 10th
Slot mouth; Price 10,000 gp; Weight —
This puckered black tongue replaces the recipient’s original tongue, which must be cut out beforehand. Removing the recipient’s tongue deals 2d6 points of damage to the recipient and prevents it from speaking until the demon tongue is implanted. Once attached, a demon tongue grants the recipient a +4 profane bonus on Bluff checks used to verbally lie or deceive. A demon tongue also grants its recipient a portion of a demon’s immunity to poison. A creature with a demon tongue implanted gains a +4 bonus on saving throws made to resist an ingested poison. In addition, the creature can detect the presence of an ingested poison in anything it eats or drinks as the detect poison spell.
Requirements Augment Grafting (Demonic Grafts), detect poison, eagle’s splendor; Cost 5,000 gp

  Demonhide Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 73
Aura moderate transmutation [evil]; CL 10th
Slot body; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 10 lbs.
This rough, leathery hide is peeled from the body of a demon in strips—it may be scaly, warty, scabrous, or even covered in rank, greasy fur or feathers. To be grafted with demonhide, the recipient must first have its own skin flayed off, taking 1d4 points each of Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma damage in the process. Once grafted, demonhide grants the wearer a +1 natural armor bonus to Armor Class and resistance 5 to electricity. In addition, the recipient is immune to contact poison and gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against poisons delivered by injury (including those delivered by a touch attack).
Requirements Augment Grafting (Demonic Grafts), barkskin, delay poison, resist energy; Cost 10,000 gp

  Splintered Mind
Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 73
Aura moderate abjuration [chaotic, evil]; CL 10th
Slot head; Price 16,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
This lumpy gray and green slurry, made from the pureed brains of a dozen dretches, must be consumed as a full-round action in order to take effect, as this demonic cocktail invades and infuses the recipient’s central nervous system, forming a mantle around every lobe, chiasm, and node of the recipient’s brain. This mantle splinters the recipient’s consciousness into dissociated and disorganized fragments linked only by this cortical mantle, making it more difficult for the recipient’s mind to be compromised by outside influences.
The splintered mind grants the recipient a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects. Also, if the recipient is affected by any effect that is neither instantaneous nor permanent, it can attempt a new saving throw each round at the end of its turn to end the effect. The splintering of the recipient’s mind is not without risk, nor is it a universal protection, as its benefits do not apply against effects that cause confusion or insanity. In addition, the recipient’s disorganized thoughts impose a –2 penalty on initiative checks.
Requirements Augment Grafting (Demonic Grafts), confusion, misdirection; Cost 8,000 gp

  Wicked Wings
Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 74
Aura moderate transmutation [evil]; CL 7th
Slot shoulder; Price 55,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
These ragged wings may be birdlike with moldy feathers, or tattered and membranous like the wings of a bat. The recipient’s shoulder blades and collarbones must be broken in order to attach the wicked wings—breaking them deals 2d4 points of Strength and Dexterity damage to the recipient and renders both arms useless until the ability damage heals. The recipient gains a fly speed equal to its normal land speed with average maneuverability. In addition, when not flying a creature with wicked wings is considered to have Deflect Arrows as a bonus feat.
Construction Requirements Augment Grafting (Demonic Grafts), beast shape I; Cost 27,500 gp

Elemental Augmentations

Blazing Eyes
Source Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 24
Aura strong transmutation; CL 13th
Slot Eyes; Price 42,000 gp; Weight —
The recipient’s eyes are blazing orbs of fire. The recipient can cast spells with the fire descriptor as if they were modified by the Silent Spell and Still Spell feats. This does not increase their level or casting time. The recipient cannot use this ability if she is blinded or if her eyes are closed. The recipient’s eyes shed light like a candle; this light cannot be concealed unless the recipient closes or covers her eyes. The recipient cannot benefit from darkvision from any source, even a racial trait or class feature.
This elemental augmentation cannot be applied to a creature without eyes.
Construction Requirements Augment Grafting (Elemental Grafts), Silent Spell, Still Spell, faerie fire or scorching ray, creator must have 13 ranks in Knowledge (planes Cost 21,000 gp

  Blazing Hand
Source Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 24
Aura moderate evocation; CL 10th
Slot hands; Price 16,000 gp; Weight —
The recipient’s arm and hand burn with an unquenchable flame. The recipient deals 1d6 points of fire damage with unarmed attacks made with the blazing hand (and, if the recipient has one, with any claw attack made with this hand). The recipient deals 2d6 points of fire damage per round to any creature she grapples. The blazing hand sheds light like a torch. If the hand remains in contact with a flammable object for 1 full round, it deals 1d6 points of fire damage to the object.
The recipient must have an arm (or armlike appendage) to receive this elemental augmentation.
Requirements Augment Grafting (Elemental Grafts), fireball or flame strike, creator must have 10 ranks in Knowledge (planes Cost 8,000 gp

  Hoarfrost Bones
Source Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 25
Aura strong transmutations; CL 13th
Slot Body; Price 85,000 gp; Weight —
The recipient’s bones are frozen with elemental rime. She gains fast healing 1 in cold weather (below 40° Fahrenheit) or when submerged at least knee-deep in water, and she gains a +1 bonus to her caster level when casting spells with the cold descriptor.
The recipient cannot heal naturally, regardless of the surrounding climate, other than the fast healing provided by the hoarfrost bones, although she can still benefit from magical healing as normal. Additionally, the recipient gains vulnerability to sonic damage.
The recipient must have a skeletal structure to receive this elemental augmentation.
Requirements Augment Grafting (Elemental Grafts), ice body, simulacrum, creator must have 13 ranks in Knowledge (planes Cost 42,500 gp

  Quicksilver Blood
Source Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 25
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot Vein; Price 62,000 gp; Weight —
The recipient’s blood is infused with liquid metal that is magically bound to the recipient’s system. When the recipient bleeds, the metal clings to itself and turns a bright silver color. The recipient automatically stabilizes when at negative hit points and is immune to continuous damage from bleed attacks (including weapons with the wounding special ability) and ability damage from blood drain. The recipient is considered a ferrous creature for the purposes of spells and effects such as rusting grasp and a rust monster’s attack.
This elemental augmentation cannot be applied to a creature without blood.
Requirements Augment Grafting (Elemental Grafts), adhesive blood, lesser restoration, creator must have 9 ranks in Knowledge (planes Cost 31,000 gp

  Smoldering Blood
Source Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 25
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 7th
Slot Vein; Price 8,000 gp; Weight —
The recipient’s blood is infused with elemental fire. Anyone within 5 feet of the recipient who strikes him with a piercing or slashing weapon takes 1d6 points of fire damage from the recipient’s molten blood. The recipient suffers no harm from hot and cold environments as per endure elements, but he takes a –4 penalty on saving throws against effects that cause fatigue or exhaustion.
This elemental augmentation cannot be applied to a creature without blood.
Requirements Augment Grafting (Elemental Grafts), endure elements, fire shield, creator must have 7 ranks in Knowledge (planes Cost 4,000 gp

  Vaporous Lungs
Source Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 25
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 7th
Slot organ; Price 10,800 gp; Weight —
The recipient’s lungs are imbued with tiny pockets that contain elemental air, and his mouth and nose constantly leak thin trails of mist or smoke. Once per day as a standard action, the user can inhale all nonmagical cloud and fog effects within a 20-foot radius, negating their effects. Mundane clouds and fogs in this area are automatically removed when the user inhales. Although prevailing weather conditions may refill the area over time, they rarely do so immediately. The recipient also removes any magical cloud or fog spells in the area, so long as the spell’s entire area is within 20 feet of the recipient, though he must succeed at a dispel check (and thus roll 1d20+7) against each spell (DC = 11 + the caster level of the spell). Any cloud or fog effect that provides a penalty or deals damage (such as acid fog) does not harm the recipient when inhaled. The effect’s normal duration continues while it is inhaled, and if the duration of the effect expires while inhaled, the effect dissipates inside the recipient’s lungs.
The recipient must hold his breath to contain the inhaled vapors. Inhaled vapors are expelled, centered on the recipient, when the recipient can no longer hold his breath, when he ceases holding his breath as a free action, or when the effect of vaporous lungs is suppressed or dispelled.
This elemental augmentation cannot be applied to a creature that does not breathe.
Requirements Augment Grafting (Elemental Grafts), gust of wind, creator must have 7 ranks in Knowledge (planes Cost 5,400 gp

  Whirlpool Maw
Source Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 25
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 7th
Slot mouth; Price 19,000 gp; Weight —
The user’s mouth and throat are linked to an extradimensional whirlpool of water. As a full-round action, the user can swallow an adjacent unattended object up to 10 cubic feet in size. The swallowed object causes no damage to the user and has no weight; while it is swallowed, the object is stored within a nondimensional space similar to that of a bag of holding. The user can spend a full-round action to retrieve the object, which is unharmed except for being waterlogged. The recipient can store only one item at a time in his maw. If the whirlpool maw’s effect is suppressed or dispelled, the stored item appears instantly. The recipient constantly dribbles water when his mouth is open and halves the duration he can normally hold his breath.
This elemental augmentation cannot be applied to a creature without a mouth.
Requirements Augment Grafting (Elemental Grafts), aqueous orb, shrink item, creator must have 7 ranks in Knowledge (planes Cost 9,500 gp


Source Black Markets pg. 15
Aura moderate necromancy and transmutation; CL 9th
Slot organ ; Price 16,000 gp; Weight —
Description A ghoulgut consists of a ghoul’s stomach, gallbladder, and liver implanted in the host’s torso, resulting in a potent resistance to disease, but also a hunger for flesh. Once per day, the necrograft host can charge her second stomach by feeding on at least 1 pound of raw meat (doing so provides no nutritional value). This charge lasts for 24 hours. While charged, a ghoulgut grants the host a +4 enhancement bonus on saving throws against disease and poison. As a swift or immediate action, the host can expend her stomach’s charge to reroll a failed Fortitude saving throw.
Requirements Augment Grafting (Necrografts), create undead, undead anatomy IIUM, creator must have 8 ranks in Heal; Cost 8,000 gp

  Gravespawn Gland
Source Black Markets pg. 15
Aura moderate necromancy; CL 11th
Slot Head ; Price 6,200 gp; Weight —
A gravespawn gland is a piece of zombie brain implanted in the host’s skull. When the command word (which is often kept secret by its creator) is spoken within 60 feet of the host, the gravespawn gland releases a surge of necromantic power, dealing 4d6 points of negative energy damage to the host. The host must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + the damage dealt) or be instantly slain. Creatures killed in this manner cannot be revived by breath of life or raise dead. A creature killed by a gravespawn gland rises 1 round later as a mindless zombie.
A gravespawn gland is rarely implanted willingly. Unlike with most necrografts, implanting this organ requires a successful DC 25 Heal check by the necrograft surgeon, not a successful Fortitude save by the recipient. Removing an implanted gravespawn gland requires a successful DC 25 Heal check; if this check is failed by more than 5, the gravespawn gland detonates inside the host.
Requirements Augment Grafting (Necrografts), animate dead, inflict critical wounds, creator must have 11 ranks in Heal; Cost 3,100 gp

  Necrograft Arm
Source Black Markets pg. 15
Aura strong necromancy and transmutation; CL 13th
Slot Hand; Price 12,000 gp; Weight —
An arm of undead flesh allows its host to lift up to 1-1/2 times his maximum load over his head. A humanoid with two necrograft arms can lift up to twice his maximum load over his head. Each necrograft arm also provides its host with a natural slam attack (replacing any natural attacks that limb may have once had) that deals 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage (1d3 for Small creatures) as a secondary attack. If a host attacks with only slam attacks in a round, the slams are instead considered primary attacks. A necrograft arm is clumsy, imposing a cumulative –2 circumstance penalty on all Craft, Disable Device, and Sleight of Hand checks per limb replaced, as well as on relevant Perform checks (such as for stringed instruments and wind instruments).
Requirements Augment Grafting (Necrografts), animate dead, regenerate, creator must have 8 ranks in Heal; Cost 6,000 gp

  Necrograft Leg
Source Black Markets pg. 15
Aura strong necromancy and transmutation; CL 13th
Slot Foot; Price 6,400 gp; Weight —
A single necrograft leg allows its host to travel overland for 1-1/2 times longer than normal before needing to attempt Constitution checks to continue running or to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march. A humanoid with two necrograft legs can travel overland twice as longer than normal before needing to attempt these same checks. In addition, each necrograft leg grants its host a +2 bonus to CMD against bull rush and overrun attempts and provides a 50% chance to ignore caltrops.
Requirements Augment Grafting (Necrografts), animate dead, regenerate, creator must have 8 ranks in Heal; Cost 3,200 gp

Source Black Markets pg. 15
Aura faint abjuration and necromancy; CL 5th
Slot Body ; Price 20,000 gp; Weight —
This necrograft weaves strips of rotted skin across the bearer’s body in a grisly process of scarification. The dense, undead hide provides a +2 enhancement bonus to its host’s natural armor bonus, and causes undead creatures to perceive the host as one of their own—skeletons, zombies, and other mindless undead ignore a character implanted with sallowflesh unless attacked first. Intelligent undead may also be fooled by this effect, but can recognize the host as a living creature with a successful DC 11 Will save; on a failed save, the undead assumes the host to be another intelligent undead. Undead attacked by the host, or that witness the host channel positive energy, can immediately see through this effect. Sallowflesh has no effect on living creatures’ perceptions.
Requirements Augment Grafting (Necrografts), animate dead, hide from undead, creator must have 5 ranks in Heal; Cost 10,000 gp

  Strangler's Tongue
Source Black Markets pg. 15
Aura faint enchantment and necromancy; CL 5th
Slot mouth; Price 36,000 gp; Weight —
Extracted from a mohrg, this ropy, claw-tipped tongue is implanted into a recipient’s mouth or throat. A strangler’s tongue lacks the strength to grasp or hold items, but the host can lash out with the tongue as a standard action as a melee touch attack. A humanoid hit by the strangler’s tongue is paralyzed for 1d4 minutes (Will DC 15 negates).
Requirements Augment Grafting (Necrografts), create undead, hold person, creator must have 5 ranks in Heal; Cost 18,000 gp

Articles under Grafting