Smoke moss

Written by FirethornDragon

If you see pink, your already dead

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

The moss releases green smoke during the months it reproduces. The green smoke carries around tiny seeds caught up in the wind. Invisible to human eyes. It usually emits smoke at most during the rainy seasons. Because the moss needs the wet soil and wet surfaces of the water to grow and cling to. When it releases the green smoke, Jahix usually picks the moss.     Because then even they can eat it after they dry the moss. It is a rare delicacy. They pick out the seeds and spread them around their territory, during the reproducing seasons, in the hope the moss scares off enemies, and dangerous animals and keeps other clans away from their borders.

Growth Rate & Stages

Smoke moss grows quite quickly if it has the right conditions. The fastest it has grown to its full length is three days.

Ecology and Habitats

Smoke moss prefers foggy places, preferably damp places. Somewhere near wetlands and usually covers several meters of land. It rarely grows on trees and stones. It prefers marshes and sometimes swamps. During rainy seasons when it does not reproduce, you can see all the glows of smoke stuck in the fog like the Northern Lights. Namagurhoq builds its nests near the Smoke moss. And is one of the few animals that cope with and is adapted to eat the plant. Snakes also tend to nest in the moss and eat the animals that have fallen victim to the poison of the moss.

Biological Cycle

The moss hibernates for three months every year. That changes every year depending on when the rainy season was at its peak. If it has been raining a lot that year, the moss probably never ended up hibernating. If it has not been raining much that year, then the moss can emit a silvery smoke that many may misinterpret as white. The silvery smoke means that the moss is dying and needs water and will die if you take it from its environment. Unless you are a knowledgeable healer and know how to safely remove the moss and store it, you should never pick it up when it is dying.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Smoke moss is rarely used in medicine and potions due to its explosive nature and the very difficult handling of the plant itself. The moss is widely used in Jahix festivals. Like during the show of their war dances, for hunting, and the moss smoke in lanterns to light up the sky during funerals and to honor their ancestors. When someone has died, they use the moss's pink, silvery and white colors. When they honor their ancestors, they use the moss's green, white, and purple colors.     The moss is also used in lanterns out at sea. The smoke creates a colorful light when you mix it with firestone. The light lasts longer than normal light and you can use the smoke to send signals out over the sea. Smoke moss is also used for painting, by pushing the liquid out of the moss itself you can get a lot of different colors. Smoke moss smoke can also be used to make poison arrows but it is a secret only Jahix knows about.     It is also used to track Namagurhoq_EN. A bird is known for its Northern Light-like wings, in pink, purple and blue, and its ability to make your deepest desires come true. At least according to the Jahix's own myths and legends.     Smugglers sell smoke moss for a lot of money on the black market. But only desperate people buy Smoke moss from the black market. You should never buy smoke moss from someone who is not knowledgeable in how to handle it. It also applies to healers, and potion makers and to making paint of the moss's liquid.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Smoke moss is used in many parts of Aurin but mostly in the Jahix countries and some parts of the Crehe countries. Especially down in Ilrny, Ilvoy. And it's used by smugglers and sold on the black market down in Gigazia and Dead Man's Port.

Average Intelligence

The moss is very intelligent. It senses dangers through the vibrations in the ground and when someone gets too close to their area. They are also said to be able to hear, but that is not true. The moss senses the vibrations in the ground, and in the water and determines whether it sees you as a threat or not.     The moss is very sensitive to the touch and can sense if you're more than one person coming towards it. If It sees you as a danger or as threatening it will first warn you before it kills you with its smoke. It is said that the Smoke moss can feel people's energy the way a Melend (magician) can feel magic. The moss relies heavily on the fog that surrounds it for protection. The moss also relies heavily on its ability to sense people's intentions through the person's energy.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Smoke moss releases its smoke depending on how it perceives the danger around it. Red is warning from the moss not to get any closer. Blue is to sedate the creature or person stupid enough to try to take the moss by force. Purple is poison and can paralyze someone regardless of size for no more than five hours. Yellow means it doesn't see you as a threat. And when it releases its gray smoke, you've managed to make the moss explode. Something it only does after you ignored its red smoke.     When the moss explodes, many have described it as seeing a Phoenix catch fire. If you see the moss emitting white smoke then you are safe. The white smoke means that the moss is in hibernation. That's usually when Melends (magicians) pick the plant. Silvery smoke means that the moss is dying and in need of water. And should never be picked then - unless you are knowledgeable about how to pick the moss. If you see pink, you're already dead.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

In Jahix culture, smoke moss is used a lot. It is used to catch and hunt the bird Namagurhoq_EN, to keep enemies and other clans away, at their funerals, and to honor their ancestors. Even at festivals and war dances. They have been using the moss for centuries and have the most knowledge about how the moss works. Some clans test the moss on outsiders to see if they survive or not. It's a test for them to see if they can trust you or not.

Common Taboos

In Jahix culture, it is taboo to pick Smoke moss when it emits its silver smoke because it means that the moss is dying. You should also never pick Smoke moss when it is dying because if you are not knowledgeable in how to do it, you can get the death penalty. They don't like smugglers who try to steal the moss and sell it on the black market. If they see you trying to steal the moss, you are lucky if you get away alive.

Long Xae and Ogyon
1000 years
Average Height
3-8 cm
Average Length
1-4,5 meter
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The moss has a dark green color, almost black. It makes it blend in well with its surroundings.     You have to look for its smoke to make sure you pick the right thing. Otherwise, you can come back with anything.     After all, the moss hides in dark marshes and sometimes inside swamps.
Related Myths

If you do not handle it right, it could be the last thing you ever do.
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Cover image: Landskap 3 by Charlotte.S


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