Duchy of Tergund Organization in Aurmera | World Anvil
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Duchy of Tergund

The Realm  
The Provinces
--While the best way to see these provinces will be the interactive map, below is a map with broad descriptions of the type of governments that exist in the provinces
For information on Tergundian Geography, see Geography of Tergund 
-- For specific names of each province, go to the maps page, click the book in the bottom right hand corner, and follow the links and instructions to the interactive map. The flat maps provided do not include province names and the only way to hover over each one and see the names/types of local goverment is the interative map located off site.
Red- Capital Burg
The eastern-most province in Tergund is home to the access to the Aurmeran Road, access to the Aeonsplit River, and the Capital of Thundercliffe. The capital is by far the largest city in the Dwarven realm, and if the headquarters of the various guilds that control the import, export, and transport of Dwarven mineral products. The Duke of the Dwarves is seated at Thudercliff, and also holds the title of Lord of the East Burg, keeping watch over the only river route into Tergund as well as the border with the Ofenlander Hordes. While economic, military, and political power is concentrated in the east, the Duke's have not traditionally used this might to subjegate the other two Dwarven Burgs. Dwarven nobility are expected to produce many children, and it is in their culture to name the most wise and capable among them their heir, no matter the order of their brith or their gender. This has yielded great stability within the Dwarven state.
Orange- The Burgs
The two other provinces within Tergund are the Middle Burg and the West Burg. These Burgs are each headed by the Lord of the Middle Burg and the Lord of the West Burg respectively. As previously mentioned, the East Burg holds much of the power within Tergund, but that has not left the other Lords envious. The Dwarven Burgs have never gone to war with one another, and the Lords of the Middle and the West both swear an oath of honor and dedication to the Lord of the Dwarves, seated at Thundercliffe. This tradition and code has led to cooperation and prosperity across the realm. 
The Dwarvish realm is organized as a Duchy. The Duke of the Dwarves holds authority over the realm from his seat in Thundercliffe, and protects the realm via the mighty series of mountain and river fortresses that exist throughout Tergund. The Duke also holds the title of Burg Lord of the East. Below the Duke is the Burg Lords that govern the Middle and West Burgs. Historically, the Dwarven lords have seen little in-fighting, with no formal civil war ever occuring inside of Tergund. Somewhat unique to Tergund, no Burg Lord, minor nobility, or even a city leaders can organize military forces. All Dwarven military outfits exist at the Ducal level, and are controlled via the military leadership headquartered at the Mountain bastion at Pellumkeep. While perhaps leaving some areas wanting for local secuity, this system has helped to keep the peace through taking military authority out of the hands of the fiefs. It is worth noting, that despite the Dwarvish diaspora having formed exclaves throughout Aurmera, all Dwarves still view Tergund as their motherland, and for the most part, view the Duke of the Dwarves as their sovereign. This breeds distrust between the Dwarvish people and local officials throughout Aurmera, however, ensures that the Dwarves are not descriminated against while living in outside lands, lest that state face economic and diplomatic repercussions from the Dwarvish State.    People and Culture:    In the farthest reaches of Aurmera, nestled along the towering and formidable Pellum Mountains, the Tergundians, the proud Dwarves, thrive within their Duchy. Led by the esteemed Duke of the Dwarves, they have turned the inhospitable terrain into a haven for mining and craftsmanship. Renowned for their expertise in extracting and refining minerals, the Tergundians operate widespread guilds that influence the mineral trades across the continent.
  The Tergundians reside in a Duchy that spans the northern territory of Aurmera, hugging the imposing Pellum Mountains. This domain is the heartbeat of Dwarven prosperity, a testament to their resilience and mastery over the subterranean depths. Governed by the Duke of all the Dwarves, the Duchy serves as the focal point for Dwarven culture and craftsmanship.   The Pellum Mountains, have become a sanctuary for the Tergundians. Within these rocky heights, they have established intricate networks of tunnels and caverns, transforming the inhospitable terrain into a thriving home. The mountains provide not only physical protection but also an abundant source of precious minerals and metals.   The Tergundians are adept miners, extracting a plethora of minerals from the heart of the earth. From precious gems to valuable ores, they have mastered the art of subterranean extraction. Each Dwarf, from miner to craftsman, is well-versed in the geology of the Pellum Mountains, ensuring the optimal extraction of resources.   The minerals extracted by the Tergundians are meticulously refined, showcasing their skillful craftsmanship. The Forge Fires of Thundercliffe, at the heart of the Duchy, burn ceaselessly, shaping raw ores into exquisite works of art and utility. The Dwarven artisans take great pride in their ability to turn the treasures of the earth into items of enduring beauty and functionality.   Tergund serves as the headquarters for numerous guilds that specialize in the mineral trades. These guilds, managed by skilled Dwarven leaders, have a significant presence in major cities and ports across the continent. Whether negotiating gemstone deals in merchant halls or overseeing the shipment of refined metals, the Tergundian guilds are influential players in the economic landscape.   The Tergundians are led by the Duke of all the Dwarves, a revered and wise leader chosen through a combination of merit and ancestral lineage. The Duke serves not only as a political leader but also as a symbol of unity among the Dwarven clans. The Duchy thrives under the leadership that balances the needs of the people and the prosperity of the realm.   Tergundian settlements are a blend of fortified cities and subterranean citadels. Above ground, strong stone structures dot the landscape, serving as centers of commerce and governance. Below the surface, elaborate caverns house workshops, living quarters, and intricate tunnels that connect the Dwarven communities.   Beyond the Pellum Mountains, the Tergundians engage in diplomatic endeavors with other realms. Their guilds act as ambassadors, fostering economic ties and cultural exchange. Dwarven artifacts and craftsmanship are highly sought after, and the Tergundians leverage this demand to maintain influence and prosperity across the continent.   The Tergundians celebrate their culture with festivals that pay homage to the earth and stone. These events feature grand displays of craftsmanship, mineral exhibitions, and contests of mining skill. The festivals not only serve as a moment of communal joy but also as an opportunity for the Dwarves to showcase their cultural heritage.   The Tergundians, dwelling among the heights of the Pellum Mountains, have forged a prosperous Duchy that stands as a beacon of Dwarven ingenuity and resilience. From mining mastery to guild-led economic influence, the Tergundians have turned the inhospitable terrain into a realm that thrives both beneath the earth and above the mountains, a testament to their enduring bond with the treasures of the Pellums.   Notable Trades and Industries:   Besides the aforementioned Tergundian mining, refining, and trading, the dwarven exclaves also operate a wide array of contract mines across the other states of Aurmera. Due to their notable prowess in this trade, it is common for Dwarven exclaves in other kingdoms to be hired to establish mines and extract minerals.    History:   For a description of the events that took place across the continent during The Great Split, read A Brief History of Aurmera    In the ancient annals of the Dwarven history, their journey begins north of the towering Pellum Mountain range, in a homeland shrouded in mystery and prosperity. The Dwarves, skilled miners and craftsmen, dwelt within the heart of the mountains, extracting precious ores and forging intricate artifacts that became renowned across the northern lands.   However, an unforeseen calamity struck the Dwarven homeland—a great darkness that descended upon the once-thriving Dwarven Fortresses. A malevolent force, its origin obscured by time, threatened to consume everything the Dwarves held dear. Faced with the impending doom, the Dwarves made a difficult decision—to abandon their ancestral home in pursuit of safety and survival.   The Dwarves, determined to escape the encroaching darkness, embarked on a perilous journey southward across the nearly impassable Pellum Mountains. The treacherous terrain tested their resilience and unity as they navigated through the towering peaks and hazardous passes. The Dwarves faced adversities, from harsh weather to unknown creatures, but their determination to escape the looming threat fueled their journey.   Emerging on the southern side of the Pellum Mountains, the Dwarves found themselves in a new realm—the land of Aurmera. The southern base of the Pellum Mountains, with its rugged beauty and untamed landscapes, became their chosen refuge. Rather than abandoning the mountains entirely, the Dwarves decided to build their homes around the southern expanse, integrating the natural fortifications into their newfound settlements.   Amidst the untamed wilderness, the Dwarves established the Duchy of Tergund, a beacon of resilience against the darkness they had left behind. Tergund became the heart of their new civilization, a place where they continued their mining and crafting traditions, adapting to the challenges of the southern Pellum Mountains.   Unlike other displaced peoples who settled in entirely new regions, the Dwarves struck a unique balance. They never fully abandoned their ancestral terrain of the Mountains. This decision allowed them to maintain a connection with their heritage, and the southern Pellum Mountains became a symbol of their survival and adaptability.   Over the generations, the memory of the great darkness that forced them to flee began to fade. The Dwarves of Tergund, while ever vigilant, shifted their focus towards the prosperity of their new Duchy. The Pellum Mountains, once a refuge from darkness, had transformed into a haven where the Dwarves thrived, and their resilience became a testament to their enduring spirit.   The Dwarven exodus and the establishment of Tergund within the southern Pellum Mountains became a foundational story, etched into the annals of Dwarven history. It spoke of survival, adaptation, and the indomitable spirit that defined the Dwarven people. Tergund stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of a people who turned adversity into opportunity, ensuring that the darkness of their past would not define their future, nor the future of any Dwarf on this new continent.   Religion:   @ Dwarvan Patrons   The Dwarves are no more or less devoted to the gods than any other society in Aurmera. However, uniquely, they shun most of the Aurmeran Pantheon. Instead, they almost exclusively worship their own Patrons, the only gods that are depicted as Dwarves in their legends.   Language:   Dwarves speak Dwarven, however, due to their large diaspora and heavy influence in the trades across the continent, many are multi-lingual.


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