The Empire of Fallvelia Organization in Aurmera | World Anvil
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The Empire of Fallvelia

The Realm
The Provinces
For information on Fallvelian geography, see Geography of Fallvelia -For specific names of each province, go to the map, click the book in the bottom right hand corner, and follow the links and instructions to the interactive map. The flat maps provided do not include province names and the only way to hover over each one and see the names/types of local goverment is the interative map located off site. -While the best way to see these provinces will be the interative map, below is a map with broad descriptions of the type of govenments that exist in the provinces.  
Red- Imperial Administration The Imperial lands are the heart of Fallvelia are governed directly by the Emperor and his appointed ministers. This land encompasses the Imperial Capital as well as the main economic transit routes through the center of the Empire. This allows very centralized control over the domain, as the Imperial State can effectively control the flow, taxation, and accoutability of all major movement of people and goods across the realm. Of note, this territory also surrounds the mouth of the Castrix River, the lifeblood of Fallvelia.   Orange- Governates In the south of Fallvelia, the higher relative population and commerce requires a more federal system of governance. In these regions, where policies and law must adapt to suit the needs of the area, a governor is appointed directly by the Emperor. These Governors serve a term as long as the Emperor finds their work in administering the province to the suitable. They can be replaced at any time, and unlike other more feudal forms of government, have a relatively low chance of rebellion should a removal occur. This is due to the strong administrative state that exists both at the Imperial level and at the Governate level. While the role of Governor is viewed as prestigous and important, the Empire has ensured that threats to stability will not be tolerated.   Gray- Districts The two districts of the Empire are provincial territories governed directly by the Imperial Administration. These regions are hyper-rural, and located in the expansive Illyrian Plains. As such, they can be ruled with relative ease from the Imperial Capital. Their location along the ill defined and empty border with Erolin is of the utmost concern to the Empire, and as such, is often host to heavy military patrolling. While there are few formal towns that exist, there is sparse farmsteads that exist along the few rivers that split the plains. The peoples that live here are stauchly independant, being used to lacking a strong local government that tends to their interests. Additionally, this has bred a martial nature, strong even among by the militaristic standard of the Fallvelians.   Blue- Imperial Military Districts The Empire has deemed it necessary along the main transit routes into Fallvelia from the East and the West to be governed directly by a military administration. These Governor-Generals rule over local matters of state as well as control the local Fallvelian Imperial Armies posted there. These regions are known to be particulary oppressive, as the Governor-Generals often rule with little mercy for the locals, with dissent being viewed as subterfuge that could potential undermine the security of the Imperial border. Of note, one of the three Imperial Military Districts is specifically created to recruit, organize, and train the famed Fallvelian Cavalry. The High Plain Imperial Military District governs their territory in the north Illyrian Plains as a type of marshal society. All young men here are raised on horseback, as has been their way of life for centuries. However, their prowess is systematically harnessed by the Empire. At the age of 14, all able bodied men are pressed into service in the imperial Cavalry for no less than 8 years. They do not go far from home, as the forts of the High Plains district is where they hone their skills into adept Cavalry units, whose skills are revered across Aurmera. As a result of this tradition, the citizens of this district view their sacrifices with honor, and hold the position of Imperial Rider with the utmost respect.   Yellow- Castrix Plateau Territory In the far north of the realm, this desolate territory is technically directly administrated by the Capital. However, the reality is that this land lacks much governance at all. As the Illyrian Plains give way to the Pellum Foothills in the north, one can hardly find a cattle herd let alone a settlement. With people few and far in-between, food and rain scarce, and the power of the Empire far away, this land is a haven for banditry and those who seek more freedom from the Emperors grasp.   Pink- Reservations The Flusspont Undesirables Reservation and the Lyasandra Tribal Reservation both serve the same purpose. These locales are where exiles and races deemed unfit for Fallvelian society are sent. The Empire of Fallvelia has Anor supremecy enshrined into their laws and culture. While other races are tolerated to a degree, they are treated as second class citizens, and those that step out of line are sent to the reservations. Those with the means will then seek to flee from the port at Flusspont, but those without will find themselves stuck in the slums of the lawless city. It is not uncommon for those Anor deemed guilty of crimes that do not meet the criteria for the death penalty to be sent here as well.  
The Fallvelians are ruled by a strong and centralized Imperial State. It is helmed by an Emperor. One of the very few hereditary positions that exist within the Empire, the Emperor holds absolute authority in the realm. To aid in this governance and to avoid the in-fighting and competition that arrises from lordships and titles, the Empire has developed a potent system of bureaucracies to administer the Empire. Much of the power of Fallvelia is concentrated in the Capital, whose Ministers ensure the Governors and Magistrates are abiding by the law and the Emperor's will. While some provinces are helmed by officials appointed at a local level, all answer to the Emperor and his officials.
People and Culture
The Fallvelians, a people entrenched in the heart of the vast plains and a powerful empire, find their identity shaped by the relentless pursuit of martial prowess. Under the reign of a formidable Emperor, whose power is amplified by a web of bureaucratic ministers, the Fallvelians have cultivated a society that places paramount importance on military strength and the art of war.   In the land of the Fallvelian Empire, the beating heart of their culture is the relentless pursuit of martial excellence. From a young age, Fallvelian children are introduced to the art of warfare, honing their skills in combat, strategy, and discipline. The Empire boasts renowned military academies, where the principles of war are ingrained. For every citizen, meritocracy and skill with a weapon are foundational. This fosters a society that reveres martial prowess.   The Fallvelian Emperor, seated on the throne of authority, commands unquestionable power. Bolstered by a network of bureaucratic ministers, the empire is governed with an iron fist. The ministers, selected for their loyalty and administrative acumen, ensure the seamless execution of the Emperor's will across the sprawling territories of the Empire.   While the Fallvelians may not be celebrated for their craftsmanship or agricultural prowess, they have earned a global reputation for producing exceptional war horses. The vast plains of their empire serve as ideal grounds for the rearing and training of these noble steeds. The Fallvelian war horses are renowned for their strength, agility, and unwavering loyalty, forming the backbone of the empire's formidable cavalry units.   The Fallvelian cavalry is a force to be reckoned with, often hailed as among the best in the world. Mounted on the backs of their imposing war horses, the Fallvelian cavalry charges across battlefields with unparalleled speed and precision. Their tactics are honed to perfection, and their skill in both offense and defense is legendary. The thundering hooves of the Fallvelian cavalry strike fear into the hearts of their enemies, and their reputation for swift, decisive victories is well-earned.   In the Fallvelian Empire, the code of military honor is sacrosanct. Warriors are bound by a strict sense of discipline, loyalty, and respect for authority. Valor is celebrated, and acts of bravery are commemorated in epic tales that echo through the corridors of time. A warrior's status in Fallvelian society is determined not only by birth but by deeds on the battlefield.   The Fallvelians mark their calendar with grand military parades, martial tournaments, and ceremonies that celebrate the empire's martial prowess. These events serve as both displays of strength and opportunities to identify and honor the most promising warriors. War is not merely a means to an end; it is a way of life, deeply embedded in the cultural fabric of the Fallvelian people.   In the Fallvelian Empire, the thunder of hooves and the clash of arms resonate as symbols of national pride and strength. With a powerful Emperor at the helm and an unwavering focus on martial prowess, the Fallvelians stand as a formidable force on the world stage.
Notable Trades and Industries:
The Fallvelian lands do not lend themselves to any particular strengths. This harsh reality is likely what has bred the harshness of it's people. The rains are fewer than that of the realms to the East and West. The agriculture is restrained tightly to the few river valleys. At multiple points in it's history, Fallvelia has stuggled to feed her people. While adept at making weapons, their skill does not surpass that of any of the other races. It is only their well bred and well trained horses that are revered by the wider world. The Fallvelian plains and rigorous training produces the best Cavalry that money can buy. Notably, those Fallvelians who are down on their luck or in need of coin can usually find a job as a mercenary. The ample supply of former soldiers completing their mandatory tours of duty are always sought after by warring lords and princes across Aurmera.
The Origin of the Anor in Aurmera:
For a description of the events that took place across the continent during The Great Split, read "A Brief History of Aurmera", found using this link A Brief History of Aurmera    In a time long past, 400 years before the Great Split, the Anor found themselves ensnared in the grip of the civilization-ending darkness that prowled the very heart of their ancestral lands. These monstrous forces, borne of hate, shattered the serenity of their once-thriving society. Faced with the looming shadow of destruction, the Anor resolved to embark on a perilous journey south, across a colossal and nearly impassable Pellum mountain range.   The rugged peaks stood as silent sentinels, guarding secrets untold. The Anor, driven by desperation and a yearning for safety, forged through treacherous mountain passes and weathered fierce storms. Their journey was fraught with peril, as the creatures of terror relentlessly pursued them, leaving destruction in their wake.   After arduous months of travel, the weary Anor descended from the towering mountains to be greeted by a breathtaking expanse of plains that stretched as far as the eye could see. The Southern expanse beyond the mountains, a land dominated by open grasslands and crisscrossed by rivers, became their sanctuary. The air held the promise of renewal, and the fertile soil seemed to welcome the displaced people with open arms.   Here, in the embrace of the plains, the Seretians found solace. They set about establishing new settlements along the banks of the rivers, where the land was abundant with resources. The fertile soil yielded bountiful harvests, and the rivers provided sustenance and a means of transportation. The Anor, once refugees in their own land, began to rebuild their lives.   As the seasons unfolded, the Southern Expanse proved to be more than just a refuge. It became a thriving homeland, a testament to the resilience of the Seretian spirit. The people embraced the plains and rivers as their own, weaving stories of survival and hope into the very fabric of their culture. The monsters that had haunted them were left behind, lost in the shadows of the distant mountains.   In the land that would come to be known at Aurmera, the Seretians flourished once again, their skills in agriculture and craftsmanship finding new expression in the fertile soil. The memory of their perilous journey became a part of their collective identity, a reminder of the strength that could be found in unity and the sanctuary that lay beyond the towering peaks.   And so, beneath the wide-open skies of the Southern Expanse, the Anor forged a new chapter in their history—a testament to the enduring spirit of a people who, against all odds, found refuge and rebirth in a land of plains and rivers.
As the people inhabiting Seretia spread across the land, the found themselves at the southern pass between the Arkus Mountains and the sea. They boldly crossed into a new land. While harsh and rugged, the Anor from Seretia forged ahead. Over time, they found themselves adapting the land. The challenges they faced bred them through the generations into a hardy people.
Over the course of 400 years, the Anor to the east gradually flourished. While they shared blood with their brothers to the west of the mountains, their cultures, trades, and struggles made them distinct from one another. Necessity in the region that would become Fallvelia eventually produced a people that were distinct enough from their brothers, that any upheaval risked a division. This upheaval would come with the Great Split.
The Fallvelians are not zealots as a whole, but are far more pious than their Seretian Anor counterparts. Nearly all festivals, harvests, and martial events are also grounds for a religious occasion. The Imperial family themselves have a deep devotion to the Fallvelian patrons. While the patrons are held in higher regard, temples to the rest of the Aurmeran Pantheon can be found throughout the region.
Language: The primary tongue of the realm is Common. This is the language of the Anor. Other languages and dialects from other peoples can be found throughout the urban centers. (IRL accent analogue: English)


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