The Erolin Theocracy Organization in Aurmera | World Anvil
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The Erolin Theocracy

The Realm
The Provinces
For information of Erolini Geography, see Geography of Erolin
  • For specific names of each province, go tot he map, click the book in the bottom right hand corner, and follow the links and instructions to the interactive map. The flat maps provided do not include province names and the only way to hover over each one and see the names/types of local goverment is the interative map located off site.
  • -While the best way to see these provinces will be the interative map, below is a map with broad descriptions of the type of govenments that exist in the provinces.
    Red- Velanar Archbisphoric In the heart of the Erolin Theocracy lies the only Archbisphoric of the realm. Here lies the seat of power of the Erolini state, the Holy City of Velanar. These lands are owned by the High Reclaimer of the Erolini church directly, and administrated similarly to a Parish. The main difference having to do with the Holy City itself. Due to its place of reverence among the Erolini zealots, the church takes care at the highest levels to facilitate pilgrimages, proper administration, and adherence to the tenents of the religion. In this capital region of the Theocracy, non-believers are treated far harsher than other areas of the nation.
      Orange- Parishes Most land throughout Erolini lands are governed under Parish authority. Within Erolin, the Church holds absolute power over the people, and the zealot elves adhere to this authority without question. The parishes function similarily to counties in other realms in administration. However, the rulers of the Parishes are not Lords or nobility. The Priests that govern these provinces are trained and inculcated in the halls of the Cathedral of the Holy City of Velanar. Only the most devoted are chosen to go forth and govern their own parishes in the name of the church.
      Gray- Mission lands In the far north of Erolin, there exists a single province that belongs to the Territorial Missions. This region lacks the population to warrant a formal organization into a Parish. Instead, this region is an amalgamation of Missions. These missions, often paired with military posts, provide religion and local government for the rural elves that live nearby. These can vary from quite properous to destitute, depending of the resources available in the area and the priest overseeing the mission.
    The Erolini live under the absolute moral and administrative authority of the Erolini Church. The Church is helmed by the High Reclaimer, the chief priest and ultimate authority of the realm. The Elves of Erolin abide their the High Reclaimers teachings and interpretations of scripture as law, and these proclaimations are further enforces throughout the Church's hierarchy. Below the High Relcaimer, who is seated in the Holy Capital, there is a subsidiary hierarchy of Parishes that ensure the will of the Gods and the will of the High Reclaimer are followed. Within each Parishes, there are numerous churches, both urban and rural that double as community administration centers and places of gathering. The government, Erolini people, and their religion are irrevocably intertwined within the Theocracy.
    People and Culture:
    In the sacred land of the Erolini, a theocracy governed by the unwavering authority of the High Reclaimer, the people are bound by an unshakeable faith that permeates every aspect of their lives. This fervent devotion is the cornerstone of their culture, as they seek to spread their religious doctrine across the continent with zeal. The Erolini's intricate society is defined not only by their religious fundamentalism but also by their belief in the supremacy of Elves and their thriving magical trade.
      The High Reclaimer, a spiritual leader without equal, holds absolute power in the theocratic realm of the Erolini. The will of the High Reclaimer is regarded as divine decree, and his interpretation of sacred scriptures is unquestioned. The Erolini society is structured around the tenets of their faith, and every citizen is expected to adhere to the High Reclaimer's teachings with unwavering devotion.
      The Erolini are fervent missionaries, driven by an ardent desire to spread the tenets of their faith to every corner of the continent. The streets of their cities echo with religious chants, and temples adorned with ethereal symbols stand as testaments to their devotion. They view their mission as a divine duty, seeking to convert others to their faith and bring them under the benevolent rule of their gods, through conquest if necessary.
      Central to Erolini ideology is the conviction that Elves are a superior race, blessed by the gods with innate greatness. This belief influences their societal structure, and Elves hold positions of prominence and authority. The Erolini view themselves as stewards of divine wisdom, destined to guide the lesser races toward enlightenment or death.
      While not known for their craftsmanship or farming, the Erolini have mastered the art of magical trade. They produce and trade enchanted items, imbued with mystical properties that are alleged to exemplify the might of their gods. These magical goods are viewed not only as commodities but also as tools for spreading their religion. The Erolini have created a lucrative market, drawing traders from far and wide who seek to acquire these sought-after items.
      In their past, the Erolini succumbed to the intoxication of religious fundamentalism and a thirst for power. Fueled by an unyielding belief in their divine supremacy, they attempted to extinguish the realms of mankind, leading to a catastrophic conflict known at The Great Split. Defeated in their ambitious conquest, the Erolini were forced to acknowledge the limits of their dominion. The scars of this history linger, serving as a cautionary tale against unchecked zealotry for all in Aurmera. However, to the Erolini, their attitudes toward the defeat have only festered like a wound, and the revanchist teachings of the church tout a day when the Erolini will rise again to conquer what is rightfully theirs.
      The Erolini express their faith through elaborate ceremonies and rituals, often conducted in grand temples adorned with mystical symbols. The streets are lined with statues of revered Elven figures, serving as reminders of their divine lineage. Citizens participate in processions, donned in ceremonial attire, reflecting their commitment to the sacred doctrines.
      In the tapestry of the Erolini culture, the threads of religious zealotry, belief in Elven superiority, magical trade, and a complex history weave together a society driven by an unshakable faith. As the Erolini strive to spread their doctrine across the continent once more, their unwavering commitment to their gods and the true place of Elves as masters of the world remains an indelible mark on their cultural identity.
    For a description of the events that took place across the continent during The Great Split, read A Brief History of Aurmera . This history heavily involves the Erolini and their state, and is recommended for those interested.
    In the ancient lore of Elvenkind, the Elves embarked on a saga of survival, fleeing the encroaching darkness that swallowed their ancestral lands. Their journey, guided by divine providence and the resilience of Elven spirit, unfolded as they discovered and connected with the virgin lands of what would come to be known as Aurmera.
      Once, the Elves thrived in the mystical beauty of the northern realms—a land blessed with ancient forests and crystalline lakes. Yet, their serenity was shattered by malevolent beings of darkness, leaving behind only desolation.
      Faced with the encroaching darkness, the Elves had to choose: succumb to the abyss or embark on a journey southward over the formidable mountain range. The journey, an arduous and perilous trek, tested the endurance of the Elven spirit. Through the unyielding Pellum mountains and relentless storms, they pressed on, determined to preserve the sanctity of Elven life.
      Upon descending from the towering peaks, the Elves beheld the expanse of Aurmera—a pristine realm of sprawling plains, winding rivers, and ancient forests, untouched by the hands of mortal civilizations. The fertile soil and magical energies of the land were discovered by the Elves, who saw in it a potential sanctuary to rebuild their lives.
      In this unclaimed haven, the Elves discovered the guiding light within themselves. Driven by the innate connection to the divine and mastery of magic, they became paragons of Elven prowess. The Western Elves, recognizing their own superiority and anointment by the gods, sought to preserve the sanctity of Elven kind. The Eastern Elves, enamoured by the expansive Emerald Weald and the magical symbiosis with that old forest, pursued a nature of balance.
    As time wore on after the settlement of the lands, the divisions became more pronounced. While they settled Middle Aurmera as a single Elven people, their cultures would come to diverge. While the Elves have always been, and still are, a religious race, the eastern and western elves took away very different lessons from their survival along the Great Trek south. The Westerm Elves believed that the Gods had granted them safe passage in order to claim the land and spread the Elven civilization across this new realm. The Eastern Elves came to believe that the gods had granted them these forests and attunement to the magic around them as a means to achieve balance and closeness with the world.
    These differences, while trivial at first, would also grow greater over time. Eventually, the emergence of the Cult of Divinus and Sanctaris would come to grip the Elves of the West. After the ascendance of the High Oculus, the events of the Great Split would transpire, forever changing the path of Elven civilization, splitting the once united Elven kingdom into two Elven states and sending the whole of Aurmera into conflict.
    All of Erolin follows the Cult of Divinus and Sanctaris. While there are four Elven gods in total, the Cult has given specific creedance to those two, and pursues what they deem to be the will of those gods with complete fundamentalism. As previously discussed, the Erolini people are typically zealots, and the governement and the church are one. The High Reclaimer heads both. Key among the Erolini Faith is the Prophecy of Reclaimation. This prophecy states that one day, Divinus and Sanctaris will reveal their plan to the leaders of the Faith, who will then begin the re-unification of the Elven people, and the conquering of all of Aurmera.
    The Erolini strictly speak Elven, and it is seen as beneath them to spreak the tongues of any other lesser race. The language of the Church and Clergy is an ancient form of Elvish. A standard speaker of Elven may be able to understand some words, but will struggle to communitcate or read it.


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