The High Republic of Eldamar Organization in Aurmera | World Anvil
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The High Republic of Eldamar

The Realm:
The Provinces:
-While the best way to see these provinces will be the interative map, below is a map with broad descriptions of the type of govenments that exist in the provinces.
For information of Eldamari Geography, see Geography of Eldamar 
-- For specific names of each province, go to the maps page, click the book in the bottom right hand corner, and follow the links and instructions to the interactive map. The flat maps provided do not include province names and the only way to hover over each one and see the names/types of local goverment is the interative map located off site.  
Red- Capital Region of the High Parliament
The High Parliament of the Republic of Eldamar is located in the capital of Farandale. Farandale has the highest population as well as the largest port in all of Eldamar. Due to this significance, the High Parliament has deemed that the Capital and the lands surrounding it should fall within it's own autonomous region. While the provincial councils are trusted to govern their domain, the Parliament was of the opinion that control of Farandale could make that council too powerful, and exert sway over the Republic. Instead, a committee made up of Parliament representatives are elected from within the body, and they are who governs the region. 
Orange- Provincial Councils
The remainder of Eldamar is broken into 13 Provinces helmed by Provincial councils. When the Republic was founded, theses regions were organized based on population, culture, geography, and economy. Since they were organized, some provinces have grown more prosperous and some have floundered. Due to parliamentary impass, the borders remain unchanged, leading to a dispartity between the wealthy and industrious provinces and the rural and agricultural provinces. Each Provincial Council varies in size and composition by region.
Blue- The Itheas Watch
The only formal Knightly Order above that of the regional knights is the Itheas Watch. The Watch is organized, funded, supplied, and given recruits directly by the High Parliament. This Order stands watch along the border of Eldamar and the Pellum Mountains. While the memory of the horrors that befell the peoples of Aurmera north of the mountains has faded with time, the Eldamari still give legitimacy to the threat that drove them south. The Itheas Watch tirelessly drill, prepares, and mans the fortifications along the mountains, serving as sentinals should the darkness decide to spread south. In times of war, the Itheas Watch has been called upon in the past to fight for the Elven realm and defend those in need, but never fully abandon their posts. The forts in the north of Eldamar have been continuously manned since the first Elves set foot south of the Pellums.
The Government of Eldamar is unique among the realms of Aurmera. The Republic is the only state across the continent that incorporates the will of the people in the way the state is governed. However, this Republic is far from unfettered democracy. To the contrary, suffrage is heavily restricted within Eldamar. Only land-owners, aristocrats, merchants, and certain guildsman are allowed to vote and to hold office at the Provincial level and above. One notable exception, is that honorable military service of no less than 20 years also gains a citizen the right to participate. While only the aforementioned classes can have a say in the higher levels of government, local city councils and rural township councils can be filled and voted on by any local. Each Provincial Counsil varies in size and composition. Some have deemed that only a small council is necessary to make decisions and lessens gridlock. Others have decided that a broader voice is required in policy making, and thus have, essentially, their own small parliaments. However they chose to govern at the Provincial level, how they are represented in the High Parliament is the same. Each Provincial Council elects two representatives from among their ranks to represent the province in the Capital. An execption to this rule is the Itheas Watch, who are allowed four seats, in order to provide their opinon on military matters.
People and Culture:
In the heart of the lush Emerald Weald, the Eldamari thrive in their unique Republic, a bastion of artistry, craftsmanship, and a profound connection to nature. Renowned for their peerless skills in the arts and their dedication to maintaining balance with the natural world, the Eldamari culture stands as a testament to harmony and the old ways.   The Eldamari are governed by a Republic, an embodiment of their commitment to equitable governance. However, a distinctive feature is that only the landed and wealthy elves are granted the privilege of voting. This system, while exclusive, has been tailored to preserve the wisdom and stability of those deeply connected to the land and its resources.   The Eldamari Elves are celebrated across the continents for their masterful craftsmanship and artistic prowess. From intricate jewelry to magnificent tapestries, their creations are unrivaled in their beauty and craftsmanship. The Eldamari artisans have perfected the blending of magic and craftsmanship, creating enchanted items that are the envy of the Aurmeran realms.   While their magical and enchanted goods are sought after by many, the Eldamari are fiercely protective of their craft. Only the most trusted and revered among them are privy to the deepest secrets of their magical arts. This secrecy is not born out of greed but a desire to preserve the sanctity of their creations and ensure they are used responsibly.   Nature is not merely a backdrop for the Eldamari; it is an integral part of their existence. Whether crafting enchanted items or designing their cities, the elves seek harmony with the natural world. Their homes seamlessly blend with the surrounding landscapes, and their craftsmanship often draws inspiration from the flora and fauna that populate their realm.   Once unified with the Erolini, the Eldamari chose a path of isolation after the Great Split. When their wayward brethren succumbed to religious fanaticism, the Eldamari, valuing their commitment to balance and nature, kept to the old ways of the Elven pantheon. While not entirely closed off, their interactions with outsiders are cautious, as they seek to protect their way of life from the influences that led to the separation.   In the solitude of their isolation, the Eldamari have become guardians of elven wisdom. Eldamari elders are revered as repositories of knowledge, passing down the secrets of their artistry, magic, and harmonious coexistence with nature to the younger generations. The wisdom of the elders is a guiding light, ensuring the continuity of their unique culture.   The Eldamari commemorate the changing seasons and the cycles of nature through grand festivals and celebrations. These events are marked by artistic performances, magical displays, and the unveiling of masterpieces created by their artisans. It is a time of unity, where the Eldamari come together to celebrate the interconnectedness of art, magic, and nature.   In the haven of Eldamar, the Elves have cultivated a culture that weaves together the threads of artistry, magical craftsmanship, and a profound respect for the natural world. Their isolationist tendencies, born from the Great Split, only serve to protect the sanctity of their way of life—a legacy that stands as a testament to the old ways.
Notable Trades and Industries:
The Eldamari are among the most skilled artisans in Aurmera. Their attunement to magic is likely responsible for this. Finely crafted silks, jewlery, and porcelain are sought after by nobility across the continent. In addition to these fine crafts and arts, the Elves also specialize in the production of magical goods and enchanted items. However, the Eldamari do not tend to sell these to wider markets. The sanctity of their magic is protected fiercly by the Eldamari people and the state.
For a description of the events that took place across the continent during The Great Split, read A Brief History of Aurmera 
In the ancient lore of Elvenkind, the Elves embarked on a saga of survival, fleeing the encroaching darkness that swallowed their ancestral lands. Their journey, guided by divine providence and the resilience of Elven spirit, unfolded as they discovered and connected with the virgin lands of what would come to be known as Aurmera.   Once, the Elves thrived in the mystical beauty of the northern realms—a land blessed with ancient forests and crystalline lakes. Yet, their serenity was shattered by malevolent beings of darkness, leaving behind only desolation.   Faced with the encroaching darkness, the Elves had to choose: succumb to the abyss or embark on a journey southward over the formidable mountain range. The journey, an arduous and perilous trek, tested the endurance of the Elven spirit. Through the unyielding Pellum mountains and relentless storms, they pressed on, determined to preserve the sanctity of Elven life.   Upon descending from the towering peaks, the Elves beheld the expanse of Aurmera—a pristine realm of sprawling plains, winding rivers, and ancient forests, untouched by the hands of mortal civilizations. The fertile soil and magical energies of the land were discovered by the Elves, who saw in it a potential sanctuary to rebuild their lives.   In this unclaimed haven, the Elves discovered the guiding light within themselves. Driven by the innate connection to the divine and mastery of magic, they became paragons of Elven prowess. The Western Elves, recognizing their own superiority and anointment by the gods, sought to preserve the sanctity of Elven kind. The Eastern Elves, enamoured by the expansive Emerald Weald and the magical symbiosis with that old forest, pursued a nature of balance.
As time wore on after the settlement of the lands, the divisions became more pronounced. While they settled Middle Aurmera as a single Elven people, their cultures would come to diverge. While the Elves have always been, and still are, a religious race, the eastern and western elves took away very different lessons from their survival along the Great Trek south. The Western Elves believed that the Gods had granted them safe passage in order to claim the land and spread the Elven civilization across this new realm. The Eastern Elves came to believe that the gods had granted them these forests and attunement to the magic around them as a means to achieve balance and closeness with the world. These differences, while trivial at first, would also grow greater over time. Eventually, the emergence of the Cult of Divinus and Sanctaris would come to grip the Elves of the West. After the ascendance of the High Oculus, the events of the Great Split would transpire, forever changing the path of Elven civilization, splitting the once united Elven kingdom into two Elven states and sending the whole of Aurmera into conflict.
While not nearly as close minded and fundamentalist as their Erolini brothers, the Eldamari are still devout. They worship all four of the classic Elven Gods equally, and do not give preference to one or the other as a state. The Eldamari do not seek to spread their beleifs, but do hold the Elven gods in higher regard than the rest of the Aurmeran pantheon.
The Erolini speak Elven, but are also often fluent in other languages of Aurmera.


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