The Kingdom of Seretia Organization in Aurmera | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Seretia

The Kingdom Of Seretia

The realm
The Provinces
For information of Seretian Geography, see Geography of Seretia
- For specific names of each province, go tot he map, click the book in the bottom right hand corner, and follow the links and instructions to the interactive map. The flat maps provided do not include province names and the only way to hover over each one and see the names/types of local goverment is the interative map located off site.
-While the best way to see these provinces will be the interative map, below is a map with broad descriptions of the type of govenments that exist in the provinces.
Red- Ducal Crownlands
The Crownlands are lands governed directly by the King of Seretia and are technically their own Duchy. This makes every successive King both the King of the Realm as well as the Duke of the Crownlands. This governance allows the Crown to garner taxes and military manpower separate from the levies on the feudal lords in the kingdom. This ensure that should there be a plot or rebellion, the Crown remains economically and militarily sound. The King often does not directly oversee the governance on the Crownlands, instead, it is tradition to allow his heir to control it as a right of passage, both preparing them to take over the kingdom as well as allowing the King to focus on affairs of the state.
Orange- Counties
Counties are a political division ruled over by a Count. If a Count is the Lord of more than one County, then that Count is also a Duke, whos Duchy consists of the Counties within. Within Seretia, the King has outlawed the formation of formal Duchy's, besides his own. This does not stop Counts from engaging in political maneuvers that result in consolidation of power within their families or spheres of influence. Within the ranks of Seretian Peerage, Counts are third in the hierarchical order of precedence. Counties are the most common provincial subdivision in Seretia. Counts vary widely on the competency and power, however, all govern their local at their discretion, only being legally outranked by the authority of the King and the Grand Masters of a Seretian Military Order. Traditionally, the Seretian Crown has granted a large amount of autonomy to the feudal lessers throughout the kingdom.
Light Gray- Earldoms
Earldoms are a political division ruled over by an Earl. Earls are fifth in the hierarchical order of precedence within Seretian Peerage, making them last among the major nobility. In Seretia, this is typically due to region being relatively poor and backwater or the Crown intentially exerting power over a province by giving it lesser autonomy. This is exemplified in the two Earldoms in Seretia. The first, The Earldom of Westwood lies directly to the west of the Crownlands, and is an important economic region for the State. In order to suppress potential rivals in the region, the Kings of the past have reduced the authority of the rulers of the province as well as ensure their subservance to the Counts of the realm. This is viewed as unfair by the loyal houses of the Westwood, but is viewed by the rest of the Kingdom as beneficial to the realm. The second is the Earldom of Southrun, and is headed by an Earl due to its small size, relative poverty, and lesser importance as a region compared it's surrounding Counties.
Dark Gray- Baronies
There is only a single Barony in Seretia. The Lochroad Barony. In Seretian peerage, a Baron is a military title, bestowed upon a Count that governs a province of particular military value. In traditional order of precedence, techinically, a Baron is fourth, below Counts and above Earls, however, due to their importance, they are viewed on equal footing to Counts. The Lochroad Barony exists as a buffer between the Order of the Bastion and the rest of the Kingdom. A province of nobles and peasants who are keenly aware of their proximity to potential invasion, and who's training of local garrisons and builidng of local defenses reflect that reality.
Yellow- Territories
Existing entirely in the northern reaches of Seretia, Territories are unorganized provinces within the Kingdom of Seretia. Lacking the population or exploitable resources required to formally organize the regions into feudal realm, the territories are instead controlled by a Governor appointed by the King. As a result, these regions are often dangerous and considered relatively free of the laws of the Kingdom. While the Governors apply their rule to the few towns and trading posts, far more these regions are untamed and untouched by the will of the Seretian nobility. It is in the Territories where one will find those peoples and creatures that prefer to exist on the fringes of society.
Dark Blue- Military Orders
In Seretia, marshal orders of chivalry are held in the highest of regard. A fully inducted Knight of Seretia is considered the peerage equivalent of an Earl, and depending on the situation, will be given more respect and autonomy than most Counts. Knights that belong to a Military Order of Seretia are different hierachically than Knights that have sworn fealty to a provincal Count or Earl. Knights of Seretia have sworn direct fealty to the Crown and to their own codes of honor, and as such are the primary professional fighting force of the Kingdom. Each Military Order is headed by a Grand Master, who are second in the feudal hierarchy. The Grand Masters only answer to the King. Unique to the Orders, Grand Master is not a hereditary title, and is given to a seasoned Knight of the Order chosen from within the Order. Only the King has the authority to override or remove a chosen Grand Master of an Order. Due to their importance as well as the high rank they hold in Seretian society, the Military Orders have been granted land to govern by the Crown. This ensures that they can control their own fortifications, taxation to meet their needs, and supplies ample men-at-arms to supplement them as a fighting force. It is common and somewhat expected for the noble houses, both major and minor, of the Kingdom to send sons to one of the Orders when they are of age. Often, each respective house has an affiliation with one particular Order, and will chose to send their sons to the same Order generation after generation. This is not a legal requirement, but it is viewed as deeply shameful if the Nobles neglict their familial duty to the realm. The Orders are as follows:
-The Order of the Waste: This Order governs by far the most land among them, however, it is mostly wasteland and is devoid of much population. The Order of the Waste presides over the Waste Reach, a vast border territory of inhospitable grassland. As a result, they are the premier Equestrian Order of Seretia. Their ability on horseback is respected across all of Aurmera, and outclasses the mounted ability of all over Seretian Knightly Orders.
-The Order of the Bastion: This Order governs the border region with Fallvelia, the local rival and a potential aggressor against Seretia. This Order is dedicated to defending the passes through the Arkus Mountains. As a result, these Knights have become the best fortification engineers in the Kingdom. Additionally, they train exclusively in and have mastered the art of defensive seigecraft. Their Castles and defensive structures are of the highest of quality, with their most impressive Citadels located at Stonehearth and Edgefort. No invasion from the east along the primary routes can enter Seretian territory without encountering a fortification built and manned by the Order of the Bastion.
-The Peninsular Order: This Order governs a small chunk of land in the south of Seretia. This Order specializes in heavy infantry tactics and serve as archors on the battlefield. They are considered the most talented warriors of the realm with it comes to melee combat. While a single Knight of this Order is a force to be reckoned with in single combat, a formation of them on the battlefield can change the outcome of an engagement. It is fabled that a formation of the Peninsular Order has never broken or fled in battle, instead choosing encirclement and death to dishonor. Knights of the Peninsular Order comprise the personal guard of the King and his family.
-The Wilcaster Captaincy: This Order governs the land between the Wastereach and the Peninsular Order. This Order is highly unique among the Knights of Seretia. These Knights are deeply devoted to the Seretian patron Gods. Their devotion borders on fanaticism, however, their temples, shrines, and rituals have yielded the ability to harness some of the powers of those they worship. This Order is made up entirely of Paladins to the Seretian dieties, an as such are heavily depended upon by the other Orders. The Wilcaster Knights are few in number, monk-like in discipline, and can be found attached to most battle formations of the other Orders.
The Seretian live under a Feudal Monarchy. While the King legally holds absolute authority in the realm, the state often fuctions much differently. The King bestows property and thus governorship to provinces in the realm through the naming of Counts, Governors, Earls, and Barons. In turn, the Provincial Lords can then name Mayors, Sheiffs, Knights, and other lesser titles within their own realm. This diffusion of power makes for effective governance of the Kingdom, however, the lack of centralization can cause struggles of authority and power. The Kingdom of Seretia has historically remained fairly stable, however, collective action as a state is typically slow and fragmented.
People and Culture:
The Seretians, a proud and storied people, inhabit a land steeped in tradition and ruled by a monarchy. Nestled within the embrace of fertile river valleys, vast plains, and dense forests, the Seretian society both thrives and is divided by a feudal structure, where honor and artisinal prowess intertwine to shape the very fabric of their culture. The primary race in Seretia is humans. These humans are of the Anor ethnicity (western men). Seretian people are less xenophobic than other peoples of Aurmera, and as a result, most of their cities are quite cosmopolitan by Aurmeran standards. While discrimination does exist, and varies region to region, all other sentient races can be found throughout the Kingdom.
The heart of Seretian governance lies in a monarchy, its authority gracefully distributed among local lords. These lords, stewards of their own domains, oversee the well-being of the people, administer justice, and contribute to the kingdom's prosperity. This decentralized structure instills a sense of local identity and autonomy, fostering a connection between the rulers and the ruled. However, this is not always the case. Some lords can be cruel and tyannical. While chivalry and help to the weak is encoded in Seretian values, some in positions of power nevertheless take advantage of whoever and whatever they can.
Within the picturesque landscapes of the Seretian kingdom, a noticeable divide in wealth paints a vivid portrait of the social structure. Nobles reside in grand estates adorned with symbols of their lineage, while the hardworking peasants cultivate the fertile soil that sustains the entire realm. Despite these differences, a code of chivalry binds the nobles to a responsibility to protect and uplift the less fortunate, fostering a sense of duty and interdependence. This is exemplified by the dedication to the Knightly Orders by the nobility of the realm who then in turn are honorbound to aid the peasants wherever they can.   Seretians have perfected the art of agriculture, with the fertile lands yielding abundant harvests. Crops such as golden wheat fields, indigo plantations sprawling across sun-kissed hills, and orchards heavy with fruit contribute not only to the sustenance of the populace but also to the kingdom's economic prosperity. The Seretians are celebrated for their agricultural exports, both in food and lucrative cash crops, establishing their kingdom as a beacon of abundance.   Beyond their agricultural prowess, the Seretians are renowned for their resource extraction, with a particular emphasis on logging. If it can be picked, grown, chopped, or mined, it is likely that there is a lucrative industry around it in Seretia. Craftsmen across Aurmera seek Seretian raw materials. The markets brim with the fruits of their labor, showcasing the Seretians' commitment to a hard days work.   Pride in one's heritage is a cornerstone of Seretian identity. Festivals and gatherings punctuate the Seretian calendar, celebrating their history, traditions, and the collective achievements of the kingdom. These events provide a platform for the exchange of stories, skills, and a reaffirmation of the ties that bind the Seretian people together.   While neighboring realms may embrace militarism, the Seretians, true to their chivalric principles, favor peaceful coexistence. They maintain a capable defense force but prioritize diplomacy and collaboration over conflict. The rhythm of their society is one of harmony and cooperation, and the beauty of their land is preserved as a testament to this commitment.   In the kingdom of Seretia, a tapestry of tradition, bountiful harvests, and chivalric values weaves together a culture that thrives on the union of its people with the land they lovingly tend.
Military: The collective defense of Seretia is primarily left to the mechanations of the Knightly Orders of Seretia. However, each provincial Lord does maintain their own levies for defense, law enforcement, and security. In times of need, the Lords have the ability to combine their forces into a greater Seretian Army, however, this has only occured a handful of times in Seretian history. The King tends to err on the side of caution, and instead of angering his fiefs by mandating a call to arms, allows issues of military importance to be organized and handled by the Grand Masters of the Orders. Due to this dependance on the Knights, the military prowess and troop numbers of the local lords are often lackluster. Compared to the other states of Aurmera, the regular Seretian military is very small and unprofessional. The only notable exception to this exists in the Lochroad Barony, who's nobles have emphasized maintaining a strong household force. The kingdom shares a single border with a potential aggressor, and the Knights and their fortifications have been deemed more than sufficient to deal with this threat.
Notable Trades and Industries: The Seretian region lends itself to being a breadbasket comparative to the rest of Aurmera. While there are other states that are large producers of agricultural goods and regional cash crops, none are quite as productive and diverse as Seretia. The abudant river valleys throughout the Kingdom coupled with the relatively mild climate allow for consistent bumper crops of grains. The vast Seretian Plains are drier and not as suitable for crops, but still sustain plentiful heards of livestock. Southern Seretia is more tropical in climate, and thus produces a wide variety of plantation cash crops such as indigo, tobacco, and hemp. Seretia does maintain a healthy ship building industry on its western coast, but the shipwrights of East Aurmera are more sought after.
For a description of the events that took place across the continent during The Great Split, read A Brief History of Aurmera 
The Origin of the Anor in Aurmera: In a time long past, 400 years before the Great Split, the Anor found themselves ensnared in the grip of the civilization-ending darkness that prowled the very heart of their ancestral lands. These monstrous forces, borne of hate, shattered the serenity of their once-thriving society. Faced with the looming shadow of destruction, the Anor resolved to embark on a perilous journey south, across a colossal and nearly impassable Pellum mountain range.   The rugged peaks stood as silent sentinels, guarding secrets untold. The Anor, driven by desperation and a yearning for safety, forged through treacherous mountain passes and weathered fierce storms. Their journey was fraught with peril, as the creatures of terror relentlessly pursued them, leaving destruction in their wake.   After arduous months of travel, the weary Anor descended from the towering mountains to be greeted by a breathtaking expanse of plains that stretched as far as the eye could see. The Southern expanse beyond the mountains, a land dominated by open grasslands and crisscrossed by rivers, became their sanctuary. The air held the promise of renewal, and the fertile soil seemed to welcome the displaced people with open arms.   Here, in the embrace of the plains, the Seretians found solace. They set about establishing new settlements along the banks of the rivers, where the land was abundant with resources. The fertile soil yielded bountiful harvests, and the rivers provided sustenance and a means of transportation. The Anor, once refugees in their own land, began to rebuild their lives.   As the seasons unfolded, the Southern Expanse proved to be more than just a refuge. It became a thriving homeland, a testament to the resilience of the Seretian spirit. The people embraced the plains and rivers as their own, weaving stories of survival and hope into the very fabric of their culture. The monsters that had haunted them were left behind, lost in the shadows of the distant mountains.   In the land that would come to be known at Aurmera, the Seretians flourished once again, their skills in agriculture and craftsmanship finding new expression in the fertile soil. The memory of their perilous journey became a part of their collective identity, a reminder of the strength that could be found in unity and the sanctuary that lay beyond the towering peaks.   And so, beneath the wide-open skies of the Southern Expanse, the Anor forged a new chapter in their history—a testament to the enduring spirit of a people who, against all odds, found refuge and rebirth in a land of plains and rivers. The Kingdom of Seretia.     The Fable of Sir Serenar: The Roots of Chivalry in Anor Culture In the days of darkness, there emerged a noble knight named Sir Serenar. Clad in armor that shimmered like moonlit waters, he appeared before the leaders of the Anor in the treacherous passes of the Pellums. As if divinely inspired, he offered his aid in their time of desperation.   Sir Serenar took upon himself the sacred duty to protect the weak and uphold justice. His sword, tempered by honor, cut through beasts that dwelled in the mountains, impeding the advance of the fleeing Anor. His shield, engraved with the ideals of righteousness, defended the innocent from the monsters that lurked both inside and outside the camps.   He became the guardian of the Anor, guiding them through perilous terrain, shielding them from the monsters that sought to extinguish the flame of hope. In his noble actions, Sir Serenar embodied the essence of chivalry—a code that transcended the battlefield and touched the very soul of the people. It is said that this very code is what was passed onto the founders of the Four Knightly Orders of Seretia.   As they reached the Southern Expanse, a land of plains and rivers teeming with promise, Sir Serenar imparted a lesson to the weary Anor. 'In this new homeland,' he proclaimed, 'let the code of honor be your compass. Uphold your virtue and morales, protect the vulnerable, and champion justice. For in these principles lies the strength to overcome even the most formidable challenge.'   And so, the Seretians settled in the Southern Expanse, their culture forever shaped by the parable of Sir Serenar. Chivalry became the bedrock of their society, a guiding force that permeated every aspect of their lives. In the plains and rivers of their new home, the Seretians thrived, their resilience and commitment to justice echoing the noble deeds of Sir Serenar for generations to come.
Religion: @
The Seretians as whole are not a particularly zealous people. They are as faithful to their patrons as can be expected of the common peasantry. They also worship the wider Aurmeran pantheon, but with less vigor and widespread acceptance. The more diverse array of races that can be found in the cities and urban centers have introduced their culture, gods, and rituals to those places as well.
The primary tongue of the realm is Common. This is the language of the Anor. Other languages and dialects from other peoples can be found throughout the urban centers.
(IRL accent analogue: English)
Geopolitical, Country


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