United Hordes of Ofenland Organization in Aurmera | World Anvil
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United Hordes of Ofenland

The Realm:  
The Provinces  
For information on the geography of Ofenland, see Geography of Ofenland 
-- For specific names of each province, go to the maps page, click the book in the bottom right hand corner, and follow the links and instructions to the interactive map. The flat maps provided do not include province names and the only way to hover over each one and see the names/types of local goverment is the interative map located off site.
Orange- Tribal Land
The marshy realm of Ofenland is home to 7 distinct tribes. These tribes operate in clan structures. They are fairly civilized compared to the wildlands of Marbata, but still hold to the old ways in terms of familial structures, governance, and virtues. While nominally ruled by the Stormcrest Chiefdom, centered in Tokat, the 'United Horde' operates more as a confederacy of equals, with each horde granted near absolute autonomy over their realm. Each tribe is semi-settled, in that, they do maintain established towns that serve as economic hubs. However, an equal amount of their peoples still roam nomadically, living off the land, raiding across borders, and only returning to cities to seek haven, rest, or engage in debauchery. 
The United Hordes of Ofenland are structured into a looes Tribal Confederacy. It is helmed by a High Chieftain, a non-hereditary position that is bestowed upon the Clan the wins the Great Tournament, which takes place every 7 years. These games are a series of blood sports that pits the tribes against each other in tests of horsemenship, martial prowess, and cunning. The tribe that wins will have their leader earn the title of High Chieftain. Currently, this title has been earned by the Stormcrest Tribe. Though hightly sought after a matter of pride, prestige, and glory for one's tribe, the title holds little power in practice. There are few laws that are created and enforced by the High Chieftain across all of the Hordes, and the position exists mostly as a function to be able to create a unified Horde in the event of invasion as well as ensure that no single tribe gains too much power from the others.
  People and Culture   In the sprawling marshy lowlands along the coastline of Eastern Aurmera, the Ofenlanders thrive as an indomitable people, organized into a tribal confederacy. A horde of autonomous tribes, their unity is forged through the contest of martial prowess and mounted skill that crowns their High Chieftain. Renowned as adept horsemen and fierce warriors, the Ofenlanders navigate the swamps with unmatched dexterity, their swift and hardy horses making them both feared raiders and prized traders.   The Ofenlanders are organized into a tribal confederacy, a loose alliance where each tribe maintains significant autonomy. Though united under a High Chieftain, the tribes operate independently, often acting on their own accord. This decentralized structure allows for adaptability and swift response to the ever-changing circumstances of the marshy lowlands.   The leadership of the Ofenlanders is determined through a grand contest of martial skills and prowess on horseback. Aspiring leaders and champions from each tribe converge in a display of equestrian mastery, battling for supremacy in a competition that not only showcases individual skill but also represents the strength and unity of the tribes. The tribe who emerges victorious becomes the High Chieftain, the unifying figure of the confederacy.   The Ofenlanders, masters of horsemanship, have expertly adapted their mounted skills to the challenging terrain of the marshy lowlands. Their horses, bred for swiftness and hardiness, navigate the treacherous wetlands with ease. Raised in the unique conditions of the marshes, these horses become prized assets, both for their speed in raids and their resilience  challenging environments.   The horses of the Ofenlanders are a source of pride and wealth. Known for their incredible speed and adaptability, these horses are highly sought after in markets beyond the marshy lowlands. Traders from neighboring realms covet these swift and hardy companions, creating a significant source of revenue and strengthening diplomatic ties.   Raiding is ingrained in the Ofenlander culture, with tribes often engaging in skirmishes among themselves and neighboring realms. The tribal autonomy allows for flexible strategies, and the marshy terrain provides natural advantages against retaliation, making the Ofenlanders formidable adversaries. These raids not only serve as a means of acquiring resources but also as a way to demonstrate strength and prowess.   The Ofenlanders embrace a semi-nomadic lifestyle, setting up temporary settlements that can be swiftly assembled and disassembled. Portable homes, designed to navigate the marshy terrain, allow for quick relocation and evasion. This nomadic approach aligns with their adaptability and readiness for both raiding and trade.   The Ofenlanders celebrate their cultural traditions with fervor, often centered around their affinity for horses. Horse races, equestrian contests, and feats of mounted skill mark festivals and gatherings. These celebrations serve not only as occasions for joy but also as opportunities for tribes to showcase their prowess and vie for recognition.   Despite the autonomy of individual tribes, the Ofenlanders still find strength in their unity. The marshy lowlands shape their lifestyle, and their adaptability to the terrain, mounted skills, and the prized horses forge a unique identity. The diversity within the tribal confederacy becomes a source of resilience, ensuring the Ofenlanders remain formidable, both in times of conflict and in times of peace.   Notable Trades and Industries       History   For a description of the events that took palce across the continent during The Great Split, read A Brief History of Aurmera    In the annals of Aurmera, the Dalor were once a unified people, dwelling harmoniously north of the formidable Pellum Mountains. A great darkness, however, descended upon the Dalor, shrouding their once-peaceful lands and propelling them on a perilous journey southward, across the treacherous mountain ranges.   In their ancestral homeland, the Dalor lived as a triumvirate, a harmonious alliance of three regional cultures. The first were the sea people, navigating the vast waters with finesse and expanding their influence across coastal regions. The second were the clans of horsemen, masters of the open plains, skilled in mounted warfare and guardians of the nomadic way of life. The third were the agrarian farmers, cultivating the fertile lands and river valleys with diligence and reaping the bounty of the earth.   A great darkness, its origins lost to time, descended upon the Dalor's ancestral lands. It swept through the triumvirate, casting shadows over their once-thriving cultures. As the forces of darkness consumed their territories, the Dalor faced a choice – submit to the abyss or flee southward, across the imposing Pellum Mountains.   The Dalor, united by a shared destiny, embarked on a harrowing exodus across the nearly impassable Pellum Mountains. The journey was fraught with peril, as they navigated treacherous terrain, faced fierce weather, and encountered unknown threats. Yet, the unity forged in their triumvirate proved to be their strength, guiding them through the challenges that sought to break their spirit.   Upon crossing the formidable mountain range, the Dalor found themselves in a new realm, the eastern lands of Aurmera. Here, they discovered the imposing woodlands, river valleys, and swamps, a stark contrast to their ancestral home. Undeterred by the scarcity of native resources, they saw potential in these lands, a canvas upon which to rebuild their lives.   In Aurmera, the Dalor adapted to their new surroundings, reimagining their triumvirate as a renewed means of providing for eachother. The seafaring people continued their maritime pursuits along the southern coasts, while the horse clans followed the rivers into the eastern coastal swamps and found a new terrain to adapt their mounted skills upon. The farmers, skilled in cultivating fertile floodplains, continued their age-old practices along the picturesque landscape of the Staghorn River.   This new portion of the land in which the horse clans found themselves was devoid of open glasslands and steppe. While the sailors and farmers found good analogues of their lost homes, none such place existed for the Horsemen.    In the vast swampy lowlands, interwoven with dense forests and meandering rivers, the horse tribes emerged from the great trek beyond the Pellums, each carving a distinct identity amidst the challenging terrain. Legend tells of a visionary chieftain named Aeliana, who rose to unite these disparate tribes, spurring them to adapt to the new realm in which they found themselves.
Aeliana, renowned for her unparalleled skill in navigating the swampy expanses, gained the respect of the tribes through strategic alliances and diplomatic finesse. She understood the value of unity in the face of external threats and the need to adapt to their unique environment.
  Aeliana sought to bridge the collective knowledge of the Tribes. Each with their specialized knowledge of survival, brought the ability to adapt to the alliance as a whole. Some excelled in crafting boats from the sturdy marsh reeds, while others were expert herbalists harnessing the medicinal properties of indigenous plants. Together, they formed a symbiotic society that would come to thrive in the challenging landscape.   Continuously adapting to the swampy lowlands, the horse tribes honed a mastery of cavalry that set them apart from riders on open plains. The unique challenges of the marshy terrain demanded innovative approaches to horsemanship. The horse tribes selectively bred horses with sturdy builds, adapted to traverse the swamp's uneven ground and navigate through waterlogged areas. These horses developed powerful hindquarters for propulsion through muddy expanses and agile hooves to avoid treacherous hidden obstacles.   Unlike traditional cavalry, the horse tribes trained their mounts to be amphibious. Horses were acclimated to moving through shallow waters and marshes, allowing the tribes to access otherwise unreachable areas and outmaneuver adversaries unfamiliar with such tactics.   Recognizing the limitations of heavy cavalry in swamp conditions, the horse tribes favored lighter armor for both horse and rider. This not only facilitated quicker movement but also prevented horses from becoming bogged down in the marshes. Their nimble tactics, characterized by swift maneuvers and hit-and-run strikes, proved highly effective.   The horse tribes developed an intimate understanding of the ever-shifting swamp environment. Expert navigators, they exploited natural channels and hidden paths, confounding foes who struggled to anticipate their movements. This knowledge also allowed them to lead enemies into treacherous areas, turning the environment itself into a weapon.   Leveraging their boat-crafting expertise, the horse tribes seamlessly integrated waterborne strategies into their cavalry tactics. They could swiftly transition from riding to navigating the rivers on specially designed boats, surprising adversaries and maintaining a strategic advantage in the vast swamp network.   Through generations of refining these techniques, the horse tribes became unparalleled masters of cavalry in the swamp, using their unique skills not only for defense but also in offensive maneuvers. Their adaptability and resourcefulness ensured that the swamp, initially perceived as a hindrance, became a natural fortress that only they could effectively navigate and exploit.   Thanks to Aeliana's visionary leadership and the grit of the Ofenlander people, the horse tribes forged a distinctive culture, marked by vibrant ceremonies celebrating Horsemanship and honoring the spirits of the swamp. The chieftain's wisdom became the cornerstone of their governance, passed down through a lineage of leaders chosen for their ability to balance tradition and adaptability, instead of hereitary titles   As the united tribes faced external threats, ranging from neighboring nomadic groups to mystical creatures lurking in the swamp's shadows, these hard won skills proved invaluable. Aeliana's legacy endured in the tales of daring alliances and resourceful strategies that the tribes employed to safeguard their homeland. In the heart of the swampy lowlands, the united horse tribes continued to flourish, their interconnected history woven into the very fabric of the land they called home. The legacy of Aeliana's leadership echoed through the marshes, ensuring the resilience and prosperity of the united horse tribes for generations to come.   Despite the challenges brought by their migration, the Dalor preserved the essence of their triumvirate legacy. They continued to cycle the title of Kingship between the three cultures, ensuring a balanced rule that drew from the strengths of each. The unity that had guided them through their exodus became the cornerstone of their collective properity. Eventually, these Dalor cultures organized into the Principality of Gamarak, the United Hordes of Ofenland, and the Grand Duchy of Irvernia. All distint, but all equal.   The history of the Dalor, marked by the triumph over darkness and the resilience in migration, became a living testament to the strength of unity. The seafaring, horsemen, and agrarian cultures, while adapting to new landscapes, retained their distinct identities within the broader Dalor Triumverate. Their triumph over darkness and unity in diversity became a cultural legacy, passed down through generations.   Not all unitfied people are destined to last as one. The Great Split did not spare the Dalor, just as it did not spare the Elves or the Anor. The treachery of the Drow, and the deep resentment caused by the subsequent conflict among the Dalor thoroughly divided the Dalor cultures into their own states. The Triumverate was dissolved, and animosity between the states remains to this day, with each viewing its own claim to the unification of the Dalor as the most legitimate. The lack of the title of King in all three of the modern realms of Gamarak, Irvernia, and Ofenland stands as a testiment to what was lost.   Religion   @ Ofenlander Patrons   Religious devotion varies from Tribe to Tribe, however, on the whole, the Ofenladers are no more or less religious than other standard worshippers in Aurmera. However, an exception to this is their devotion to the Marshwarden. Their intertwined relationship with the swamp has bred a particular respect and superstition when it comes to matters of the harsh terrain that surrounds them.   Language   The Ofenlanders speak Dalor, a variation of Common. Anor and Dalor common are different enough to make it difficult to communicate at times. Enough time has passed since the migration of the Dalor, that regional accents and terminology now divide the old Dalor language. While Irvernians, Ofenlanders, and Gamaraki all share a root language, their dialects have evolved nearly to the point of their own languages.


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