Summer Camp 2023 Pledge Document

I, DreamCartographer, pledge to complete at least 32 prompts for Summer Camp!
  I'm using this challenge to officially make the world of Aurora public! I think it'll be a great way to finally get it off the ground. This is my my first Camp, but I'm aiming for Diamond so I'll have a good base to build off of once the challenge is over. (Also because oh my gosh, the badge is so sparkly!!!)   That being said, my articles probably aren't going to be that long unless I'm inspired or have a lot of information to convey. They'll most likely be pretty basic as well, despite my Guild member perks. I figured I should just get the articles out there and fix them up later, rather than waste time and stress myself out trying to figure out how the fancy stuff works. I might still experiment with stuff though, if I have ideas.   I'll also try not to beat myself up if I don't reach my goal. I want to learn to have fun worldbuilding and not overload myself, especially since I'll be participating in Art Fight and writing my novel as well. The important thing is that I don't give up unless I absolutely have to. (Getting to Gold would be nice though, just saying.)   Read Aurora's World Meta here.  
Summer Camp 2023 Articles
Generic article | Jul 23, 2023


  • This will be a good opportunity to write the Council article and expand on the High Councillor article (which I believe is a stub) as well as write about important members.
  • I'd also like to write about the A family and explore the social power they hold.
  • Power can also refer to power sources, an aspect of the Variants' technology I have not explored yet. Of particular interest would be what powers the supercomputer.
  • Speaking of which, the supercomputer (which definitely needs a name) is an incredibly powerful piece of technology, with it's super-advanced AI and its soul allowing it to dream of and create absolutely anything. It is vitally important to the Variants' lives, and exploring its power and effects over technology, society and the land itself is something I'm looking forward to.
  • I really hope that "a person who creates powerful weapons/technology" comes up as a prompt, because "20th Itera's Most Feared Scholar" should be a very fun article to write.
  • I might be able to write about whoever's involved in deciding what roles Variant children will take up once they reach adulthood.
  • In the Flora and Fauna section, I think a plant (or animal) can be said to have power if it has the ability to incapacitate a living being (e.g. via poison or even mind control). Thus there might be a chance that I'll be able to write about some of the more dangerous plants in the moors.


  This is the most difficult one for me. Understanding what counts as a frontier was a bit confusing, especially since most of the examples don't seem to apply to my world. Still, I have some ideas:
  • The boundary between Citadel and Azure Town.
  • The boundary between Citadel and the moors.
  • The naturally-occurring portals between Aurora and Earth.
  • The people designing cutting-edge technology, e.g. the Mechanics and Scholars.


  • Any items belonging to people fromthe first 5 Iteras would probably be preserved as relics, due to how little is known about them.
  • I had an idea earlier that perhaps some Scholars on Earth leave bring items back from Earth, particularly items from nature, which get passed down as family heirlooms.
  • The Archivists regularly use and interact with tech considered to be old-fashioned "relics" by Variant standards (but might be fairly modern on Earth).
  • There might be other relics/heirlooms which are used on special occasions such as Unotem.


This one is my favourite. I get to lean heavily into tech and secret communication, and even a lack of communication that leads to isolation (*coughcough*AzureTown*coughcough*). I probably won't focus too much on languages for this one, just because I can see so many opportunities beyond that.  
  • I'm really hoping I get to write about BEADs, or Buttons for Entering Artificial Dreams. This is what facilitates the shared dream technology in the setting, and is great for when you want to have a private chat.
  • This theme might help me figure out how the members of Libertas send secret messages to each other.
  • In the languages category, I might write about ancient human languages (which Variants know thanks to the supercomputer and studying humans throughout history) and how they affect the way Variants speak. I might also create a role or character that revolves around recording human languages (or whatever other languages the supercomputer creates). This may already be partially covered by the Archivist role, though.
  • It might be interesting to explore how the Variants go about communicating (or trying to communicate) with the supercomputer directly.
  • I think it would be fun to write about a well-known game in Aurora that revolves around communication and miscommunication (an example of this type of game would be Telephone).


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Jun 27, 2023 10:08 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Awesome to see this live on WorldAnvil! <3 God bless and much success with your first official Summer Camp! I love how you are trying to take the fun approach to this. <3 Very cool. :D

Jun 27, 2023 10:14

Thank you so much! I hope you have a fun Summer Camp too! ^3^