Alovar Character in Aurora | World Anvil



Alovar, once a prominent figure in the city of Duskveil, embarked on a transformative journey that led to the creation of LunaSol.   In Duskveil, Alovar was a respected mage known for his prowess in magical arts and technological ingenuity. However, as tensions rose within the city and disagreements over the discovery, control and use of Aetheryte, the powerful magical crystals, escalated, Alovar found himself at odds with the Paragon Arcana Ellea Farae. Dissatisfied with the restrictive Aetherite monopoly maintained by Duskveil, Alovar sought alternatives and was determined to uncovered the secrets of Aetheryte in the Northern Parts of Keeper's Coast, the Emerald Peninsula.   Falling out with Duskveil, Alovar decided to establish his own magical haven on the narrow strip of land connecting the peninsula to the mainland of Keeper's Coast. LunaSol, a city dedicated to understanding Aetheryte and fostering magical freedom, emerged from his vision. The city became a safe haven for mages of all kinds, encouraging the exploration of magical potential and research into the elusive Aetheryte.   Alovar's story from Duskveil to LunaSol is one of defiance, innovation, and the pursuit of magical knowledge. His decision to build LunaSol marked a turning point, challenging the established order and offering a new path for those who sought to explore the depths of magical power beyond the confines of Duskveil. The city became a testament to Alovar's vision of a place where magical potential could be realized without the constraints imposed by existing power structures.
Current Location
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations


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