Introduction to Keepers Coast

Keeper's Coast is a land of Magic, Pirates, and Dragons. Since ‘the surge’ pure magic has seeped its way through the weave into the lives of everyone and everything in Keeper’s Coast; naturally the different civilizations have reacted to it in their own way: Luna Sol seeks to understand and utilize the magic as a natural resource it now is, Duskveil wants to control it, and finally, Natuga seems as though it wants nothing to do with it, living in tandem as though nothing had changed; oddly enough.
  In the five years since the invasion of Verondarux many have left Duskveil to find their own ways. Pirateering became more commonplace than before, and with the recent exploration of the mainland, Pirates and their crews have begun exploring and looting more than just the open seas. Explorers and adventurers have found a number of interesting places, species, and even items along the way; not to mention the untold finds of those who hide their treasures in the wilds to use later, or those that didn’t make it back to tell the tale.
  Whether you’re exploring untouched lands, adventuring into new cities and towns, or socializing with old friends and familiar faces; Keeper's Coast is filled with danger and opportunity for those brave enough to explore it.


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