Iroas, God of Victory

God Iroas (a.k.a. God of Victory, God of Honor)

In the thunder of footsteps and the clash of weapons, Iroas guides the valiant to triumph. To embody honor in battle is to walk the path of the god of victory.
— Follower of Iroas
  Iroas, the unwavering god of honor and victory in war, embodies martial pride and the thrill of triumphant battles. With a bold and confident demeanor, Iroas stands as the symbol of the battle nobly fought and won. His appearance is that of a powerful centaur with a bull's body, adorned in gleaming armor and wielding a spear and shield. Stoic yet possessing a wry sense of humor, Iroas commands respect and demands unwavering loyalty from those who seek his favor.   Iroas, patron god of the polis Akros, values strength, discipline, and the pursuit of victory in both war and athletics. His influence extends beyond the battlefield to encompass the virtues of honor and determination. Followers of Iroas often seek to emulate the true warrior, one who fights with courage, dedication, and loyalty to a just cause. The clash between Iroas and his brother Mogis reflects the god's unwavering commitment to resisting chaos through martial prowess.  

Followers of Iroas

Iroas's worship revolves around the celebration of victory, honorable combat, and physical prowess. Temples dedicated to Iroas serve as training grounds for warriors, where martial skills are honed, and competitions are held to honor the god.  

Champions of Iroas

Champions Alignment: Usually chaotic, often good
Suggested Classes: Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Paladin, Sorcerer
Suggested Cleric Domains: War
Suggested Backgrounds: Athlete, Folk Hero, Soldier
  Champions of Iroas are champions of honor, embodying the code of the just warrior.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The primary holy symbol of Iroas is a stylized depiction of a spear and shield crossed in victory. Followers of Iroas often wear this symbol as a representation of their commitment to honor, courage, and triumph.

Tenets of Faith

Honorable Combat: Iroas values combat fought with honor, where the bonds between soldiers are unbroken, and courage is displayed on the battlefield.
  Physical Excellence: Iroas encourages excellence in physical pursuits, be it in war or athletics. His followers strive for superior skill, training, and dedication.
  Victory Through Strength: The god of victory believes in the supremacy of strength, determination, and disciplined training. Winning life's essential battles is the highest calling.
  Blunting Mogis's Advances: Iroas directs his followers to resist the advances of his brother, Mogis, often through combat, as he sees it as the most effective means to solve problems.


Triumph's Dawn: Celebrated at the break of dawn, Triumph's Dawn marks the victories of the past and the commitment to honor in future battles. Competitions, displays of martial skill, and ceremonies of oaths are common during this festival.   Champion's Ascendance: This holiday honors the ascendance of champions who have demonstrated exceptional courage and skill. It includes grand tournaments, where warriors showcase their prowess in various contests.


Contacts & Relations

Heliod, God of the Sun
  Iroas maintains a respectful and cooperative relationship with Heliod, recognizing the importance of the sun god's role in providing light and warmth to the world. Heliod's radiance is seen as a symbol of the courage and honor Iroas values in battle.  
Ephara, God of the Polis
  Iroas and Ephara share a mutual interest in the well-being of cities and civilization. While their domains may differ, they collaborate to ensure the protection and prosperity of the polis. Ephara's focus on law and order aligns with Iroas's emphasis on honorable combat and victory.  
Erebos, God of the Dead
  Relationship: Iroas and Erebos have a distant relationship, as their domains differ significantly. While Iroas values the vigor of life and the triumphs of the living, Erebos presides over the realm of the dead. There is a natural divide between the god of victory and the god of the Underworld.  
Thassa, God of the Sea
  Iroas and Thassa have a neutral relationship, as their domains diverge. Iroas's focus on war and victory contrasts with Thassa's maritime realm. While there may not be direct conflicts, their interests do not often intersect.  
Mogis, God of Slaughter
  Iroas and Mogis are brothers, and their relationship is characterized by conflict and opposition. While Iroas values honorable combat and victory, Mogis revels in slaughter and chaos. The clash between the two represents the eternal struggle between order and chaos.


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