Paragonian Keepers Organization in Aurora | World Anvil

Paragonian Keepers

In the shadows of Duskveil, the Paragonian Keepers stand as vigilant sentinels, upholding the security and sovereignty of the Diarchy of Paragons through a blend of skill, secrecy, and unwavering dedication.
  The Paragonian Keepers, an elite clandestine force, are the vigilant guardians of The Diarchy of Paragons in Duskveil. Tasked with intelligence gathering, counterespionage, and neutralizing threats, this covert organization operates in the shadows to ensure the safety and stability of the ruling authority.


Mission and Mandate:
  Threat Assessment: The primary mission of the Paragonian Keepers is to assess potential threats to The Diarchy of Paragons. This includes monitoring internal and external elements that could compromise the security and integrity of Duskveil.   Counterintelligence: Engaging in proactive counterintelligence efforts, the Keepers work to identify and thwart espionage activities, infiltrations, and any attempts to subvert the authority of the Paragons.  
Operational Secrecy:
  Undercover Operations: Keepers operate undercover, seamlessly blending into the city's diverse populace to gather intelligence discreetly. Their identities are closely guarded secrets, known only to the Diarchy and select high-ranking officials.   Disinformation Campaigns: Employing strategic disinformation, the Keepers mislead potential adversaries, safeguarding the secrecy of their true objectives and methods.  
Elite Training and Skills:
  Specialized Training: Members of the Paragonian Keepers undergo rigorous training in intelligence gathering, surveillance, combat, and magical arts. Their skills are honed to perfection to navigate the complexities of their covert missions.   Multidisciplinary Expertise: The Keepers possess a range of expertise, including arcane knowledge, martial prowess, and investigative acumen, making them a versatile force capable of handling diverse threats.  
Technology and Magic Integration:
  Advanced Surveillance: The Keepers utilize enchanted devices and magical surveillance techniques to observe and gather information without detection.   Magical Interception: Skilled in countering magical threats, the Keepers employ anti-scrying measures and protective enchantments to secure their operations.  
Rapid Response Unit:
  Quick Deployment: In the face of imminent threats, the Keepers serve as a rapid response unit, capable of swiftly neutralizing dangers and safeguarding the Diarchy.   Collaboration with Sparkiron Pact: Coordination with the Spark Iron Pact ensures seamless collaboration between the military and intelligence arms, enhancing the overall security apparatus of Duskveil.  
Loyalty and Oaths:
  Oaths of Allegiance: Keepers pledge unwavering loyalty to the Diarchy of Paragons, emphasizing their commitment to protecting the ruling authority and the city.   Absolute Discretion: A fundamental tenet of the Paragonian Keepers is the absolute discretion of their operations. The information they gather is selectively shared with the Diarchy to inform strategic decisions.
Military, Special Operations Force
Ruling Organization