The Archons Organization in Aurora | World Anvil

The Archons


The Archons, a group of five distinguished individuals, serve as the advisory council to The Diarchy of Paragons in Duskveil. Each Archon specializes in a specific domain, providing expertise and counsel to support the Diarchy in their governance of the city.  
  • Archon of Domestic Protection and Civic Influence:
      Responsibilities: Ensuring the safety and well-being of the citizens within the city. Civic Influence: Navigating social dynamics and fostering a cohesive community.
      Role: The Archon safeguards the domestic sphere and maintains a pulse on civic sentiments, playing a crucial role in shaping a harmonious society.
      Currently held by Grant Ereboron
  • Archon of Cultivation and Conscription:
      Responsibilities: Overseeing agricultural and resource cultivation. Managing conscription efforts for the city's defense.
      Role: This Archon focuses on the city's sustenance, resource management, and the conscription of able individuals to fortify Duskveil's defenses.
      Currently held by Ophelia Everblossom.
  • Archon of Industry and Infrastructure:
      Responsibilities: Directing industrial activities and economic development. Ensuring the maintenance and expansion of crucial infrastructure.
      Role: Responsible for the growth and stability of Duskveil's economy, industries, and essential infrastructure.
      Currently held by Absolam.
  • Archon of Religion and Rituals:
      Responsibilities: Overseeing religious practices and institutions. Nurturing cultural rituals and traditions within the city.
      Role: This Archon guides matters related to spirituality, fostering a connection between the city's inhabitants and their cultural and religious heritage.
      Currently held by Vauthry.
  • Archon of Rotation:
      Responsibilities: Providing specialized knowledge on a rotating basis. Adapting expertise to the specific topics discussed during the groups sessions.
      Role: A flexible and adaptive seat that brings diverse expertise based on the current needs and challenges faced by the Diarchy.

Collaborative Dynamics:
  Collective Decision-Making: The Archons collectively contribute to the decision-making process, offering diverse perspectives to address multifaceted challenges.
  Consultative Body: Serving as trusted advisors to the Diarchy, the Archons foster open dialogue and informed decisions, ensuring the city's interests are well-represented.
Rotational Expertise:
  Adaptive Knowledge: The rotating seat of the Archon of Rotation ensures that the council can tap into specialized knowledge tailored to the specific context of discussions, enhancing the governments adaptability.
Symbol of Unity:
  Unity in Diversity: The Archons symbolize the unity derived from diverse expertise, reflecting Duskveil's commitment to inclusivity and resilience in the aftermath of the Siege.


Organisation was formed by the Diarchy of Paragons after the Siege of Duskveil.
Geopolitical, City council
Alternative Names
Advisory group to the Paragons
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization