Nikolas Rook

Nikolas made his wealth for being an adventurer in his youth and retired in Loshev to be a mapmaker. He travelled half of Eroth before starting settling down and starting a family back in his home region Idir. Nikolas also brought his old friend Jenzo when he too was looking for a new home to settle down with his family. The children of Nikolas also began following his footsteps as being travelers and mapmakers. Even though he is not fond of politics personally he is on the council to be a voice of reason and calm when the Council is in a deadlock or when serious issues are laid before Loshev leadership. For this talent, he was voted to be Speaker of the Council, the one of the most important position in Loshev's leadership just behind Viscount. His role being to organize council meetings, addressing concern of state and making sure that all party representative within Loshev gets a chance to speak.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Current Residence
He / Him

STR 6, DEX 6, CON 6,
INT 12, WIS 12, CHA 14


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