
Loshev is a bustling trade town nestled along the Nahr Al-Bahr, known for its rich history, vibrant markets, and mildly corrupt governance. Despite its modest size, Loshev boasts a well-developed infrastructure, thanks to lucrative trade with wealthy neighboring regions. The town is divided into distinct districts: the bustling Gate Market, where merchants set up temporary stalls and the council convenes; the lively Lower Pier, the primary docking area filled with warehouses and taverns; the affluent Silver Pier, where wealthy merchants dock their ships and live in luxury; and the Bronze District, home to the hardworking townsfolk who keep the town running smoothly. While Loshev operates under a lawful structure, its council members, composed of elders and wealthy merchants, occasionally bend the rules for personal gain. This adds a layer of intrigue and opportunity, as the town's mix of order and corruption offers both rewards and challenges to those who navigate its streets.


Hobgoblins: 550 (29.7%)
Peren: 540 (29.2%)
Humans: 500 (27.0%)
Hobbin: 240 (13.0%)
Gnomes: 10 (0.5%)
Half-orcs: 5 (0.3%)
Other: 5 (0.3%)


Despite the chamber's seating design for up to 21 councilors, throughout Loshev's history, the city council has consistently been comprised of 9 to 13 members. This size allows for diverse voices while remaining manageable for decision-making. The council typically includes a mix of influential elders, though wealthy merchants or representatives of prominent factions within the town occasionally join to ensure the interests of various groups are represented.  
City Council
High Councilman Nikolas Rook
Councilor Evelyn Crestborne
Councilor Nassar Crestborne
Councilor Yullen Gemsmith
Councilor Torgun Kurvroc
Councilor Alex Westwood
plus five others  
Constable Tariq al-Mahir


Loshev boasts a more developed and well-designed infrastructure than typical for a town of its size, thanks to the considerable wealth generated from trade deals with affluent neighbors like Lvov, Ravenhold, and Haudh-Gwenn.


Loshev’s layout is practical, with each district playing a key role in the town’s daily life and trade. The different areas work together to keep Loshev running smoothly as a major stop along the Nahr Al-Bahr, but they also show the clear divide between the town's social classes.  
Gate Market
The Gate Market is the vibrant commercial center of Loshev, known for its temporary stalls and lively trade. The remnants of an old town wall mark the district's boundaries, giving it a historical charm. The Town Hall is situated here, where the council convenes, ensuring governance remains closely tied to the town's economic heart. This proximity to trade highlights the importance of commerce to Loshev's prosperity.  
Lower Pier
The Lower Pier is Loshev's bustling docking area, where goods are unloaded and stored in nearby warehouses. This district is filled with taverns, inns, and workshops, catering to the needs of sailors and traders. The Lower Pier is crucial for the town's economy, acting as the primary gateway for goods entering Loshev and facilitating swift trade with the nearby Gate Market.  
Silver Pier
Silver Pier is the affluent counterpart to the Lower Pier, where wealthy merchants dock their private vessels and maintain opulent homes. This district symbolizes Loshev's economic success and the social divide within the town. The wealth generated here plays a significant role in supporting the town's infrastructure and reflects the lucrative trade deals that pass through Loshev.  
Bronze District
The Bronze District is the residential heart of Loshev, home to the majority of the town's population. This area is characterized by modest homes and a strong sense of community, with residents working in the markets, docks, and local workshops. The Bronze District provides the essential labor force that sustains Loshev's daily operations, making it the backbone of the town's economy.


  • Loshev
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