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Session 1 - Demons in Rook's Head

General Summary

It is a beautiful day for the Spring Festival. Aragon and Arimanthos enter the town of Rook's Head to find the elf they have hired, Ghostclaw . Almost immediately a fight breaks out as dozens of Kobolds jump from abandoned merchant wagons to terrorize the town. This is more than just an average raid, however, as the Kobolds target and attempt to capture four young men in the town: Dram Drunston , Fenrir , Skara , and Amon . Ghostclaw springs into action and guts a Kobold with his knife as another falls to his arrow. Skara fells one with an arc of lightning as his dog Bruno rips the throat out of another. Meanwhile, a wolf emerges from the forest to take down another of the lizardfolk, it is Malifax , Ghostclaw's faithful companion. The town guard, Fenrir, brings one to its knees while his best friend Dram Drunston gets dragged out of town. Arimanthos and Aragon unleash holy retribution and a ray of ice as the last two Kobolds are brought down.   "I think you have something of mine," says Ghostclaw as Arimanthos pulls an arrow from his shoulder.   "Work on your aim," retorts the paladin.   Wounds close as Arimanthos lays his hands on Fenrir.   They all have different motivations, but together they track the escaped Kobolds to a place called Warren's Cavern. After a quick debate on how to proceed, Ghostclaw carefully enters and is able to detect a dart trap. Inside they encounter four men standing around a purple portal. The leader, The Hooded One, lifts the sack containing Dram over his shoulder and steps through. The evil emanating from the room is too much for Arimanthos to bear.   "By the might of Iomedae's light, no one shall fall tonight," yells the palidin as he charges into the final chamber.   The greatsword stabs at the largest man, Strongman, but his skin hardens and grows; something isn't right. The large man picks Arimanthos up and flings him across the room like a doll. Ghostclaw looses an arrow and it lodges itself into another man, The Bald Mage's arm. The third man, Sneaky, vanishes in a wisp of smoke. Aragon summons arcane magic to pull a stalactite from the ceiling and separates The Bald Mage from his arm. Screaming in pain, the man jumps through the closing portal, leaving his arm and casting staff behind. The invisible man reappears and stabs Arimanthos in the back.   Another arrow is loosed from Ghostclaw's bow, this time entering the Strongman's mouth. He falls to his knees, flames erupting from his eyes and mouth as he crumbles to dust. A ghostly melody surrounds the party, it is Amon and he briefly distracts Sneaky. Skara and Bruno combine their attacks to bring down this final enemy in an explosion of flames. Ghostclaw identifies these men as demon possessed, and relays that he heard them talking about meeting at the capital, Grabstein .   A three day journey brings the party to the gates of San Guine, one of the three kingdoms of Grabstein. After seeing King Bram Stoker and experienceing the slums of Undertown, they make it to the gates of the Magus Magnificat. However they are not allowed entry.   "The old grandmage is dead. No one in or out until the new one is chosen," says Magus Guard Alvar.   The party walk away, wondering what to do next. Suddenly, an elf pulls Aragon into an alleyway and rips the patch off his cloak identifying him as a wizard. Arimanthos springs into action and shoves the elf into a wall.   "What do think you are doing?" questions Arimanthos.   "I may have just saved his life," gesturing to the tower and handing the paladin his spyglass.   Arimanthos looks through, and miles up, at the top of the Magus Magnificat, he sees a magical battle unfolding.
Report Date
29 Sep 2018
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