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Session 19 - Chaos in Gemspire

General Summary

Eliza leads the weary group down the clock tower. Passing the already rotting Behemoth corpse, Wilvert takes a small sample. Eliza brings them down back streets and up a tall building to a small room overlooking the main square.   Curiosity overpowers exhaustion, and they begin to ask Eliza questions. They find out she 10,027 years old, and that this will be her third attempt to kill the Demon Lord. The first time she failed to kill him, she sealed him away deep underground. In order to ensure that she could stop him from escaping, she destroyed her soul, and that of her husband, to obtain immortality. When Wilvert suggests that immortality doesn't sound that bad, she tells him to imagine looking at the one you love forever, but knowing that what made him him is no longer there. She can transfer her endless well of lifepower to bring him back temporarily, but he is nothing more than a puppet. She apologizes for not telling them the whole truth 5,000 years ago, but she had waited too long to risk them not believing her. Satisfied that she poses little danger to them, they collapse, exhausted, and fall asleep.   The next morning, Arimanthos and Fenrir are awoken by the smells of burnt toast and rotten eggs. Eliza has found Horseshoe and brought him back to his two fathers. Trying to make a good impression, the young lad attempted to make breakfast.   Below, in the square, a crowd has gathered. Rumors have spread like wildfire; robed men, witches, and monsters spewing out of portals. Harrison stands before the crowd and gives a speech. He announces that he is the one who slayed the Behemoth, and that the city guard was in league with the demons. A new column of Band of the Broken Staff members entered the city this morning, and he has declared a state of marshal law. No one can leave or enter the city until the cultists are brought to him.   As he finishes his speech, a noble pulls out a crossbow, and shoots the crazed king. Pulling the bolt from his chest, the Harrison lifts his would be assailant into the air and drives the bolt through the mans head. The shocked townspeople begin to riot as the wounded king retreats into the castle. Eliza tells the group to use the this distraction to run across town and take "Morbac's Ax" from a house of relics.   As they make it down to the street, they are accosted by smoke. Rioters have set a nearby building on fire. A man notices Fenrir, and tells the crowd that he is a friend of the king. Arimanthos lifts him into the air and tells him to keep quiet. The angry man's face quickly turns to terror as he starts to scream about spiders. The paladin drops the man, draws his blade, and looks for the arachnids, but can't see them. The man runs away screaming.   Next, they pass one of the city gates. The Band of the Broken Staff members have the gate bolted, but still struggle to hold the people back, some have begun coming down off the walls to help. Fenrir sees a Naga coiling to strike, but he is too late to dodge. As the fangs sink deep, he can feel the deadly poison course through his veins. Fenrir draws his sword and takes a swing, but only nicks the snake.   Arimanthos spins around as he hears Fenrir scream in pain, the warrior seems delusional and is swinging his sword at an unarmed man. After having Arimanthos restrain him, Wilvert deduces that the rotting Behemoth corpse is causing people to have visions. He synthesizes a cure using the blood he collected, and soon Fenrir calms down.   The group continues to run through the streets, when they come across a man on a pile of crates attempting to defend them from invisible enemies. He calls to Wilvert for help.   "Toss me your sword," the gnome shouts.   As soon as the man throws him the weapon, Wilvert tosses it on the roof of a building.   "You will thank me when you don't hurt yourself," the gnome shouts.   They finally arrive at the house of relics. Finding the door open, the group cautiously heads inside. Wilvert finds a chain with a cuff on either end that exudes a small amount of magic, and decides to take them. As Arimanthos searches a room full of antique armor sets, one springs to life and attacks him.   "Hey! It's the bandits! Cease, bandits! And cease your bandit-like activities as well! Ooooh, and in broad daylight, too! You guys are getting gutsy! But it all ends here, you banditing bandits, you!" yells the suit of armor.   After easily restraining the suit, Fenrir takes off the helmet, and finds the curator of the relic house inside. When the group questions him, they learn that the Band of the Broken Staff has already beaten them there and have taken Morbac's Ax. They leave wondering what to do next when they find Ward outside. He tells them that King Harrison has gone crazy and needs to be deposed.   Heading to the castle, they hear fighting at the city gates. Giancarlo and Ebony decided to use The Phoenix Army to take the city when they didn't hear word from the heroes. Radolf and Terry follow the group on their charge to the castle.   Upon entering, they find King Harrison surrounded by his most loyal soldiers. Arimanthos challenges him to a duel for the city. Harrison wields Morbac's Ax and goes into a barbarian rage, taking a cheap shot at the paladin. The king's men charge Arimanthos, so the rest of the group joins the brawl.   Wilvert chugs a potion and breathes electricity, killing a Band of the Broken Staff Footman. Drawing their swords, Radolf and Fenrir drop a second and third man. Azul follows Wilvert's lead and kill three more with their elemental powers. Radolf's dagger sinks deep into another fighter and Wilvert kills a final man.   Consumed by their duel, Harrison and Arimanthos trade blows. When the king's rage wears off, Arimanthos uses the last of his strength to kill the crazed Harrison.   As they exit the castle, snow begins to fall. They are met by Giancarlo who informs them that they have taken the city. The group decides to winter their army in Gemspire.
Report Date
31 Aug 2019
Primary Location

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