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Session 5 - Treachery at the Kingsmoot

General Summary

The mood has been somber in the five days since the group left New Haverbrooke, but many things must be done and there are more pressing matters than mourning an old friend. When they first arrived back at The Seawolf, Skara, Aragon, and Ghostclaw decide Bram's fate.   "I learned what he was from my benefactor Queen Jadis de la Barthe, and have been a mole in his court for over a year. I had thought the vampires went extinct shortly after the magus was formed. Human hunters persecuted them mercilessly until they were driven off the face of the earth. But I do believe he is a good man," says Roger.   Bram insists that he and his family are the last coven of vampires on this earth, and that they will be the last people cursed with the vampire plague. Arimanthos' trust in the king has a great deal of weight on the group, and they decide to show mercy.   After a few days of hard sailing, they arrive at Ebenring, the largest city in San Guine. Alice studies the sails of the ships in the port through Roger's spyglass.   "Bram was right," she tells Arimanthos, "They have called a Kings Moot"   Confused, Skara asks what she is talking about, and Ghostclaw explains to the young druid. Once every 20 years, the senators from Nirene, Hardsorrow, and Castillo gather together to elect a new king. For the last 3000 years this has been a formality, as the next Stoker in line always ascends to the throne.   "It is good I came," Alice continues, turning to Arimanthos, "and you as well..." she begins before being cut off by a cold stare from the paladin. "Either way the two of us will have some... things to attend to when we dock"   As The Seawolf docks, the group sees another ship floating in behind them. While all the ships seem pristine, this galleon is truly a cut above and no markings to link it to one of the three houses. As it docks over two dozen hired men jump off the ship into the huge snowdrifts and the group barely get a look at a well dressed man who is escorted to a carriage. Alice, Bram, and Arimanthos leave the group, followed by Yorber and Fenrir loaded down with a pack of salt.   "That's it, my boy. I'll show you the way of the merchant," the dwarf says to Fenrir, "and get some free labor too," he finishes under his breath.   As soon as Aragon steps off the dock, he is accosted by a half orc. Hiding in the shadow of the lumbering oaf is an old man that Aragon recognizes immediately. It is Zubarin, a wizard and one of Aragon teachers from the Magus. The wizard takes them to a small house in the slums. He explains that he and a small group of wizards and paladins fled the Magus and were pursued by the inquisitors. He is the last living wizard of his group, but can sense that others are still alive somewhere. On his travels north, he saved the life of the half orc, Bur'z' Tusk, who now is in his service. He came to Ebenring to get the help of the Stoker family, but hasn't been able to see the crown princess Rose Stoker. Further complicating the situation, the inquisitors have paid off the town guards to enter their ranks in disguise.   Unsure of their next move, the group starts to head back to The Seawolf. As they walk through the crowded streets, they hear a scream. An old man plummets to the ground from the top of a high building. He lands hard and is impaled on his own cane. It is obvious that he was a very rich man, and his cloak indicates that he is a noble from Nirene. The town guard is there instantly.   "Must be a suicide," he tells the crowd as he begins to drag the body away. "That's the third this week. They must not be able to stand the cold," he says with a laugh.   The people of Ebenring seems disgusted, but no one says a word and they go back to their work. Amon points out that it doesn't appear to be a suicide, but he is quickly silenced by Aragon and Ghostclaw. They need to be careful to not draw attention to themselves. After first sneaking into an alleyway, Ghostclaw climbs to the top of the building. When he reaches the top, he sees two sets of footprints in the freshly fallen snow; one walks to the edge of the building, the other appears to have been dragged. He easily follows the tracks off the building and to a local bar called The Meadwell. Inside he sees a brutish man with boots covered in freshly fallen snow talking to a noble from Castillo. Ghostclaw and the rest of the group take a seat at a table, and the elf listens in on the conversation.   "The rest are scared now. He was hard to find as it is. The rest might flee the capital," the brutish man says.   "Two thirds seemed almost impossible last week, now it's in my grasp," the noble laughs. Money is exchanged, and the noble leaves the bar under the protection of six guards.   The brute finishes his drink and begins to leave the tavern. As soon as he takes a step out of The Meadwell, Bur'z' Tusk lifts him up by the back of his shirt, and takes him into the alley. Aragon and Ghostclaw question him, and they find out he was hired by the Castillo noble to kill a Nirene senator. He gives the group his contract, irrefutable proof that indicates the Castillo noble is guilty. A man emerges from the shadows. It is Bram; the king has also tracked this man down. He warns the group to bide their time. If they try to turn this man in to the guards now, they risk being killed or worse. The vampire has a plan, he hands Aragon a sealed letter written in Alice's hand.   "You are now a Nirene noble," the king says, "with all the voting rights and privileges. Tomorrow I want you to go to the senate, and make my daughter queen."   The group decides that this is a good plan and splits up to acquire supplies and run errands for themselves. Ghostclaw and Amon head to the hunter's guild to determine how much Browntooth is worth. Aragon and Bur'z' Tusk bring the hit man back to the ship to hold him in a cell. Skara goes back to Zubarin's house to see if he can figure out why his ax has magical qualities.   "I hope you haven't been swinging that thing around," the wizard scolds.   "Perchance, why?" inquires the druid.   Zubarin explains that it is not an ax, but a stone golem magically linked to a staff. He casts a spell to wake the stone beast from its slumber.   As Ghostclaw enters the hunter's guild, Amon sees a cat and begins to chase after it. A confused Ghostclaw shakes his head and walks up to the receptionist. Browntooth has a 800 gold bounty, to be paid upon his delivery to the guild hall. This is agreeable to the elf, so he arranges for the pirate to be picked up at the ship.   The playful cat leads Amon through the city streets, and as darkness falls, people return to their warm houses clearing the streets. Amon finally catches up to the feline, and she begins to hiss. He feels something breathing on his back, and turns to find a Hellhound. The flaming beast has been tracking Amon and leaps on him sinking his jaws into the bard.   Ghostclaw walks down a now quiet street, the hair on his neck stands on end. He spins around and looses an arrow. It sinks deep into another Hellhound that has been stalking him. As Skara and Bruno leave Zubarin's shack, a third Hellhound pounces from a nearby roof. Finally, Aragon and Bur'z' Tusk arrive back at The Seawolf and find a fourth snarling Hellhound sitting on the dock.   Thinking quickly, Aragon uses his arcane magic to lift a barrel of apples and smash it into the beast. Bur'z' Tusk laughs at the hound and takes a slash at it, cutting deep. Ghostclaw runs down the street, kiting the creature and looking for his friends. The chase continues on the rooftops. Looking down, the elf sees Amon, in a house, being mauled by a Hellhound. After felling the beast following him, Ghostclaw grabs his friend and pulls him up to the roof, helping him escape. The elf tosses Amon a potion, who proceeds to spill more than he drinks.   "Ooga booga booga," Bur'z' Tusk shouts as his great sword sinks deep into a Hellhound, killing it.   Ghostclaw attempts to distract the hound hunting Amon, but to no avail. It chases the bard through the streets only stopping when a leaping Bur'z' Tusk smites the third beast. Sensing his brother's death, the fourth Hellhound flees.   The next day, Aragon attends the senate meeting. Alice is the only Nirene senator left; she informs Aragon that King Oldenbromm has proposed that Rose Stoker marries his son. This would put him in charge of two of the three kingdoms. Aragon presents the evidence proving the Castillo senator was responsible for the death of the Nirene noble. This swings enough votes to stop the marriage, but one short of voting Rose queen. At the last second, Arimanthos enters the chamber, wearing the robes of a Castillo noble. In front of the shocked group, he casts the final vote to make Rose queen of San Guine.
Report Date
17 Nov 2018
Primary Location

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