The Outlands
The Outlands of Toril is considered to be all land and sea beyond the explored regions of Auxis. Everything to the west of The Black Reaches and to the south and east of The Southern Outlands is considered alien territory and out of the jurisdiction of the Auxian populations.
Little is known of these regions, and no contact has been made between the societies of Auxis and any native or powers or populations of civilisations beyond. Few individuals have explored beyond the reaches of the oceans surrounding Auxis, and those who have ventured out have never returned. A large body of water to the south-west of Auxis known as the The Opal Sea has been a unique source of exploration for many brave sailors and adventurers, though those who have dared to venture deep into the mysterious ocean have, predictably, all but vanished.
Talk to the outlands is taboo in most societies, and the many troubles of Auxis has kept talk of exploring beyond their waters hushed for many millennia.
Included Locations