Yuan-ti Species in Auxis | World Anvil
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The yuan-ti are a race of serpentfolk who reside in the far south of Xedaris, isolated in the jungles of Rieyama. They are a proud and powerful people despite their small size, and have a masterful control over a large region of the continent.  


  There are multiple types of Yuan-Ti, the abominations, the malisons and the purebloods. Yuan-ti abominations were monstrous serpent-like creatures, almost completely snakelike except for a roughly humanoid torso. These were almost all naturally evil and are confined to the edges of Yuan-ti civilisation. Most died off during the Yuan-ti civil wars.   Yuan-ti Malisons were greatly varied. They came in several body types and possessed many variations in scale patterns and colours, much like natural snakes. They tended to have body masses and sizes in the same range as humans. Many had serpent-like heads, body-parts or tails, and large regions were covered in thick scales. Yuan-ti purebloods were the most human-like of the yuan-ti and were the highest caste of their people. They were human like with reptilian features, such as snake-like eyes, patches of scales on their skin or forked tongues. Their skin was often thicker than humans but very soft, except for the patches of scale.  

Yuan-ti Society

Yuan-ti society was highly structured and dogmatic. They lived in matriarchal, theocratic cities centred around stunning temples built of glorious stone. They often built around rivers and large lakes, and were highly connected between one another. Yuan-ti cities were ruled by high priestesses, each of which had a council of advisers related to military, geopolitics and industry. Each individual played a special role in Yuan-ti society, having a predefined destiny and job set out for them as they grow older.   Yuan-ti society is mainly made up of pureblood and malison subraces. Abominations are rare to see in cities, and the occasional one you do see is often an emissary from a small local tribe or an elderly sage with much worldly knowledge. Malisons often play more physical roles in the society, as labourers, soldiers and craftspeople, but this is often to do with their superior strength and greater constitutions.

General Information




Humanoid (Minor Race)  

Average Lifespan

The same as humans  


The Jungles of Rieyama  


Common, Abyssal and Draconic  


Gukjun, Sseth, other Serpant Gods  




Average Height


Average Weight


Yuan-ti History

The Yuan-ti were once human. Long before the convergence, great empires were built in the jungles of Rieyama, collectives of great tribes and clans of strong and steadfast humans. Many of these empires worshipped the jungles, the animals and serpants within, and developed impressive alchemy and tools out of the natural ingredients at hand. As one of the early religious cultures, they established a loose religion of the World Serpant, a primordial entity to which they prayed and gave tribute to.   In the age of the Numinus, many of these tribes were called to by the gods. They became followers of many primordial gods, particularly those of elemental water and earth. These many tribes were tempted by the many aliases and aspects of the demon lord from the The Abyss: Sseth, who painted himself as an aspect of the World Serpant.   During the convergence and the driving out of many of these tribes by otherworldly creatures into an already dangerous jungle, only those most loyal to Sseth and the demon lords remained. As his followers grew weary, he exchanged them strength and power for their fealty. He imparted into them an aspect of himself, the strength and constitution of the serpent, and the first Yuan-ti were born. Most of these were Malisons, half-serpent half-human mortals. Some, however, were the abominations which strike fear into the heart of many civilisations even today when the word Yuan-ti is uttered.   These early Yuan-ti civilisations saw the abominations at the top of the strata. The closer to Sseth one was, the higher rank they became. During the Astral war, the Yuan-ti were used as pawns against the mortal races in the quest for domination by the lower planes. Sseth allied with Bhaal, one of the Dead Three and one of the lower plane conquerors. Many thousands of Yuan-ti died and many lost faith in Sseth as he regularly indiscriminately sent them to their death.   As the war raged on the demography of the Yuan-ti changed drastically. Many high strata Yuan-ti, acting as generals and leaders, were killed - leaving the lower castes to breed with humans and other Malisons. In many individuals their snakelike features faded, leaving a more human-like population alongside traditional Malisons. During the war, Sseth was felled, and as the war came to an end, two tribes revealed themselves in the Yuan-ti population. One clan, mostly abomination and more snakelike Malisons, attempted to continue their faith in the demon lord Sseth and isolate themselves from a changing world. Others, mostly pureblood and many other Malisons, parted from the old traditions and wished to build anew.   The latter clan was led by a former warrior and exarch of Sseth named Gukjun, a key figure in Rieyamani culture. He abandoned his old master and brought about his downfall by joining the alliance of mortals, renouncing his faith. A bloody civil war broke out in the region between the two clans, tearing across the Rieyama jungles and devastating much of the old cities. After many years, the followers of Gukjun overwhelmed their foes and started anew, banishing the followers of Sseth into the jungles as they rebuilt their cities to the great empire known today as Rieyama.  

Yuan-Ti Abominations

Yuan-ti abominations were monstrous serpent-like creatures, almost completely snakelike except for a roughly humanoid torso. They used to form the highest caste in Yuan-ti society, but now are mostly banished from the realm. With their almost completely serpentine form and vaguely humanoid arms able to use weapons and tools, abominations were the form of yuan-ti that most closely resembled the originally intended appearance of the yuan-ti race as envisioned by the serpent gods.   Abominations were able to change their form into a viper of various sizes. They also had the ability to camouflage themselves and anything they carried to blend in with their surroundings. During melee combat, while holding onto an enemy, abominations could excrete a powerful acid from their skin. Abominations were capable of causing fear of snakes to any creature within 30 ft.   They were extremely violent and ruthless, and often ate their pray short after their hunt. They were dogmatic and loyal to their faith, likely why they were granted the most 'beautiful' form in their religion. Few true yuan-ti abominations remain, but they are often at odds with wider Yuan-ti society.   Rumours suggest that abomination clans and tribes do exist far from the civilisations and cities of Rieyama, but deep in the jungles and swamps of the region. This sub-race is often obsessed with protecting its land and tribe, and as such likely finds the best place it can defend. Anyone who gets close probably will not live to tell the tale.   Yuan-ti abominations were extremely intelligent, cunning and sinister, and were very powerful physically and magically. Their innate divine gifts meant they were naturally talented with magic, particular of the psionic and elemental variety.

Yuan-Ti Malison

Yuan-Ti Halfbloods, also known as Malisons, are a sub-race of yuan-ti with a roughly equal blend of serpentine and human features. There was great variety among the yuan-ti halfbloods. Not only did they come in several general body types, but they also tended to show variations in scale patterns and colors, much like natural snakes. Four in ten halfbloods had the body of an agile, sharp-featured human but with a serpent head and scales. The remaining 60% of halfbloods fell into three remaining variations. Some had the lower body of a snake instead of legs, others had a snake-like tail, and still others had snake-like arms in place of normal arms.   Like all true yuan-ti, halfbloods had psionic powers. By force of will alone, they could morph their bodies into the form of any viper and sense the presence of any poison nearby. Moreover, they were innately resistant to magic. In addition to these common powers, halfbloods could psionically entrance animals and instill fear or suggest actions to those of weak will power. They could also control small plants, wines, and weeds by thought, much like the entangle spell, call forth magical darkness, and neutralize any poison.   Halfbloods could change the color of their skin and scales to match their environments, much like a chameleon. Their bodies also oozed an acidic secretion, and they had poisonous bites. Those halfbloods with tails could use them to constrict opponents or to climb or swim. Yuan-ti in general favored high-quality weapons. Halfbloods favored scimitars and composite longbows and often wore studded leather armor. It was not uncommon for them to poison their blades and arrows.   They were often stronger and had greater wit than their pureblood or abomination cousins, and as such were experts in fields of strength and craft, as well as on the battlefield as tacticians and soliders. Many Malisons fought and died in the great many Yuan-ti wars, and have such have evolved into highly skilled and deadly opponents on the battlefield. Although technically they belong to the lower caste of Yuan-ti society below the purebloods, they are highly venerated for the work they provide to the citadels and empires of Rieyama and are valued highly.

Yuan-Ti Pureblood

Yuan-Ti Purebloods were the most akin to humans, and are the most populous of the yuan-ti subraces. Purebloods are described as human-like but with minor reptilian features, such as snake-like eyes, a forked tongue, and patches of scales on their skin.   While not as powerful as other yuan-ti forms, purebloods still had psionic powers, and could sense the presence of any poison nearby, as well as being immune to all poison. They were innately magical due to their divine origins, but this was more a passive ability. They were very intelligent and wise, much like their abomination counterparts, but were not innately evil and were often morally neutral, aiming simply for survival.   Yuan-ti were highly charismatic and had magnetic personalities. They often had large families and existed in big communities, and would successfully work their way into other societies as spies or emissaries from Rieyama. They could more easily disguise themselves in human cultures, and those who drifted from their homelands often found their way working in nearby states.   Purebloods were highly honourable and faithful to their homeland. Their upbringing in a society based on the values of Gukjun mean they are highly militaristic and dogmatic about their religion, but also aim for communal well-being. They ensured the thriving and protection of their communities, to an extent which may be questionable to some outsiders.   As purebloods were more like humans than serpentfolk, they exhibited many human-like traits. They were often nimble, smooth-talking and intelligent. They would often become archivists, rogues, spies and monks, and those who went on adventures or missions for their homelands would easily hold their own. Some yuan-ti became wizards, but their own magical traditions were not as refined as some other Xedarian cultures. On the other hand, many Yuan-ti were warlocks and clerics, drawing on the guidance left by Gukjun to protect and defend their people.


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