Minor Races
While the minor races are not well represented across Auxis as the standard population bodies, they are still forces to be reckoned with. These are not simply isolated monsters of band of semi-conscious creatures, rather vital cultures uniquely their own, with long and storied histories, meaningful traditions and a great deal of pride.
There are a total of 10 minor races, each of which with unique personalities, societies and religions. Most of these began to appear during the convergence, and took up much of the land which was abandoned during the sacking of many small villages by extraplanar beings prior to the astral war. As such, many of these races are vastly over-represented in Xedaris, with very little of them present on Edea.
Minor race societies are incredibly diverse in function, with some being nought but small tribes and clans, or some being small empires in their own right. Some were created by deities from other worlds, and some evolved naturally from existing races. Some, however have little knowledge of their origins.