Auxis Gukjun Appears
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Gukjun Appears

Life, Milestone

13th of Astilabus 1643

While kidnapped in the occupied ruins of the Dwarvern city of the Sumber Hills, Maliss received a vision of her deity Gukjun, who enchanted her power arcane orb to fuel her power.

Locked away with her new comrades in a cell block below the surface, Gukjun appeared before Maliss in a vision, informing her of the necessity of her escape to fulfil her purpose. Gifting her new power through the arcane power orb she collected, Gukjun spoke to her of a purpose she alone could now fulfill. He informed her that the dogma of her religion and the treatment of his legacy was no longer acceptable, and her rebelliousness and lack of orthodox faith could be the key to true peace in her region. Though, to not pressure her in a time of great importance, he left without saying more.

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