Maliss Veness Character in Auxis | World Anvil
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Maliss Veness

Maliss Veness is a Yuan-ti pureblood girl from the southern city of Shasa Sarin in the country of Rieyama on Xedaris. She is currently a member of the adventuring party The Hungry Yaks, searching down a wicked cult who kidnapped her from her home land, as well as mysterious geopolitical forces which threaten her home. After growing up in the lavish and overbearing home of a military commander and a high priestess of the nation's major religion, Maliss developed a tense relationship with parts of her family, especially her mother, who placed strong expectations and commitments onto Maliss from an early age. Her two siblings Lassek and Sarenoth both swiftly rose the ranks of two of the cities institutions - the scholarly halls and the military, and have always spurred Maliss on to become her best self, though her rebellious nature and aptitude for finding trouble meant that her pre-defined path - becoming an Acolyte and taking her mother's place - quickly did not see itself become reality, and was 'relegated' to the secret services where she would be trained to become an infiltrator and spy.   Like many in the city, Maliss, though reluctantly, worshipped her home's deity of Gukjun, the Fiend exarch of the Yuan-Ti. While she would never admit it to her mother's face, Maliss never approved of the way the political and religious classes used the power granted by Gukjun before his passing to aid and excuse geopolitical advantage and conquest, making the exchange purely ceremonial and eventually for self gain through the warlock connection she adapted to in her training. As such, Maliss intended to finish her training and relieve herself of any ceremonial duties as fast as possible, and to become a professional spy in order to travel away from the city as much as she could.   During her training, Maliss learnt various espionage skills, becoming proficient in many forms of investigation, stealth and deception. She also gained a limited but adept ability to channel the arcane residue left by Gukjun to cast magics to assist her endeavours, receiving a tome by the institution to adapt to her own magic style. In the archives, she met a rogue and fellow trainee named Monsoon, a Water Genasi boy who's grandparents had immigrated to Shasa Sarin from a distant island many years ago. The two instantly became friends, competing for the attention of their tutors and always going on excursions together. During these excursions, Monsoon confided in Maliss that he felt guilty he could not properly pay tribute to the culture of his homeland, showing her an old, rusted silver pendant belonging to a god she did not recognise. He also carried with him a tattered old map, given to him by his grandparents, indicating a route through an undefined forest alongside a riverbank.   The two confided in each other for years, until, in one of their last assessment missions they were assigned a simple but important real in-field case: to spy on and report back findings on an unknown presence in the jungles to the north of the city hunting Phase Spiders. On their mission, in an attempt to bypass any further training and graduate as fast as possible, the pair attempted to take down the hunters, but were overwhelmed, causing them both to be held captive. After being kept for half a day, the individuals killed Mosnoon, though, unknown why to her, they restrained from killing her, kidnapping her and bringing her to the neutral town of Banshaw far to the north...  
Maliss Veness' History




Sethari Veness
Ivathar Veness
Lassek Veness
Sarenoth Veness  


The Hungry Yaks  





Maliss Veness


Nation of Origin:

Date of Birth:






Class and Level:


22nd Shillalis 1622


Yuan-Ti Pureblood


Slender, athletic and tall. Tanned skin with patched of vitiligo-like scales. Shoulder-length black hair and orange eyes.


8th Warlock/1st Rogue
  • 1622

    Life, Birth

  • 1634

    Joined the Shasa Sarin Scholarly Acadamy
    Life, Education

  • 1637

    Expelled from the Scholarly Acadamy
    Life, Failure / Mishap

  • 1638

    Joined the Shasa Sarin Espionage Guild
    Life, Education

  • 1639

    Met Monsoon
    Life, Relationship change

  • 5th of Astilabus 1643
    Kidnapped by Insurgents
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Maliss and Monsoon were kidnapped by the criminals hunting Phase Spider to the north of Shasa Sarin. In the process, Monsoon was murdered.

  • 6th of Astilabus 1643
    Transported to Banshaw
    Life, Relocation

  • 9th of Astilabus 1643
    Maliss Joins the Hungry Yaks
    Life, Organisation Association

    The Party discovered the presence of cultists in the town of Banshaw, and rescued a kidnapped warlock girl in the basement of a hideout. After disposing of the cultists, discovering some secrets and rescuing the warlock, the party adopted her into their ranks and fled the scene.

    Additional timelines
  • 13th of Astilabus 1643
    Gukjun Appears
    Life, Milestone

    While kidnapped in the occupied ruins of the Dwarvern city of the Sumber Hills, Maliss received a vision of her deity Gukjun, who enchanted her power arcane orb to fuel her power.

  • 15th of Astilabus 1643
    Message to Sethari
    Life, Identity

    After escaping from the Sumber Hills and entering the tunnels of the underdark, Maliss asked Course to message her mother, Sethari Veness. However, inadvertently, she outed herself that her real name was not Monsoon after all.

  • 16th of Astilabus 1643
    Second Talk with Gukjun

    After escaping the mines of the Sumber Hills, Maliss reached out to Gukjun again, who told her of the lies that had been propagated by her militaristic homeland. In an effort to gain her trust, he let her know his true origin, and why she should help him.

  • 20th of Astilabus 1643
    Message to Lassek
    Life, Identity

    On the first night in the Drow city of Do'Urden, Maliss contacted her brother Lassek Veness to update him, and to check he was okay. For a strange reason, he could not respond in a full manner, citing a supposed lockdown and curfew on the city.

  • 21st of Astilabus 1643
    The Bowl of Seeing
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    After dining with the royal family of the house of Do'urden, Drixxen brought the party to a room to reveal to them that the silvered item they collected from the Mind Flayer was in fact a seeing bowl, a divination tool which could allow one to see a fragment of the past, present or future.

    Additional timelines
  • 21st of Astilabus 1643
    3rd talk with Gukjun

    Gukjun informed Maliss that her family was safe, but that he could not impart the dangers to her just yet. Only, she was on the right path.

  • 22nd of Astilabus 1643
    Contact with Lassek

    On the first night at Khori's home, Maliss managed to get in contact with her brother, Lassek. He informed her that the city was on lockdown as the high council of Rieyama are suspecting an attack from the neighbouring country of Bahram.

  • 23rd of Astilabus 1643
    Second Talk with Lassek

    Maliss, with the help of Course, contacted Lassek once again, allowing her to snatch her brother's familiar from under his nose, and discussed the activity upon the border. Unable to provide much help, Lassek could only comfort Maliss in a promise that he will uncover what forces are at play.


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