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Cold Caves (Cold-Caves)

The cold caves are a cult with the belief that all humanoids are unworthy of the great surface. They believe that summoning the god of the race only known as the Xalan(za-lan) onto the mortal plane would force all of the unworthy to the caves where they would rule, anyone would oppose them would be forced up to the surface to freeze over. Their leader is unknown but most if not all cities and town in avagus fear the cult, the cults main hub is unknown. The cult also has been seen everywhere, so the cults hideout can be anywhere. The cult will do anything to bring the cooling to the surface, no doubt sacrificing themselves to make it happen. If you see the banner or any banner looks like it, be aware and alert, hope to the sea pheniox they don't see you as a target in their way.
Religious, Cult

Trust to take each other in if something dire happens to either of them.

Are dire enemies and want to wipe each other out.


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