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Colonization of Nalin (TW GENOCIDE)

Life, Death


The war on honor had continued for 2 months with most of the battles being bloody on the nalian side, without the stormruler on thier side the natives didnt stand much of a chance. Yes they had magic weapons made from people who could use the power in thier veins to fight off what has been becoming of thier home, they had many as a lot of nalinians had done a lot in thier time, with civil wars, honor and dishonor constaly fighting with neither winning......

The war on honor had continued for 2 months with most of the battles being bloody on the nalian side, without the stormruler on thier side the natives didnt stand much of a chance. Yes they had magic weapons made from people who could use the power in thier veins to fight off what has been becoming of thier home, they had many as a lot of nalinians had done a lot in thier time, with civil wars, honor and dishonor constaly fighting with neither winning on the scale of things it lead to the natives, the few hundred natives that had survived these battles and the genocide of thier people, which is about to end as almost all of the 1.2 million natives, mostly children and the elderly first with mostly people in thier 20's being the last surviors, as with the last few hundred hiding at thier camp a house flown by a bloodbender apperaed on thier camp, these adventurers helped the natives untill they relized that had magicial weapons, untill they turned on them for the essencse filled weapons, now with the last few surviors being held at a party to kill them all, which they already have, which they will suprise the guests with..... The nalinian natives all are dead, wiped clean from the material plane, wiped from thier home with the only survivoring nalians being wandering trumatized souls who barely escpaed the genocide, most defenly being hunted down for the fact. With this fact Vivenne cobb has already sighned the papers to be married to her new husband the great son of Hugo whitaker, Bradely Whitaker, becoming roaylity and being seen as a hero for the genocide she caused for profit. The tides of war are changing, and with the war of 900 seeming like more a reliaty every other country but the Empire and its puppets prepare for a bloody and brutal war.

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