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History of Avagus

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    The Creation of All
    Construction beginning/end

    Darkla, is known as the one that created Avagus out of boredom......

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    The Creation of Mortals
    Construction beginning/end

    With the new gods risen and the multiverse created LightLa and DarkLa......

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    The Steel era, Tyranny, and the new gods
    Era beginning/end

    The life sprouts over many years, a with the plane of the sword creating that life with the help of the old gods.....

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    The Precursor to present
    Civil action

    The tyranny had finally brought a revolt, the kingdom of Ilar, now the Izar Empire, finally had enough power to take on the power of Yde, with their king being an immensely powerful sorcerer he brought his Whitakers into the lair of Yde and killed the ancient dragon, becoming the most powerful country in all. After this they would also lead the mass migration of the COTH movement....

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    The present

    The year is the 900, Nalin's most prized artifact was just stolen by a retired Whitaker, Vivienne Cobb, of course the natives didn't take well to this so both parties formed and now the civil war for Nalin is in progress. The izar empire is still the king of the world, the army is at its strongest and with them helping take what Vivienne thinks is hers the empire hopes for her to take it over. COTH's Lakra has also been assassinated and the body is gone, the only proof of it happening in the blue light that has been in the sky for a day now, the great feast will be taking place in her honor......

    Hiina Mountian
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    Yde's Return....
    Discovery, Exploration

    The great feast in COTH happened on the 30th to bring the people of COTH together to honor their president's dealth, Dragon eye's where their to create chaos but a team of adventuress stopped them, they went out on the sea for the great hunt and before seeing a dragon turtle they saw Yde appear from under the water and fly towards the Izar Empire, if Yde gets to the empire before the king realizes it, it could cause a lot of dealth and a power loss for the empire.....

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    The re dealth of Yde

    Yde is mysteriously killed by an adventurer in the Coth democracy while out at sea. The news hasn't spread worldwide but major players on the world stage realize it happens before the masses, as most major players on the world stage have a long history with the now dead dragon.

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    Conmen and explosions
    Disaster / Destruction

    After the dealth of Yde people worldwide felt a little safer, after 4 days, two major attacks on thenaho(thier collusium being destroyed and rebuilt as a small memeorial more to come soon), and Titania(the capatilal destroyed and many dealths becouse of it), Xaviar Blackheart and his goons are wanted worldwide for thier terrizing actions, politically this could lead to the first world war if people find out that Xaviar is a COTH born citizen. His pact of terroirsts are all wanted for 35,000 gold coins each, so if the people find him and his goons it will be hard to run. This has also lead the dwarves to get help from izarian allies and now thier mechs are being mass produced on a scale a lot larger then ever before.

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    Colonization of Nalin (TW GENOCIDE)
    Life, Death

    The war on honor had continued for 2 months with most of the battles being bloody on the nalian side, without the stormruler on thier side the natives didnt stand much of a chance. Yes they had magic weapons made from people who could use the power in thier veins to fight off what has been becoming of thier home, they had many as a lot of nalinians had done a lot in thier time, with civil wars, honor and dishonor constaly fighting with neither winning......

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    The Sands of War
    Political event

    After Viveene Cobb was promised to become the next princess of the ilustruis Whiatker family, and the king of the Tlemeruan Thearcy wanted to give her and his soon to be husband a grand day in sheorazin for thier great moment, with the city preparing for this event only a day ahead of it being schuled the small city floursished with people from all kindoms, ideoligies, and from around the world. Some craftsman showed up from Titania, some from Thenaho, some from the new Nalin......

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    The Great War
    Military: War

    After the death of the soon to be queen the king of the Izar empire declared war on thier mortal enimies COTH, while COTH armed itself and was ready for the attack to come, which couldve been the end of the country if it wasnt for Glorb, which had stopped what they thought was the attack when the real attack was the occupation of the Tlemuran Theoarchy, and with Cobb dead that lead to the Shinda taking power in Nalin, and instaly accepted the allinace bewtween Nalin and the Izar empire become true, yes there was some fighting agianst the occupation.....