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Alana Kalar

Written by writbyjones

As seen in

Alana Kalar (a.k.a. Lani, Allie)

Alana: "You want to give me a name?"
Elmira: "Me, and a friend of ours. When you enter the Academy, you will walk in with your head held high and say that your name is Alana Kalar. That your guardian is Elmira, Elder of Agartha, voice of Ayursha, bringer of light."
Alana: "All that in a name?"
Elmira: "Names have power, you know."
Alana: "And what is the power of Kalar?"
  Alana is a half-elf monk and ranger, born and raised in Agartha Nova, and a student at the A'triyes Academy. She was previously an initiate at the Medica Division but was accepted to become an Aspirant for the Guardianship of Ayursha in the 90s CE.  


  She is an akati half-elf, meaning she ages about thrice as slowly as a normal version of her kin. In 138 CE she is 137 years old but appears to be in her twenties by human standards. In their society, she is still considered a youngling, though she has received her adult name.   While not small, she is barely average in size for her race. Her slimness comes from hard work and training, rather than genetics and there is a rough edge about her that many boys her age deem unattractive. She has long auburn hair that she often keeps in braids.  


  Alana is wary of the matters of the heart. There haven't been many who have gotten close to her either romantically or not. She has two best friends, fellow akatian Veth and the varuvian Sim, and together they get into a lot of trouble in the village.   Despite her best efforts, trying to stay out of people's way and excel at her studies - she is still shunned by her fellow students at the academy and the victim of relentless bullying. One girl in particular, Bedu has made it her personal mission to make Alana's life insufferable. Because of this, Alana has become quite adept at finding her way into areas that are off-limits in order to get a respite on the bad days. She is not afraid to speak her mind, and has an attitude problem when it comes to authority. Especially when it comes to the head of the aspirant program, Jira Seora Atal. The dislike is very much mutual.   When everything goes down, all she wants to do is run away and let the world move on since it never gave a crap about her anyway. But she can't abandon James a second time, feeling a sense of responsibility for him initially. Something that develops into fierce, unyielding love.   Deep down she knows that she needs to sacrifice herself in order to be the hero the world needs. She puts her faith in Ayursha and submits.  


  When Alana was three years old, she and her mothers Akilo and Silas were coming back from the Festival of Lights in Kanor when tragedy struck. The Portal opened at her innocent command, but during their second-long travel to the Agartha Nova Portal, something unthinkable happened. The Agartha Nova Portal ruptured, killing Akilo and Silas instantly while little Alana was flung dozens of feet away. Elmira was the first to reach her, racing her to the Medica as fast as possible.   It is later revealed by Ayursha through a vision that the accident was in fact not. The Portal was sabotaged by Seora Atal who was working for the Illevan Insurrection. But back then, this was not known and Alana was subjected to a Tribunal once she had somewhat recovered from her wounds. Farachimo judged her innocent, but the rest of the council and jury still needed a scapegoat. Alana was stripped of her family name and shunned from her tribe. Against the Regent's wishes, Elmira, Elder of Agartha and Voice of Ayursha, requested the girl to become her ward and so the little girl found herself a home in the heart of the city that blamed her for the destruction it suffered.   Her childhood was not easy, and she was forced to adjust quickly to bounce back from the trials life threw at her. But she still retained a seed of innocence and wonder. In the light and shadow of her guardian Elmira, Alana grew up. While the woman was one of the most revered people in all the lands, Alana realized that she'd had to endure some backlash too. Politics had never been Alana's interest. It was a confusing mess of duplicity, corruption, and greed, coupled with a desire to do right by the remains of a people shattered by war. No, Alana loved nature, the mysteries it held, the monsters, and the wonders. She cared nothing for politics and pitied Elmira for having to put up with it. She loved her very much. Alana always looked up to her like a goddess ever since she saved her from the shattered remains of the Portal that killed her mothers and stood by her in the following Tribunal and gave her a roof over her head. Despite the richness of her life, something was missing in Alana's life. She longed to leave Agartha Nova and applied to the A'triyes Academy as soon as she could.   In 58 CE she was granted early access to the prestigious school and joined other younglings her age as a student at the Medica Division. Wanting to give back and help others in their time of need, in the same way she was helped all those years ago. To mark the occasion Elmira gave her a new name - Kalar - but was secretive about what it meant.   At the same time, there were rumors about a mobilization among the illevan survivors and it was decided someone had to go undercover to keep tabs on it. The mission was dangerous, with little to no contact with whoever went and a distinct possibility of never returning. Seeing no other way, Elmira volunteered, and since staying put did neither of them any good, the pair parted ways at the Skyport. Elmira for the darkness of Sangora, and Alana for her new accommodation near the Academy.   For 40 years Alana heard nothing, except reassurances that Elmira was alive. Therefore it came as a great shock when the Elder's official letter of recommendation arrived - stating that she fully sponsored Alana's place in the aspirant program. Regardless of the animosity between Elmira and Seora, the Jira could not disobey the Elder's direct orders and thus Alana entered the program of her dreams. And vowed to work hard and finish top of her class.   When not training with the other aspirants, Alana was coached in the way of the Mora monks by general Mijinn in the early hours of the dawn. Losing sleep felt like a small sacrifice. Together with her two best friends, Veth and Sim, she spent countless hours in the library reading everything from small booklets of travel guides and self-indulgent poetry to madmen's diaries and guides to the flora and fauna of Avaleen. She read about Illeva and old Agartha, their common history, and the rift that opened between their people. She read war accounts and instructions on the proper way to treat a burn or heavy metal poisoning. The only thing she truly struggled with were numbers, but there was a logic in them too.   In 138 CE there is a flurry of excitement and anxiety when Ayursha announces the imminent arrival of the Guardian's Awakening. Alana, with the rest of the aspirants, hurry to prepare the best they can for the trials they have to endure. During one of her final realmwalks, Alana travels to the past and meets a young boy dying from Yijo Guo addiction in the middle of Japhaia. Surprised that he can see her, she reaches out and they touch. An action that is forbidden by holy decree. Jira Atal rips her back to the present and expels her with glee. At the threshold of what was supposed to be the greatest day of her life, Alana Kalar's life falls apart as she is not just expelled, but about to face the Tribunal again. Knowing what happened to the reckless guardian Liana, Alana chooses to run instead of facing the unjust justice of the very thing that found her guilty by proxy as a child.  

After the invasion of Agartha Nova in 138 CE

  During the torture, Alana finds herself in Ayursha's realm with the other chosen guardians. Abel Toya is very happy to see her. One is not surprised at all, claiming that they knew she'd be the one to break the rules and still win. The third is a little irked by her appearance due to the expulsion.   Alana has never killed or been prone to violence against other living things. When the world changes, that changes too and she has a hard time coming to terms with it.
Chaotic good
Current Location
Date of Birth
5th Má'landra
Circumstances of Birth
Luna flare
Agartha Nova
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
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