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Elmira Delid

Written by writbyjones

As seen in

Maze Hunter , Voice of Ayursha (a.k.a. El)

Believe me, I am not who you say I am, although I have played the part for many years. I am Elmira. I am the Elder of Agartha and protector of A’yursha. Now I may have been gone a long time, but surely you have not forgotten my name so easily?

  Elmira is a high elf aasimar protector from Agartha. She is a rogue and a paladin of Ayursha's, though her relationship with the goddess is more that of a warlock/patron.  


  While masquerading as El the Maze Hunter, Elmira has short, black hair that she cuts herself and blue eyes. To circumvent the anti-magic fields, she uses contact lenses and natural dye to maintain her appearance. She is dressed in worn leathers with wool lining under a coat with an oversized hood and a high collar to keep the weather and prying eyes at bay. She is, in short, dressed for comfort and mobility.   Always the athletic type, she has perfected and improved on those skills as her survival has depended on it. Slightly malnourished, her muscles are quite defined, as are her facial features.   When she arrives back to Agartha Nova, she once again shrouds herself in her ceremonial robes and removes her lenses - revealing her eyes to be as if all the stars and the elements resided within. She still keeps a couple of daggers on her person, not quite being able to adjust back to the role so quickly.  


  Elmira is naturally reckless, something she has to keep a lid on most of the time. She hates politics, petty intrigues, and the kind of behavior she refers to as "sandbox play". But because she is highly intelligent and charismatic, she has learned to play the game better than most. She has a keen mind, always knows where north is, and can recall every detail from the past month. This came in handy as she worked as a compound guide in Base 19 to learn the lay of the land, eventually gaining the favor and interest of the inner circle.   She is a healer at heart, but a warrior in mind. She is more reason-oriented than emotional and always has a few plans should anything go awry. Her threshold for bullshit is low, but her patience for those she loves is high. Perhaps a bit too high in some cases.   She would sacrifice everything for Alana Kalar, knowing the fate she carries on her shoulders. But would rather be there for her to carry her through the worst. The hatred and distrust between her and Seora Atal is mutual and deep-rooted.  


  She is known as the Elder of Agartha and Voice of the goddess Ayursha. She is also an undercover spy in the Sangoran Syndicate in my upcoming book series set in Avaleen.   Elmira has a checkered past hidden by the shrouds of history and some nifty handiwork by Ayursha, thus making her much, much older than she appears. She played a key role during the war that tore the empires of Illeva and Akati apart and now she must once again set out to right the wrongs of the past. Once a high elf, she was reborn as an aasimar protector as she ascended to her paladin position with Ayursha.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Athletic, defined muscles, and very agile. Slightly malnourished, therefore everything is slightly more defined than it should be.

Facial Features

High cheekbones, soft jaw. Pointed ears.

Physical quirks

Wings that come out at will.

Character sheet:

Elmira Delid

17 Level (225000/265000 XP for level-up) Noble Background Variant Aasimar Race / Species / Heritage Chaotic Good Alignment
Level 7
Hit Dice: 7/7
1d10+3 Class 1
Level 10
Hit Dice: 10/10
1d8+3 Class 2

Hit Points
Initiative (DEX)
Armor Class (AC)
Prof. Bonus
Speed (walk/run/fly)
+12 Expertise Bonus
+6 Proficiency Bonus
+2 Strength
+10 Dexterity
+3 Constitution
+9 Intelligence
+8 Wisdom
+10 Charisma
saving throws
+4 Acrobatics DEX
+2 Animal Handling WIS
+3 Arcana INT
+14 Athletics STR
+16 Deception CHA
+9 History INT
+2 Insight WIS
+4 Intimidation CHA
+3 Investigation INT
+2 Medicine WIS
+3 Nature INT
+2 Perception WIS
+4 Performance CHA
+16 Persuasion CHA
+3 Religion INT
+4 Sleight of Hand DEX
+4 Stealth DEX
+2 Survival WIS
  Weapon / Attack AB Abi Dmg Dmg Type
Quarterstaff, +2 +2 STR 1d6+2 Bludgeoning
Boomerang, +3 +2 STR 1d4+2 Bludgeoning
Dagger +4 DEX 1d4+4 Piercing
 Finesse, Light, Thrown
Rapier +10 DEX 1d8+4 Piercing
Dagger +4 DEX 1d4+4 Piercing
 Finesse, Light, Thrown
Sling, +2 +2 STR 1d4+2 Bludgeoning
 Ammunition, Range
Quarterstaff +2 STR 1d6+2 Bludgeoning
Scimitar +4 DEX 1d6+4 Slashing
 Finesse, Light
Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location, Bag of Holding, Brooch of Shielding, Cloak of Elvenkind, Gloves of Missile Snaring, Medallion of Thoughts, Ring of Regeneration, Ring of Spell Storing, Slippers of Spider Climbing, Leather +1, Quarterstaff +2, Boomerang +3, Dagger, Backpack, Rapier, Dagger, Component Pouch, Dust of Disappearance, Gem of Seeing, Immovable Rod, Immovable Rod, Iron Bands of Binding, Potion of Invisibility, Potion of Invisibility, Spell Scroll (0 - Cantrip), Spell Scroll (0 - Cantrip), Spell Scroll (1st Level), Spell Scroll (1st Level), Spell Scroll (3rd Level), Spell Scroll (4th Level), Spell Scroll (5th Level), Spell Scroll (8th Level), Spell Scroll (9th Level), Sling +2, Leather, Quarterstaff, Scimitar, Book, Parchment (one sheet), Parchment (one sheet), Clothes Fine, Clothes Traveler's, Lantern Hooded, Potion of Healing, Potion of Healing, Potion of Healing, Robes, Signet Ring, Leatherworker's Tools, Dice Set, Amulet, Emblem, Diamond, Black Sapphire, Banded Agate, Bedroll, Mess Kit, Tinderbox, Torch, Rations (1 day), Waterskin, Rope Hempen (50 feet), Ball Bearings (bag of 1000), Boots, Healer's Kit, Ink (1 ounce bottle), Ink Pen, Jade, Jade, Jade, Parchment (one sheet), Thieves' Tools, Potion of Healing (Greater)

Equipment Copper: 14, Silver: 59, Electrum: 180, Gold: 822, Platinum: 32 Money
Common, Celestial, Thieves’ Cant, Celestial

Languages & Proficiencies
Respect. Respect is due to me because of my position, but all people regardless of station deserve to be treated with dignity. (Good)

I hide a truly scandalous secret that could ruin my family forever.


™ & © Wizards of the Coast - D & D 5e Character Sheet v2.07, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2023-05-29
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Elmira is a mysterious, powerful woman who have hired Tam and his crew to take her across the Morimyr Ocean to the shores of Oliria.

Current Location
Inner Varu
View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Date of Birth
12th Túsinel
Date of Death
20th Cye
Year of Death
138 CE
Circumstances of Death
Stabbed through the heart by Seora
Place of Death
Agartha Nova
Current Residence
Agartha Nova
Voice of Ayursha

This article has no secrets.


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