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Colonel Boll

Colonel Boll. A rather rotund man with few braincells though he used those he had very well.
- described by Elmira in The Rogue Angel
  Arrived at Syndicate Base 19  with the second wave of recruits. He is a purebred illevan, an engineer who heralds from a long line of engineer-supremes.   He is not a good man, and resorts to manipulation and backstabbing to get his way. For a time he has suspected Elmira  to not be who she claims to be and in a gamble for power and high favors, he attempts to turn the inner circle against her. His last attempt involved hiring a newcomer to run a message for an important transistor that Alexandre Kollisi had requested. His plan backfired as Kollisi took his anger out on him, even before Elmira arrived to set things straight.  
“No! No! Not me! The girl! I told you she is bad news! She is trying to betray you. Drumming up a resistance right under your nose. I bet she’s given you bad materials. I told you she can’t be trusted, and this is my proof. I sent her that message two days ago.”
  To prove himself a valuable member of the inner circle and deserving of the air he breathes, Kollisi gives him a task. While Elmira is not aware what it entails, it is to set the infiltration plan in motion by notifying Seora Atal - their mole within the akati empire.


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