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Misha Eldter


"Liana might be our best chance here," Mijinn reluctantly said.
Everyone looked at Misha, more or less openly and within the blink of an eye. He met their gazes with a flabbergasted one of his own.
"The woman died with the rest of our world. Stop looking at me."
"Is she dead?" Seora quipped in that grating tone.
Elmira rolled her eyes. "How many times have we not scried on her to no avail?"
"That means nothing."
He pinched the bridge of his nose hard and took a deep breath. "Then go ask the Eye and stop pestering me about my dead lover."

Misha is a high elf and the regent of The Akati Empire. Which in many ways makes him the Emperor - though that title is never used in this society.  


Misha has smooth, brown skin that is starting to wrinkle with age, white hair and beard, and long ears that reach a slim point. He looks the part of a dignified leader of society. He is a thin aristocratic gentleman who usually dresses in deep maroon red formal robes and heavy jewelry that denotes his various symbolic titles and positions.  


Yes, he is old as fuck now but when Misha Eldter was a youngling, he was hot and cool, and a bit of a wild boy and head over heels in love with Liana Delid, a promising but untethered Guardian of Fate. The world broke him a little bit. So did her fate. And the war. And now he's in charge and paranoid about the shadows he sees in the corner of his eye. But not back then. Back then he was a man who wanted to help his community grow, evolve, and rise to new heights in the name of exploration and invention.   His age has perhaps mellowed him a bit, but he is still bombastic and larger than life and it is easy to see why the people have chosen him to lead. As a young politician, he was an idealist, and that has unfortunately mingled with fear and paranoia to give him a rather ruthless streak. He is still not above the odd prank here and there though. And he loves to tease those closest to him.  


Being born in 1090 BCE puts Misha squarely in the elder population of his society, a rank he is quite proud of. And though he feels his bones start to creak and stiffen, he still knows he has a long time left.  




Misha and Elmira Delid used to be lovers but broke up when Misha proved unwilling to back down from his harsh rulings in the Tribunals that followed Liana's manipulations and the betrayals of high-ranking members of the Empire fanning the flames of the Shadow Wars. He is still deeply in love with her but has accepted their distance. They still work together as Regent and Elder, and Misha is one of the few who knows Elmira's deepest secrets.    
“Ignorant is a good word. Bit surprised you admit it. Oh, I can tell you many reasons, and none of them paint you in a forgiving light. I was there, your eminence,” she said, spitting out his title like a foul taste. “I saw what happened, and you did not listen. You let yourself be misled and manipulated and you took it out on a poor, innocent girl because you needed a scapegoat. Does that sound familiar? Let me tell you; the way you treated that little girl, who had just lost everything she ever loved, was despicable and disgraceful. I refused to sink to your level then, and for as long as I live, Alana Kalar is under my protection.”  
- Elmira to Misha when he questions her guardianship


They grew up together in the Feywild when Agartha was there. Misha and Seora Atal are effectively co-rulers of the Empire, as she is the Jira of A'triyes Academy. As such they have a professional, mutual respect for another. But Misha loves to trigger her, mostly because he thinks she's too hard and needs to chill a bit. But he respects her opinion, or rather fears the consequences of not following her orders.  
Misha had to hide his grin behind his hand, turning it into a cough as Seora glared at him. When she turned away from him, he winked at Kala, the grin still in the corner of his lips.
“You can call me Misha,” he said, bowing gracefully.
"Are you sure it's not your majesty?"
Seora didn't catch the drift, but Misha certainly did. He gave her a wink before scolding his expression carefully. As much as he could, anyway.
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