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As seen in
The Portals are a massive and intricate network of teleportation circles, sigils, and anchors spanning the ancient races' three main realms: Feywild, the Material Plane, and Shadowfell.   Other names include but are not limited to: spell spun gates, fairy doors, realm doors, realm gates, tsieach, ethereal gates, nexus portals, nexus gate, etc.  


The portal magic is very durable for the most part. Exceptions exist, especially if there hasn't been much tending to for a while. They are a fixed network of both one-way and two-way portals connected by sigils and anchors.   Some portals act like nexuses and can hold several anchors as well as several sigils at once. These are universal portals. In the first iteration of the network, there were three such portals: Japhaia, Agartha, and Ghor Minthra. As the network grew and the Sundering happened, other universal anchors were added in Faircairn, the largest city on Khorun, and a special construction on Inner Varu. Here there's a universal anchor built back to back with a universal sigil. This construction is more volatile than a regular portal which does lead to accidents from time to time, as well as a very strict schedule for portal traveling protected by law. Despite the war, Japhaia's portal is still intact but hasn't been used in a hundred years. Agartha Nova's nexus portal was destroyed in a destructive accident that killed 15 people, and is set to reopen in 138 CE for the Guardians Ascension.    


Originally invented in the Kingdom of Illeva by a group of engineer-supremes led by Daron Thorn with close collaboration with a group of high arcane mages from the Akati Empire led by Raegel of House Vana.    


A portal is a two-dimensional, slightly modular circular space that is invisible to the naked eye and to those who cannot detect magic. To prevent someone from stepping through it accidentally, the space is marked by a sigil on a flat surface, either on the ground or on a wall. For more prominent gateways, the portals are marked by an archway or pillars.   In the wild, the portals were often constructed to blend in with the environment, although their scale made it obvious that something arcane was present. Some are more hidden than others, and when not active can often be mistaken for fairy circles.  

Known gates

Japhaia's universal portal. These are also called nexuses because of their similarity with the leyline nexuses that cover the world of Avaleen.   Japhaia, the capital of the Kingdom of Illeva, is very much an industry metropolis built by shadow elves and its architecture shows it.   This portal was the first of its kind and is therefore the oldest. Much progress has been made on the design and function, but many still believe it is the archetype of an ethereal gate.

Agartha's nexus gate was the second to be constructed and therefore bears a lot of similarities to Japhaia's. Located in the capital of the Akati Empire, its design showcase the beauty and grace of the fey elves.

The lost Sangora portal in the wilderness that is the jungle around the Sangoran Plateau where Syndicate Base 19 is located. This is a one-way gate with an anchor located in the northeast of Kilmoru.


Author's Notes

The intricacies and functions of the Portal Network in Avaleen is under constant construction and I will keep working on it till I'm happy with it. That means that what you read today might not be there in a couple of months - but itsn't that the beauty of worldbuilding?

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