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The Dusk Order

The Dusk Order is a religious order guided by the favor of Ithe, The Duskmaiden. Publicly they are dedicated caretakers, running famous archives worldwide - the first and largest being in Faircairn on the continents of Khorun. They are support workers and grief counselors known for their wisdom and gentleness, guiding those in need through the transition between life and death. Members of the Dusk Order often see the worst moments of a person's life and are there to witness the last. Despite this heavy burden, they see themselves as vessels and for them, the burden is light to carry. With this said, many members of the Dusk Order do not consider themselves zealous worshippers of Ithe, but do pay homage to her in many ways.   Less publicly they are a covert order of highly trained mages and monks who have made a sacred vow to eradicate the perverted practices of necromancy and undeath. They are ruthless in their hunt, fatally effective, and never tire. There is no grey area for them when it comes to undead. If someone shows even the faintest hint of undead taint, they have to be disposed of in a way that will forever prevent reincarnation, rebirth, or revival.   They can be recognized by their traditional black robes with red details and sashes. They are expert caretakers and are incredibly skilled in deception and stealth. Their massive network sees members on covert, or overt, missions in every major town and port in Avaleen, ensuring the free flow of knowledge and intelligence that could be of use for the order.   They were formed just after the Sundering in Lossorach in Khorun.   Not much is currently known about their de facto leadership, enemies, and allies.
Religious, Holy Order


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