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Ithe, the Matron of the Veil, also commonly known as the Saviour of the Fallen, Queen of Shadows, Duskmaiden and the Neverlight, is the goddess of death and twilight. She is also considered the goddess of winter, the passage of time and the protector of the Veil. Presiding over the transition between life and death, day and night, she is closely allied with Ayursha a whose weave directly link with Ithe's. For the same reason she is fierce enemies with Jorun, the Demon Prince of Undeath.   Those who are devoted to the Matron seek her guidance in death, and protection from the curse of undeath. Though feared for their darkness and the unyielding inevtiablitiy of the end, those who follow the Matron are also sought out for comfort. The largest temple dedicated to her is located in the Twilight District in (insert capital of Khorun here), though there are many smaller places of worship throughout Avaleen.   Blood plays an important part in the divination rituals to communicate with Ithe, and blood magic is used by many of her followers. Which also adds to the belief that she and her followers are, if not evil, then a bad omen. Her symbols include black ravens, bloodedged snowflakes, and in some places a scythe.   Her realm is that of Tsioraocht - the land of eternity, from whose shores no mortal ever returns.    


  Ithe appears pale white, with a nearly transcluscent skin through which her hollow body can be seen. It is difficult to determine whether the dress she wears is of a kind of fabric, an energy or her skin itself. Her long hair is that of both raven black and winter white at the same time. Those who have seen her describe Ithe as beauty and horror personified. For she is both kindness and fear, light and dark. Hers is the true neutral path    


  The Commandments of the Matron of the Veil is as follows:  
  • Death is the natural end of life. Grieve the fallen, but do not pity them. Celebrate the life they were granted.
  • Death comes to all and all must carry that burden.
  • Necromancy and undeath perverts the purity of the rightful transition of the soul, and should be punished in a way where death may not lend peace nor escape.


  Ithe is ambitious and keen to keep her power in the world order. There have been those who challenged her, or attempted to take her place, but have failed to do so. Making her one of the more powerful deities in Avaleen.  
Ithe appears before the heroic legend Sao, magnificent and terrifying.   Sao: Hello. I suppose you know who I am. It is nice to meet you.
Ithe: Hm. I do know you, but I am not sure you do know me. I am the Matron-
: - of the Veil. Yes. I know exactly who you are.
: And yet you are unafraid?
: I know what you are.
: Enlighten me.
: You are inevitable. Without mercy. You are not good, nor evil, you just... are. Have you come for me?
: I have.
: I could argue...
: But you won't.
: But I won't. It would be the same argument whether it's today or 97 years from now. I'm not done. The world will move on.

Divine Domains

All planes on where mortals live.


The Staff of Death


The Matron's Rest (20th Shonar)
Divine Classification
Lawful neutral


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