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The Fall of Zion

Zion used to be a vibrant, bustling mining town surrounded by the wild Araxi Whites. This vibrant trading mecka had spires that reached tall above the surrounding tundras, but they were but the tip of a massive underground settlement with mines that reached miles below.
  That's how the city of Zion is described in "The Fulmark Histories of Zion, Jewel of the Whites". A 34-volume chronicle written by a gnomish bard* who accompanied the famous Joron Expedition set out from Farstead in Ala about 15 years after Zion was declared unsafe and subsequently abandoned. These histories are considered one of few true recollections of what occurred there, as the bard took great care to preserve letters, diaries, and other written stories left behind by those who fled or perished when the hells broke through. There is also a 7-volume supplement to the “Histories” which accounts for eyewitness recollections from those who survived the initial collapse and assault.   There is still a whole load of question marks regarding the events leading up to that catastrophic day when Zion fell. Only part of the findings of the Joron Expedition has been released to the public, which in itself has been the subject of many conspiracy theories. Some involved The Old Guard, some involved a dubious and secret imperial alliance, some blamed the [Cerrion Assembly], and some cast blame on certain members of the expedition itself and their allies. But what was revealed is that at least part of the Fall happened because of the opening of a new mine sometime in the spring of ████████. Due to the intensification of the mining operations in the area, certain creatures were disturbed. When the new mine opened, so did the veil between this plane and the hells, leading to the invasion of ash creatures, undead hordes, and imps. Cursed miasma poured from the cracks and rose like a fog, making people go mad and even turn on each other. This miasma remains in the lower levels of the city, which is why the city is declared off-limits for all unauthorized personnel.   *Tyri Fulmark. As famous as he is infamous. While many questioned his involvement with the expedition, he has stated that some of those legendary adventurers were his friends and they all used to travel around in their youth.
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