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The Old Guard

Little is known about The Old Guard that roams the lands of Avaleen, and while some societies and politicians view them as threats and villains - most common folk agree that, though dangerous, their work is good.   The myths, rhymes, and legends about the Eight are plentiful and none the same, dating back to the very beginning of time. There is no concrete literary trace of them, and those who do put their experiences to paper often see their work lost or destroyed. Or else their memories altered. This has led to the widespread belief that they are fictitious, a fairy story to scare or empower children. Others believe they might be real, but are as intangible as the gods. Some say the Eight will stand before the forces of the Hells and the Outer Planes when the darkness comes and some say they will lead those armies to bring chaos and destruction to Avaleen.   Sometimes someone will try to delve deeper into this organization and try to puzzle together the truth, but often find themselves going mad or giving up altogether. In 125 CE, Veth began her quest to uncover the truth with the help of her friends, Alana Kalar and Sim. The research led her to the deepest lorecrypts in the Academy Library, and even on a trip to Moraveil though it proved fruitless. But not one to be deterred, Veth kept going even when the others lost interest.   The knowledge that they exist may be frightening, but it also brings comfort and security. Knowing the world is guarded.     Spoilers - do not click if you want to keep the mystery!
  The Old Guard are heralds and warriors who act on behalf of the divine. They are the first four Guardians of Ayursha, who ascended or transformed upon their deaths. The other four were prominent figures in the resurgence of the Great War in 138 CE.  

Their Names

  Feya Kalar - The Named
Alura & Eio - The Elemental Twins
Farhain - The Heartless Fool
Alana Kalar - The one who bears the Shadow's Bane
Abel Toya - The Mad One
Elmira Delid - The one with Stars in her eyes
James O'Hagan - The Prince of Lies

  In this form they are eternal and have lived many, many lifetimes. Therefore their personalities are changed from their first, mortal lives, though they retain all memories of what happened then and their relationships before ascension.  

Their Mission

  Their mission is a big one and not one to be taken lightly. They protect all realms, what was and what is to come to make sure that no one tries to manipulate the natural course of history again like Alexandre Kollisi tried to do.   Because of their unique powers, granted to them by the pantheon of Avaleen, they are the ones who can help where the deities may not intervene. They are chaotic and neutral, and do what needs to be done whether that paints them as villains or not. They also ake sure that there is no trace left behind as they roam the lands.
Secret, Governmental arm
Alternative Names
The Eight
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The most famous prophecy

When the universe faces its darkest night and hope has fled to brighter days the veil between the worlds will turn in on itself until the stars become figures moving through the voids and worlds. And where the Old Guard goes death and destruction follows, for they are the darkness where nothing lives. Know the Eight that roam the realms. The heartless fool who walks in snow. The Mad One, one with roads. The prince of lies. The one who carries stars in their eyes. Know the Named. And she who bears the shadow's bane. Last of all the twinned, twained that wield the elements like they're all the same.


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