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Molten Throne

Named after the large throne carved into the side of the volcano from long before the Age of Light found in the South West of Avalon.   It is currently occupied by the remnants of the God of Evils army and the outcasts and bandits who have no wear else to go.   The city was sacked by the Knights of Camelot, the Mountain Bulwark of StoneHearth and the Evokers of the Forest of Faerie combined army, in order to kill the God of Evil who was brining ruin to Avalon. The moment the God Evil of was slain by King Arthur the army turned and marched back home, leaving the beaten and broken inhabitants of Molten Core to their own device.   Twenty-one years later the rouges and renegades of the Molten Core are still holding on but between fighting each other, the monsters around them and to survive their numbers are dwindling.
Acropolis / Citadel


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