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History of Avalon

The current calander of Avalon starts on the day King Arthur was born and is when the country started keeping proper records of events.    The years are marked with its Age to quickly know what period it was during the event.

Age of Light

0 BT 51 AE

  • 1 AL

    51 AL

    Age of Light
    Era beginning/end

    The Age of Light started the day King Arthur was born at the time no one knew what started the new Age and the changes that came with it. However once King Athur was crowned it was obvious to all.

  • 1 AL

    1 /1

    Birth of Arthur Pendragon
    Life, Birth

    On this day the Clerics of the God of Good from all over Avalon all claimed they were told directly by God that the Age of Light had began and so it did.

  • 3 AL

    2 /6

    Disapearence of the Elven Barrow
    Geological / environmental event

    The Elven Barrow was a prison controlled by the Elves in Foreset Bastion, it was created in the Before TImes and was known in whispers by everyone on Avalon. It was allowed by all as it was only used to hold monsters too powerful to be killed.   On this day the prison disapeared from the Forest Bastion, no of the elves would speak of what happened that day no matter what, even to this day no one from the village will utter a word of what happened.

  • 25 AL

    1 /1

    Crowning of King Arthur
    Life, Career

    The day Arthur Pendragon drew the Divine Sword of Light from the heavens every race across Avalon recognized him as King Arthur

  • 31 AL

    5 /4

    Knights of the Round

    On this day 6 years after King Athur was crowned he offically knighted his men as the Knights of the Round, who all swore and oath to defend Camelot and Avalon with their lives.

Age of Darkness

52 AE 99 AE

  • 52 AD

    99 AD

    Age of Darkness
    Era beginning/end

    The Age of Darkness brought about the end of the Age of Light abrutly as the sky turned pitch black, thus it's name. It was claimed that on that day the God of Evil decended from the heavens and started building an army. Their goal was to maintian the balance of the world as the Light had become too powerful.

  • 52 AD

    3 /3

    Descendants of the Evil God
    Life, Birth

    The start of the Age of Darkness is marked by this days that the God of Evil descended from the "Heavens" and possesed the Exiled Knight Mordread.

  • 62 AD

    1 /1 05:00
    99 AD

    36 /10 24:00

    Crusade agasint the God of Evil

    Even with the knowledge that the Evil God had come down to the mortal realm it took 10 years for the main fighting force of all the races of Avalon to train and convene at the Forward camp South of Camelot, ready to take on the Evil God.

  • 80 AD

    5 /4

    Divine Sword of Light
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Many scholars mark the day King Arthur called forth the full power of the Sword of Light and plunged the impossible large weapon from the sky into the army of the Dead as the turning point for the war agasint Evil. From that moment forward the army of Avalon, led by King Arthur and the Knights of the Round pushed step by step without yeilding closer to the Molten Throne.

  • 99 AD

    35 /10

    Death of the Evil God
    Life, Death

    The God of Evil was struck down by the sword of King Arthur,, following this the God's army quickly fell apart.

Age of Elements

120 AE and beyond

  • 120 AE

    Age of the Elements
    Era beginning/end

    The Age of Elements started on a day like any other, it was the end of the Age of Darkness but no one knew what had started. In the current day the effects of Age of the Elements can be seen in the land, magic and monsters clear as day.

  • 137 AE

    10 /8

    Elements Unleashed
    Disaster / Destruction

    Elemental scholars who had been tracking the Elements of Avalon over the last 10 years recorded the below signifcat changes across Avalon.   To the North East of Avalon the Snow Touched mountains temperature dropped below 0 celsius. To the South West the Volcano of Molten Throne had a minor erruption of lava. To the East the winds of the Forest of the Great Tree increased to an average of 7 knots. To the South Lady's Lake tides rose by half a metre.

  • 141 AE

    1 /1

    Campaign Start