
Neither the living nor the dead are immune from, eventually, moving on to what comes next. In Avalon, this is usually preceeded by a ceremony known as the Departure.


People who come to Avalon aren't the sort who are afraid of death. This place just doesn't attract people who are hung up about the fear of the inevitable. They accept that heartache and grief are a part of life. It might be because the living all have a touch of the special about them. It could be that, as individuals, the villagers have accepted the inevitability of the inevitable: everyone, everywhere, is eventually going to die. Departure is how we, those who remain, say goodbye.


People who come to Avalon are of the sort who left the world with a heap of trouble on their souls. Lots of people do that for many reasons: they die suddenly or they just don't take the time to work through their issues while they're alive. When a soul is troubled, and doesn't have a clear way foward from death to what's next, they wind up in an Avalon that is familiar and comforting. Eventually, they are ready for the spiritual work ahead. Departure is how we, those who remain, say goodbye.

Components and tools

While there are key differences between the ceremonies for the living and the dead, there are certain key elements that are shared between each. The friends and acquaintences of the departing will gather for a celebration and remembrance of their time together in the village. Often speeches are made, and it is tradition that the departing give tokens of sentiment to those who are staying behind. For a departing living, their favorite foods and beverages are served to the other living guests. For departing dead, flowers and other foraged offerings are traditional.



Most people who live in Avalon for a while take the time to deal with their issues while they are alive. Not everyone, of course, but most. They see the dead, live next door to them, mingle with them in the cafe and the library. Living here does that, shows the living what it's like to be a burdened soul. It's not unpleasant, but it's not what you want.


Not everyone leaves life with the time or the knowledge to do the work necessary to transition smoothly to what's next, some don't realize they have work to do. The time here helps them slow down and reflect, without all the pressures and demands of culture, peers, and society. A soul can prepare, and when read, go and do the work before moving on to what's next.

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Aug 13, 2024 06:52 by Deleyna Marr

This is a fascinating setting! I'm curious how the heart and living come to be living site by site.

Aug 14, 2024 23:01 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

I'm a big fan of liminal spaces. ;)

Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Summer Camp in Avalon

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