The First Adventurers Overview

It is the time of the Age of Disbelief. The Gods are still paid token homage by the peoples, but no on truly believe in them anymore. True clerics are few and far between. Clerics today are more charlatans - peddlers of fake relics and false prophesies. None have the true blessings of the gods anymore.   While magic is still a true power in the world, most distrust it and those who practice it. Most agree that it is best kept away from the world and only practiced and studied on the island of Calindor. Sure, people can still find those who peddle items and brewed elixirs, said to have magical abilities, but most are more novelty items than true items of powers.   No one can deny the existence of dragons. Afterall, there are dragonborn, draconian, and kobolds within the world, but the truly powerful of the dragonkin have been asleep for centuries, surely they cannot be of any true concern for the peoples of the world. Everyone knows of the Great Wryms, but, like a long sleeping volcano, most have forgotten the dangers they bring.   The world is a safe and boring. Hardly anyone - besides traveling merchants and bards - or those waging wars, ever leave the lands around their homes. Those who do, those few "adventurers" are looked at with distain and suspicious.   Campaign Overview
  • Starting Character Level: 1
  • Starting Location: The Capitol City of Lamorra within the Edenbourne Kingdom. It is the biggest and most diverse city on the continent of Erieasia.
  • Starting Date: The start of the second month of Spring, Freya 4, 1342.
  Things to Note
  • If you decide to play a Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Cleric, or Paladin your character may be looked at with some distrust since magic users and those with faithfulness to the gods are not truly trusted or believed by the vast majority of the world.
  • If you play a Dragonkin race, your character will draw attention as Dragonborn, Draconian, and even kobolds (to a lesser degree) are looked at as the "dragons of the world" since the true dragons are either in a deep sleep or reside in secret or hidden locations. It is hard for dragonkin to blend into a crowd.
  • If you play a fairy or fey race, your character will be looked at with fascination and/or distrust as the Fey are looked are considered either mischievous and fascinating. Like the dragonkin, Fey creatures have a hard time blending into a crowd.
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