History of Erienasia

The Age of Disbelief

0 CW and beyond

This is the time of Disbelief. People around the world still pay token homage to the gods of the world, but no longer believe that they have any real power. True cleric with the true blessings and abilities of their gods are rare and far between, replaced instead by charlatans and peddlers of fake relics and prophesies . Most feel that those who study and practice of the mystic arts should stay on the island of Calindor as the practice of the mystic arts can only bring danger and destruction to the rest of the world. Sure, people can still find a few random merchants who peddle in the trade of used magical goods and there are still some who brew strange and potent elixirs with magical properties, but they are far and few between and are looked more as novelty items instead of items of any true powers or abilities.   Yes, there are dragons within the world, but besides the dragonborns, draconians, and kobolds, the truly powerful dragons are still fast asleep and of no real concerns. Everyone knows of the Great Wryms, but, like a long sleeping volcano, most have forgotten the dangers and destruction they can bring.   The world is a safe and boring. Hardly anyone - besides traveling merchants and bards - or those waging wars, ever leave the lands around their homes. Those who do, those few "adventurers" are looked at with distain and suspicious.

  • 113 AD

    23 Solaris

    Melorion Kingdom Founded
    More reading
    Melorion Kingdom
  • 258 AD

    4 Helio

    Mage Guild of Calindor Founded

    Seeking a place to study and practice the Mystic Arts without interference from the rest of the world, the large island within the Bor'had Lake became the city of Calindor and home of the Mages' Guild.

  • 345 AD

    12 Leonora

    Edenbourne Kingdom Founded

    Amarra Edenbourne founds the Edenbourne Kingdom and becomes the kingdoms first king and the Edenbournes become the first royal family.

    Additional timelines
  • 387 AD

    19 Lumi

    Amarra Edenbourne, King of Edenbourne, Dies
    Life, Death

    The first king of the Edenbourne Kingdom, Amarra Edenbourne dies at the age of 76. His eldest son, Fosco Edenbourne is crowned king at the age of 39.

    Additional timelines
  • 392 AD

    1 Alba

    Edenbourne Council of Nobles Convenes for the First Time
    Gathering / Conference

    King Fosco Edenbourne assembles the nobles of the Edenbourne Kingdom and convenes the Council of Nobles - a council to help manage and govern the kingdom.

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  • 397 AD

    1 Solaris

    Appointment of the Five Regents of the Edenbourne Kingdom
    Political event

    The Edenbourne Council of Nobles appoints five regents to oversee the five regions of the Edenbourne Kingdom - Eastern, Western, Southern, Northern, and Central.   The Melkar noble family is appointed Central Regent. The Azennar noble family is appointed Eastern Regent. The Atham noble family is appointed Western Regent. The Ealhward noble family is appointed Northern Regent. The Wearda noble family is appointed Southern Regent.

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  • 413 AD

    23 Freya

    Fosco Edenbourne, King of the Edenbourne Kingdom, Dies
    Life, Death

    King Fosco Edenbourne dies leaving his younger brother, Bertio to ascend to the throne.

    Additional timelines
  • 413 AD

    16 Helio

    Bertio Edenbourne is Crowned King of Edenbourne
    Political event

    Bertio Edenbourne ascends to the throne of the Edenbourne Kingdom after the death of his older brother Frosco. After he is crowned king, he proclaims his newborn daughter, Fruna Edenbourne, as heir to the throne.

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  • 438 AD

    1 Alba

    Fruna Edenbourne Ascends to the Edenbourne Throne
    Political event

    King Bertio Edenbourne abdicates when his daughter Fruna Edenbourne reaches the age of 25, installing her as queen of the Edenbourne Kingdom. By becoming queen, Fruna's eldest child, Cyne Edenbourne becomes heir to the throne.

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  • 453 AD

    24 Freya

    Dineestra Kingdom Founded
  • 482 AD

    22 Lennox

    Queen Fruna Edenbourne Dies
    Life, Death

    Queen Fruna Edenbourne dies peacefully in her sleep. Her eldest son, Cyne Edenbourne is crowned king of the Edenbourne Kingdom.

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  • 502 AD

    26 Avril

    King Cyne Edenbourne Dies
    Life, Death

    The king of the Edenbourne Kingdom dies. His son, Jerle Edenbourne, ascends to the throne.

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  • 558 AD

    18 Solaris

    The End of the Edenbourne Dynasty
    Era beginning/end

    King Jerle Edenbourne, his family, and their escorting guards are killed when they are ambushed and attacked by a raiding party from the Netherdeep, in the Tynn Forest near the Tandallin Mountains. With their deaths, the Edenbourne Kingdom is left without their king or any royal heirs to ascend to the throne.   After a combined vote, of the Council of Nobles and the five Royal Regents, they select select Razmyrel Melkar, the Central Regent, as the new king making his family the new royal bloodline of the Edenbourne Kingdom.

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  • 558 AD

    1 Hazan

    Razmyrel Melkar is Crowned King of the Edenbourne Kingdom
    Political event

    Razmyrel Melkar is crowned king of the Edenbourne Kingdom with his family bloodline being declared the royal bloodline of the kingdom. As his first act as king, he declares his firstborn daughter, Myrel Melkar, heir to the throne. He also appoints the Parmont Noble house as new Regent of the Central region.

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  • 601 AD

    25 Lumi

    King Razmyrel Melkar Dies
    Life, Death

    After 42 years as King of the Edenbourne Kingdom, Razmyrel Melkar dies at the age of 73. His eldest child, Myrel Melkar becomes queen at the age of 43 years old. Her eldest son, 10-year old, Grankar Melkar, becomes the next heir to the throne.

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  • 601 AD

    10 Avril

    The Coronation of Queen Myrel Melkar
    Political event

    Myrel Melkar is crowned Queen of the Edenbourne Kingdom after the death of her father at the age of 44. Her son is officially proclaimed as heir to the throne.

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  • 628 AD

    11 Lumi

    Myren Kingdom Founded

    More reading
    Myren Kingdom
  • 654 AD

    27 Leonora

    Queen Myrel Melkar Dies
    Life, Death

    After 53 years as queen, Queen Myrel Melkar dies peacefully in her sleep. Her son, 63-year-old, Grankar Melkar becomes the new king of the Edenbourne Kingdom. With Grankar childless and his only sibling, Rewalt, dead, his nephew Bidlar becomes the new heir to the throne.

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  • 671 AD

    19 Helio

    King Gankar Melkar Dies
    Life, Death

    King Gankar, the Brash, dies, when in a drunkard stupor, falls from the ramparts of the royal palace. Bidlar Melkar, his nephew, ascends to the throne to become the next king of the Edenbourne Kingdom.

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  • 733 AD

    24 Alba

    King Bidlar Melkar I Dies
    Era beginning/end

    After 62 years as king, King Bidlar Melkar I, dies as the last of the Melkar royal family. Having outlived his wife and four kids, he dies at the age of 94. With the end to the Melkar Dynasty, the kingdom is left without an heir to the throne.

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  • 733 AD

    1 Lumi
    889 AD

    1 Solaris

    Edenbourne Kingdom's Regency Period
    Era beginning/end

    The Edenbourne Kingdom enters a period without a royal head-of-state and royal family. The Council of Nobles are not able to select one of the five regents to become king. Instead it is decided that the five regions will be ruled by their regent with the Council of Nobles maintaining oversight over each regent.

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  • 741 AD

    12 Lennox

    The Arcane Tower is Constructed
    Construction beginning/end

    The Arcane Tower is constructed on the southern shore of the Thralashi Lake by the magic user Arlen.

  • 744 AD

    19 Hazan

    The Sorcerers of the Arcane Tower Founded

    The Sorcerers of the Arcane Tower academy is founded by Master Arlen.

  • 757 AD

    2 Freya

    City of Thralash Founded

    The city of Thralash is founded

  • 769 AD

    34 Alba

    Vault of the Arcane Tower Constructed
    Construction beginning/end

    The Vault of the Arcane Tower opens in the new settlement of Thralash

  • 889 AD

    13 Solaris

    The Ebrin Dynasty Begins in the Edenbourne Kingdom
    Era beginning/end

    After winning the Tournament of the King, Orlon Ebrin is proclaimed and crowned King of the Edenbourne Kingdom by the Council of Nobles.

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  • 993 AD

    6 Frostine

    Wedmor Ebrin, Firstborn of King Orlon Ebrin, is Born
    Life, Birth

    King Orlon Ebrin's firstborn child, a daughter, Wedmor, is born and proclaimed heir to the throne.

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  • 1014 AD

    9 Freya

    Wedmor Ebrin Ascends to the Throne

    Wedmor Ebrin, daughter to King Orlon Ebrin, and heir to the throne forces her father to abdicate the throne after exposes the corruption of the king and his closes associates. Her first actions after her ascension to the throne was to rid the royal court of the nobles guilty of rampant corruption and abuse of power.

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  • 1014 AD

    2 Helio

    The Trial of Edenbourne Nobles
    Political event

    Newly crowned queen, Wedmor Ebrin I, put the Council of Nobles on trials. The purpose of the trials was to purge the Council of Nobles of the corruption and abuse of power allowed under her father, Orlon Ebrin, the former king. As a result of the trials some noble families were stripped of their nobility while other landowners were granted nobility.

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  • 1025 AD

    28 Helio

    Crown Prince Talanar Ebrin I is Born
    Life, Birth

    Talanar Ebrin I is born and proclaimed heir to the Edenbourne Throne.

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  • 1047 AD

    30 Solaris

    Queen Wedmor Ebrin I Dies
    Life, Death

    Queen Wedmor Ebrin I, of the Edenbourne Kingdom, dies making her son, Talanar Ebrin the new king.

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  • 1047 AD

    7 Leonora

    Talanar Ebrin I is Crowned King of the Edenbourne Kingdom
    Political event

    Talanar Ebrin I is crowned King of the Edenbourne Kingdom after the death of Queen Wedmore I.

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  • 1049 AD

    19 Helio

    Zaxamlyn Ebrin, Heir to the Edenbourne Kingdom, is Born
    Life, Birth

    Zaxamlyn Ebrin is born and proclaimed Heir to the Edenbourne Kingdom.

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  • 1068 AD

    36 Solaris

    King Talanar Ebrin I, King of the Edenbourne Kingdom, Assassinated
    Life, Death

    King Talanar Ebrin I, is assassinated while giving a speech to the public by a poisoned dart, leaving only his 19 year old son as heir to the throne of the Edenbourne Kingdom.

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  • 1068 AD

    8 Leonora

    Zaxamlyn Ebrin Ascends to the Throne of the Edenbourne Kingdom
    Political event

    Zaxamlyn Ebrin is crowned king of the Edenbourne Kingdom after the assassination of his father, King Talanar I, at the age of 19.

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  • 1074 AD

    6 Hazan

    King Zaxamlyn Ebrin Dies and Ends the Ebrin Dynasty
    Life, Death

    King Zaxamlyn Ebrin dies at the age of 25, only six years after being crowned king. He dies without an heir. Vacrilos Azennar, regent of the central region is voted the next sovereign of the Edenbourne Kingdom making him and his family the new royal family. This officially ends the Ebrin Dynasty and is the beginning of the Azennar Dynasty.

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  • 1075 AD

    15 Lumi

    The Edenbourne Kingdom Enters the Azennar Dynasty
    Era beginning/end

    Vacrilos I, The Regent, is ascends to the throne of the Edenbourne Kingdom after the death of Zaxamlyn Ebrin, last of the Ebrin royal family.

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  • 1079 AD

    1 Lennox

    Vacrilos II, Firstborn of King Vacrilos I is Born
    Life, Birth

    Vacrilos Azennar II is born to, Vacrilos Azennar I, the first king of the Azennar Dynasty of the Edenbourne Kingdom.

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  • 1101 AD

    19 Frostine

    Vacrilos Azennar II is Ascends to the Throne
    Political event

    Vacrilos Azennar II Ascends to the throne and becomes King of the Edenbourne Kingdom after his father, Vacrilos Azennar I, abdicates the throne.

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  • 1126 AD

    11 Lumi

    Linolu Azennar, first born to King Vacrilos II, is Born
    Life, Birth

    Linolu Azennar is born to King Vacrilos II and proclaimed heir to the throne of the Edenbourne Kingdom.

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  • 1163 AD

    36 Solaris

    Edenbourne's King Vacrilos II Dies
    Life, Death

    King Vacrilos II dies peacefully in his sleep. His daughter, Linolu Azennar ascends to the throne as Queen of the Edenbourne Kingdom.

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  • 1163 AD

    29 Leonora

    Linolu Azennar Crowned Queen of the Edenbourne Kingdom
    Political event

    Linolu Azennar becomes the fourth Queen of the Edenbourne Kingdom and the first within the Azennar Dynasty.

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  • 1167 AD

    16 Helio

    Boldizzar Azennar, Heir to the Edenbourne Kingdom, is Born
    Life, Birth

    Boldizzar Azennar, first born of Queen Linolu Azennar, the Peaceful is born. He is proclaimed rightful heir to the Edenbourne Throne.

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  • 1193 AD

    13 Freya

    Queen Linolu Descents from the Edenbourne Throne
    Political event

    At the age of 67, Queen Linolu Azennar descends from the throne and passes the crown to her son, Boldizzar Azennar.

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  • 1193 AD

    9 Solaris

    Boldizzar Azennar Crowned King of the Edenbourne Kingdom
    Political event

    After Queen Linolu Azennar steps down from the throne, her son, Boldizzar ascends to the throne and becomes King of the Edenbourne Kingdom.

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  • 1198 AD

    21 Frostine

    Eirammar Azennar, Heir Princess, is born
    Life, Birth

    Eirammar Azennar, the first born of King Boldizzar Azennar is born and proclaimed the heir to the Edenbourne Kingdom throne.

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  • 1214 AD

    20 Avril

    King Boldizzar Azennar Dies
    Life, Death

    King Boldizzar Azennar dies while on a hunting trip from an attack by a wild dire wolf. Even though his daughter, Eirammar is only 16 years old, the royal council decides to crown her royal queen instead of putting the kingdom into wardenship. This decision makes Eirammar Azennar, the youngest ruler of the kingdom ever.

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  • 1214 AD

    30 Avril

    Eirammar Azennar Becomes Queen of the Edenbourne Kingdom
    Political event

    Eirammar Azennar becomes the youngest ruler in Edenbourne history at the age of 16.

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  • 1272 AD

    4 Hazan

    Queen Eirammar Azennar Dies
    Life, Death

    Queen Eirammar Azennar dies. Her nephew, Daerios Azennar, her only living blood relative is anointed as the next king of the kingdom.

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  • 1272 AD

    2 Lennox

    Daerios Azennar is Crowned King of Edenbourne
    Political event

    Daerios Azennar ascends to throne after the death of Queen Eirammar.

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  • 1299 AD

    10 Alba

    Edenbourne Crown Prince Waldrann Azennar is Born
    Life, Birth

    King Daerios's first son is born and declared the heir to the Edenbourne Kingdom.

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  • 1309 AD

    16 Helio

    King Daerios Dies
    Life, Death

    King Daerios, of the Edenbourne Kingdom dies from an infection leaving his ten year old son, Waldrann, the only living member of the royal family. The ruling nobles elect Lord Cyne Monder Crownwarden until Waldrann comes of age and can be crowned king.

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  • 1317 AD

    6 Lumi

    Waldrann Azennar Crowned King of the Edenbourne Kingdom
    Political event

    Waldrann Azennar comes to age and is crowned king of the Edenbourne Kingdom ending eight years of wardenship for the kingdom.

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  • 1317 AD

    36 Avril

    King Waldrann Azennar Marries Elyssa

    Waldrann Azennar, King of the Edenbourne Kingdom marries a commoner by the name of Elyssa making her queen of the kingdom.

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  • 1318 AD

    11 Avril

    Crown Prince Krasnar Azennar, Heir to the Edenbourne Kingdom is Born
    Life, Birth

    Krasnar Azennar, first born of King Waldrann and Queen Elyssa Azennar is born.

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  • 1330 AD

    8 Solaris

    The Death of Queen Elyssa
    Life, Death

    Elyssa, Queen of the Edenbourne Kingdom dies in her sleep from an unknown malady. It is also discovered that her son, Krasnar has been missing for months.

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  • 1330 AD

    8 Solaris

    King Waldrann Azennar Marries Lyrencia

    Waldrann Azennar, King of the Edenbourne Kingdom marries Lyrencia - a former servant within the Azennar Royal Estate.

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  • 1331 AD

    4 Solaris

    Aphinah Azennar, Crown Princess of Edenbourne, is Born
    Life, Birth

    Aphinah, first born child of Lyrencia, the second wife to King Waldrann Azennar, King of the Edenbourne Kingdom is born.

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