
Located along the southern banks of the Thralashi Lake, Thralash is the largest city state in the The Rolling Plains. Because it is only a city-state and not a capital city, it holds no authority over any of the other settlements within the Rolling Plains.    Acting as one of the major trading locations within the The Rolling Plains, merchants from the Valley of the Forges, Melorion Kingdom, the Rolling Plains, and even from the FeyRealm can be found within the city. The residents of the city are made up of a wide variety of races, including some from the FeyRealm and exiles from the Orobos Mountain Range.


Surrounded by a large stone and wooden wall along their none coastal borders, the city is well protected from the constant raids from the monsters and creatures from the Orobos Mountain Range. The Thalash Legion protects the city, the land, and water around the city.

Industry & Trade

Maize and other produce fields can be found outside of the city walls. The fishing fleet harvest catfish, bass, and crawfish from the lake. Goat can seen outside of the city walls grazing on the wild grass herded by their keepers.


Besides the different districts types within the city - residential, commercial, artisan, barracks and armory, parks, and governmental areas - the city also boosts woodland areas, a bit of nature within the walls of the city. These areas were encouraged by the Seven Thorns Druid Order and both residents and visitors to the city find them a refreshing and welcoming site and attraction within the city.

Guilds and Factions

There are guilds and organizations within the city that are well-known to the peoples of the The Rolling Plains including the Black Flag Mercenary Company, the Seven Thorns Druid Order, and the Sorcerers of the Arcane Tower.


Built by former students - both graduates and non-graduates - of the Arcane Tower, their families, and other random nomads and settlers of The Rolling Plains. Soon, the settlement became the a haven for the those looking for a home within the Rolling Plains.
Founding Date
Freya 2, 757

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