Silverwit Halfling Species in Avalor | World Anvil
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Silverwit Halfling

Politicians, Peddlers, and City Slickers

  Not all halflings are content to live a simple life. Allured by the energy of civilization, silverwit halflings exercise their wanderlust by joining the greater world beyond nomadic bands or agrarian communities. The success of silverwit halflings in trade and politics is not credited towards numerical minds or a grand presence, but instead from their remarkable ability to keep an eye on the pulse of others around them.   Similiar to lightfoot halflings, silverwit halflings will share the skin, hair, and eye tones of the humans in their place of origin. Their main distinguishing factor is their ability to grow facial hair—older silverwit halflings will often sport fancy, groomed mustaches.  

Silverwit Halfling Traits

  Silverwit Halflings are renowned for possessing sharp minds for assessing a situation for gains and threats. Your heritage as a Silverwit Halfling grants you the following features:   Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.   Astute Merchant. Whenever you make an Intelligence check related to appraising the value of a good or service, you have advantage on the check.   Keen Sense. You can take the Search action as a bonus action.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
105-200 years
Average Height
Average Weight
27-32 lbs


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