BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Variant Background Features

This section presents optional features for any background. You may replace the standard feature of your background with any one of the options presented here.  

Feature: Deep Delver

You have a knack for making your way in the deep places of the world. You can recall the twists and turns of passageways and tunnels such that you can always retrace your steps underground. You're also well acquainted with foraging and survival in the Underdark, and can determine when sources of food and water are safe to consume. You can always find sufficient food and water for yourself and up to five other people in the Underdark, as long as sustenance is available in the area.  

Feature: Dragon Scholar

You have studied dragons and their lore for many years. You can automatically identify locations built or used by dragons and can identify dragon eggs and scales by sight. If you fail an Intelligence check to recall lore relating to dragons, you know someone or some book you can consult for the answer unless the DM rules that the lore is unknown.  

Feature: Inheritor

An ancestor or mentor's deeds earned them a place in legend. Now it's your turn. You are the clear inheritor of a famed legacy. You've inherited a token from your predecessor, something that marks you as their inheritor, such as a signet ring, signature piece of clothing, or notable weapon.   Additionally, any time you reveal your legacy, you swiftly learn the local opinion of your predecessor. If locals have never heard of your predecessor, nothing changes. If they have, rumors of your connection spread swiftly, and many locals consider you either a hero or a threat. Heroes are welcomed and might easily gain an audience with local leaders. Threats are encouraged to leave before they invite danger.  

Feature: Seeker

The Seeker's Consortium is a collection of research and historical institutions interested in preserving and recording knowledge on arcane phenomena across Avalor. Its operations are primarily based out of the House of Djinn in Zion and the Hall of Ioun in Eldor. Approved members of the Seeker's Consortium are entitled Seekers, respectively. Seekers and other associates of the Consortium adventure to gather information in the field, explore arcane mysteries, and reclaim lost knowledge in the name of Ioun.   As a seeker, you have the archives of the Consortium at your disposal as well as enough repute to gain access to most other libraries, scriptoriums, universities, or sages or other learned people. You begin your adventuring career carrying a signet ring embedded with the symbol of the Consortium—the all-seeing eye of Ioun.  

Feature: Spirit Medium

After a fateful experience, you believe you're aligned with spirits and can serve as a conduit for their insights and goals. You have advantage on any Arcana or Religion check you make to remember or research information about spirits and the afterlife. Additionally, you begin your adventuring career with a custom-made device for communing with otherworldly forces, perhaps a spirit board, a tarokka deck, an automatic writing planchette, dowsing rods, a cup for tea leaves, or a device of your own design. Add your proficiency bonus to any ability check you make using this type of divining tool.  

Feature: Trauma Survivor

You survived. Whatever it was, you made it through, and you can help others do the same. People view you as an expert on the traumatic situation you faced—be it a specific sort of violence, illness, or otherwise. You are aware of nonmagical recovery techniques, common resources, and misinformation. You know how to speak to sympathetic doctors, clergy, and local leaders and can convince them to shelter one person (other than yourself) at a modest lifestyle for up to one month.  

Feature: Traveler

You come from somewhere else, a place others couldn't begin to understand. Perhaps your home is a unique corner of Avalor or another world entirely. In any case, you and other travelers have shared experiences. You can find a place to hide, rest, or recuperate among sympathetic trading caravans, itinerant families, or displaced groups, so long as you don't present yourself as a danger. Such groups will hide you from the law or anyone searching for you, though they won't risk their lives for you. Additionally, you can tell whether an object you can see and touch is from your homeland with near perfect accuracy.  

Feature: Underdark Experience

You are no casual visitor to the Underdark, but instead have spent considerable time there learning its ways. You are familiar with the various races, civilizations, and settlements of the Underdark, as well as its major routes for travel. If you fail an Intelligence check to recall some piece of Underdark lore, you know a source you can consult for the answer unless the DM rules that the lore is unknown.


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