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Mira Stoneheart

The Metal Seer Mira Stoneheart (a.k.a. Metal Whisperer)

A miner known for her ability to find the purest of metals. the wife of Doran Hammerstrike. Mother of Hilda Hammerstrike. Brom Ironfoot, a close family friend and the husband of their daughter, Hilda. Archmage Bori Lightbearer, a frequent customer and ally.   Mira Stoneheart, a sturdy dwarf with deep brown skin, reflecting her African American heritage. Her eyes sparkle like polished emeralds, and her long, braided hair is a rich shade of chestnut. She wears a leather apron over her simple clothes, stained from years of mining. A pickaxe, adorned with intricate designs, rests on her shoulder.   INTRODUCTION: Mira Stoneheart is a renowned miner in the Dwarven Mountains of Avaloria. Her uncanny ability to find the purest of metals has made her a legend among her peers. She's the beloved wife of Doran Hammerstrike and the proud mother of Hilda Hammerstrike. Her family ties extend to Brom Ironfoot, her son-in-law, and she shares a professional relationship with Archmage Bori Lightbearer, who often seeks her expertise.   Born in the heart of the Dwarven Mountains, Mira was introduced to mining at a young age. Her natural talent quickly became evident, and by her twenties, she was already known for finding the purest metals. She met Doran during a mining expedition, and their shared passion brought them together. Their daughter, Hilda, inherited both her parents' love for the mountains.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sturdy and strong, with the typical endurance of a dwarf.

Body Features

Muscular build with calloused hands.

Identifying Characteristics

The intricate tattoos on her arms, depicting her major discoveries.

Physical quirks

Always taps a rock thrice before mining it.

Special abilities

An innate ability to sense the purity of metals.

Apparel & Accessories

Leather apron, metal trinkets in her braid, and a pendant shaped like a pickaxe.

Specialized Equipment

Her personal pickaxe, adorned with runes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised among the echoing tunnels of the Dwarven Mountains, Mira's life has always been intertwined with the earth. Her marriage to Doran strengthened her ties to the mountains, and together they've faced both joys and challenges.


Mentored by her father in the art of mining and metal detection.


Miner, Metal Seer, and occasional consultant for the Mage Guild.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Discovery of the Luminous Vein, a rich source of magical metals.

Failures & Embarrassments

Once mistakenly mined a sacred site, leading to a temporary ban from mining.

Mental Trauma

The collapse of a tunnel that took the lives of two close friends.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sharp, observant, with a deep understanding of geology.

Morality & Philosophy

Respect the mountains, and they will reward you.


Mining on sacred grounds.

Personality Characteristics


To ensure the safety and prosperity of her family and community.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Exceptional at detecting metals, not so great at diplomacy.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves the sound of a pickaxe on stone, dislikes wastefulness.

Virtues & Personality perks

Honesty, diligence, and a keen sense of duty.

Vices & Personality flaws

Stubbornness, a bit of a hothead.

Personality Quirks

Humming old mining songs while working.


Contacts & Relations

Family Ties

Wife to Doran, mother to Hilda, mother-in-law to Brom.

Religious Views

Reverence for the Mountain Spirits.

Social Aptitude

Direct and no-nonsense, but with a warm heart.


Tends to stroke her chin when deep in thought.

Hobbies & Pets

A pet canary named Pebble, enjoys stone carving.


Deep voice, with a distinct Dwarvish accent. Often uses mining jargon.


Mira Stoneheart

Wife (Vital)

Towards Doran Hammerstrike



Doran Hammerstrike

Husband (Vital)

Towards Mira Stoneheart




Mira and Doran met in the bustling markets of Stonegate Fortress. Their shared passion for their respective crafts, mining and blacksmithing, brought them together. Over the years, their bond grew stronger, leading to marriage and the birth of their daughter, Hilda Hammerstrike.

Nicknames & Petnames

Mira often calls Doran "My Hammer", while Doran affectionately refers to Mira as "My Rock".

Relationship Reasoning

Their shared dedication to their crafts and mutual respect for each other's skills have solidified their bond. They've faced challenges together, from economic downturns to threats from rival clans, but their love and partnership have always seen them through.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both have a deep love for the Dwarven Mountains, a passion for their crafts, and a shared goal of ensuring a prosperous future for their family.

Shared Secrets

They've discovered a hidden vein of a rare metal in the Dwarven Mountains, which they've kept a secret to protect it from being exploited.

Shared Acquaintances

Brom Ironfoot, a close family friend and the husband of their daughter, Hilda. Archmage Bori Lightbearer, a frequent customer and ally.

Legal Status

Legally married under the laws of the Dwarven Mountains.

Wealth & Financial state

Comfortable, thanks to her discoveries and trade with the Mage Guild.
Current Status
Actively mining and mentoring young miners.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Metal Seer of Deep Hollow
157 years
8124 8281 157 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born during the Festival of Stones, considered a good omen.
Deep Hollow, a small settlement in the Dwarven Mountains.
Doran Hammerstrike (Husband)
Emerald green, almond-shaped, with a keen sharpness.
Chestnut brown, long, braided with small metal trinkets woven in.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep brown with a warm undertone.
4 feet 3 inches
160 pounds
Believer of the Mountain Spirits.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Dwarvish, Common Tongue, and a bit of Elvish.
Character Prototype
A blend of a traditional dwarf miner and a seer.

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