BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 02 - Feb 24th, 2023

General Summary

  • Tripwire in broken statue room, explosion
  • Next room has identical statue, but with tear tracks
  • Each offered up an emotional fact about ourselves to pass
  • Next room. Tarp with sharp broken stuff under it
  • we walk around the tarp
  • Now we get jumped by an assassin
  • He says mean things about us :<
  • Doesn't like The Holy Order of the Lawful Patriarch or
  • The Chosen
  • We beat him up and he runs away invisible
  • Go up the stairs to crowd cheering
  • Meet the Hand of the Lawful Patriarch
  • Go to the Chosen's Villa
  • Meet Antheia helps us with anything we want, servant of The Holy Order of the Lawful Patriarch
  • chill time til were needed

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